Tree of Savior Forum

NO Job reset PLEASE!

That has not even happened. People want a class reset because they did not bother to look in a class builder one second.

So whats the ■■■■■■■ issue? seriously… Take ragnarok for example, what happened when rogues were introduced and you had an assassin? You had to make an alt if you wanted a rogue…

Not everything needs to be as stupid as wow/mmos where u can play every damn class with 1 character.


I’m living proof that this is not the only reason people want a class reset and you are flat out ignoring it lmao

It is going to happen there are rank 8 classes that have been data mined

Mimic, Pied Piper, Centurion, Hackapell

The game is not going to be locked on rank 7 forever there are classes that we know nothing about and cannot plan for that will come and we will need circle resets to adjust for it

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So you are demanding a class reset because some new classes might be released sometime in the future and you are too lazy to level a character.

Again I’m not saying people want to play ever class

Let’s say someone is an archer 3, Ranger 2, Falconer, Cannoneer

Pied piper comes out and they did not know pied piper was coming or what spells it had

turns out that in order to make your build work for pied piper you need to go for ranger 3 or hunter or falconer 2

Is this person expected to lose their lolopanther gear and their cash shop costumes just to reroll so they can play the new class efficiently?

That’s idiotic.


I’ll tell you what will happen. Some will keep going with their character. Others will decide to reroll. This just adds to diversity.

With new ranks, this means new endgame dungeons. Some of these earth tower builds wont do so well. Some will stick with it, others will reroll. Adding to diversity again.

Maybe some of these not so popular builds will become amazing with a new class. So now these are good. Some may reroll into this build. Others that made this build already are ahead.

This is just with PvE. PvP will go through the same thing. Adding to diversity.


Why would they be forced to reroll?. I’m pretty sure there isnt going to be just ONE rank 8 class for archers. Stop theoryzing ■■■■ due to datamines.

You know, your argument with “I wanna be free to use the FOTM classes whenever I feel like doing and change my mind whenever another class is FOTM” is pretty… dumb.

They’ll make a new character with the build they want that they think it will synergize with Piep Piper…or use his current character to become one.

You are not forced to follow only a single path in this game, you are just trying to be as ‘optimal’ as possible.

If piep piper requires ranger C3 for example, you just make a new char with ranger 3, it’s not THAT hard.



LOL. The white knighting is real. Sure, imc isn’t obliged to give resets, but IMC loses when they lose a player. You know why they lose? because this game has a limited appeal to people, and will not be pulling in NEW players in noticeable numbers a year down the line. In fact, with the way things currently are, there will be a steep drop in players a few months after free release. People are spending real money on their CHARACTERS, not their accounts. You cant transfer money, you can’t do ■■■■ except put an item in a single account share slot for premium members. Imagine someone who spends $100+ on their character and the class gets heavily nerfed, or the rank 8, 9, 10 of the class has 0 synergy for his current build. He needs to change 1 circle but instead of that option, he has to completely reroll, start from the start like he hasn’t played the game for hundreds of hours. Doesn’t make sense, sorry. Stop attacking people who have reasonable concern for the longevity of the game. You guys who are against circle resets without reasonable arguments other than wanting fulfill you role playing fantasies or hindering the games success for the sake of “deal with it, it’s hcore mmo omfg you are stupid American boy don’t do research before play character for 500 hours noov”. Soon, you will be playing an empty game, so give reason rather than attacking us. All you did was quot him and add stupid remarks to his post.


And what about class locked gear on top of releveling to 300+ you have to refarm your gear as well?


Also @Eldryn you are not making any sense. stop trying to pigeon hole my points into points that have nothing to do with my own to fit your argument that doesn’t make you right it makes you look like you don’t know what you’re talking about.


Do you think that getting to level cap during a single month is too long?

This game is easy as heck to level up and the stronger your lodge characters are the easier it is for you to level up a new char…you’ll just need to replay the game using a different build.

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As I think about it, I do want the game to at least play more on their diverse tree system. Cleaner, fixed up descriptions with changeable attributes within the skill itself. Like, for instance:

Level 1
Attack: 54
Attribute Damage: 0%
Attribute: Knockdown [Inactive]
AoE Attack Ratio

And it should get more intuitive for the more fancier skills with varied skills:

Swash Buckling
Level 1
Targets: 7
Maximum Provocation: +2 for 30 Seconds
Attribute: +HP Increase [6% of Maximum HP]

I agree with all of this

Finally someone with common sense in this thread

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It’s not about 500 hours… just plan for about 10 min and ask in the forum if you don’t know what to do. It’s not that hard. You’re just… “special”

That’s not the point

I’m talking about in the future when getting to level cap does not take a month as it is right now there are so many restrictions in this game already that are going to cause people to walk right out that door they came in on f2p release

We want to fix the game but you want to hold it back

It makes no sense instead of rerolling people are going to quit

With circle resets people keep playing and IMC gets more money which keeps the game open so you can play it because people like me want to open our wallets since we see potential.

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Actually my goal here was to create a Support Wizard that would almost perma-CC monsters and so far it work very good with my friends when playing in a Party.

Solo, it’s useless but in team it does wonders.

Freezing monsters also means my Elementist friends does LOTS of damage with Electrocute.

Basically, Cyro C3 give me a LOTS of CC and this Character I went full CON because my party doesn’t rely on me doing damage.

So far I really enjoy that build. And that giant tree that drag monsters and freeze them at C3 Cyro is awesome, not to mention the Snowball!

It’s a very fun build to play, unless you play solo all the time, which is why I’m making a Chaplin when I solo I like this one.

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People have made plenty of good reasons. You guys just choose to ignore them or you personally dont think those reasons are a big deal, but just because you dont care for them, doesnt mean it isnt important for others.

People would say that your build is crap because you can’t solo, though you have a really solid role in teamplay.

On the contrary I have not ignored the good points. I am well aware how important it is for others which is why I made this thread friend.

I am trying to help the game not cause needless drama.

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