Tree of Savior Forum

NO Job reset PLEASE!

Uhm hi. Why are you replying to me? :stuck_out_tongue:

If you want to bring fault into this, then yes. Personally I would prefer to use the word ‘‘choice’’ or ‘‘decision’’.

I haven’t really seen any in the reset threads. I think.[quote=“ybastikian, post:130, topic:232755”]
so give reason

Read up to his/her other posts, for your answer.

That seems kind of common here. (I know, I’m brilliant at irony)

They’re not ALL unreasonable just the main posters in this thread such as OP.

OP’s arguments so far have been ignoring everybody elses point and just doing the text equivalent of screaming over someone because they don’t want to be open minded.

I’ve offered suggestions on how they can adapt their posts to not come off this way but they don’t listen I have tried over and over again it’s like talking to a wall.

There are a lot of you though that have good points I just don’t think anyone should be closing off the opposite sides opinions because the game can grow and the community can grow by discussing how to make it work to make everyone happy.

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You might want to rephrase the first sentence of that thread’s OP then.

That is your definition of ‘fix’, that’s the thing.

For me, for example, the game is fine in terms of path building.

The game is meant for replay, even though it doesn’t have much replaying value at the moment…but HEY, BETA.

When you begin charging money for your game you can no longer call your game a beta.

This game is in early access and about to launch about a week and a half from now it can’t hold onto the crutches of beta anymore.

@forgotten_dreams I wouldn’t have to have made that sentence in the OP if it weren’t true. Reread through this thread and tell me that sentence is wrong. You can speak the truth about something without intending to cause drama.

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Its a nice thought but in reality the hardcore players just want to think something like their better then everyone else since they can level a character to max and redo everything even if it takes a month per char.

90% of the game community and potential future players are not going to waste their time doing another 200 hrs on a char just to have it become useless with any patch or a single wrong choice that they made while leveling.

What i mean by that is that most people are not going to throw hundreds of hours and dollars down the drain and be told remake it or don’t play because guess what we just made everything you ever did pointless.

Ro was in the past and this is now.

A game with that much of a curve will just die out cause you can easily find another game that does the same thing only better.


I take it you’ve changed your mind then, because that’s not what you said before.

That’s ironic because I don’t see you respond to my posts. That said, to be fair it’s not like I’m 200% seriously arguing anymore at this point. All the arguments have already been given several hundreds of posts ago (in this topic).

They’re not even hardcore players. They’re just wannabe hipster morons that want to be against what the majority wants.

Because in the end, these idiots aren’t going to quit the game regardless if this gets implemented or not. They are 99.9% likely going to reset their character and look back at this and pretend they never were against it.

People are just in self denial.


@forgotten_dreams I replied to you just before you made that post friend o:

I just can’t figure out how to multi-reply to people so I pinged you instead that’s my bad i’m still learning this forums setup

You highlight the words and click the quote reply that pops up.

Its not the most intuitive x.x

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Look. No resets are a part of this game. I know this isnt the best way to put this, but if you cant handle this, then the game isnt for you. If you quit because you dont like it, we wont stop you because the game just wasnt for you.

I don’t go to other games and try to completely change a major aspect of the game. I just realize this game isnt for me and there are plenty of people who enjoy it. Then i move to a game that does have the things i like.

People who came to this game because of the old mmo feel and the no resets, like the game was designed to be, will be turned of because you guys want the game to be easier. Yes, it might just be time, but that makes the game easier. People say things like “its 2016 it should be this way”, well this game is meant to be like old mmos.

People who like games that there is class diversity and games where people cant just change their build up whenever they feel like it and have to work to be a specific class. These are the people who the game is for. For me, it is this game that you’re trying to change on me.

Also the fact that you are trying to take one of the only risk factors out of this game. Many people like risk. Not everyone likes all these casual games that are out right now, and we need something like this. So the people who want to change this should realize this is just how the game is and either just play it or leave. You want a casual game, this isnt it. Sorry.

I’m tired of this whole topic. Im done with it and i hope they never give rank resets.


You can quote by by selecting text like this:

Multi replying technically doesnt work, but what this does is send something similar to a ping anyway.

Multi quoting is as much of a pain to write as it is to read tho, I wouldnt advice that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you lol

I come from a web forum that wouldn’t even let people double post and used like 8 year old forum code

this is all brand new to me


Please, don’t speculate percentages out of random, 90% IS NOT the amount of players that want the reset. To be honest, both sides are somewhat even.


Call me a wannabe hipster moron as much as you want, that won’t make you any better. Offending people won’t claim your statement as legit anyway.

If they actually release such feature I would certainly use it, that is called acceptance. Though, while the game does not have it I am going to stand firm against the idea.


Not everyone is a bad player, dont worry. Most people I know can either:

A) Make any build work, not being forced to reset/reroll

B) Make an educated choice(watch youtube videos of how the class PLAYS, which can be seen from ktos videos)

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And people will do just that, leave the game making the game lose money, you must be a masochist if you like punishment. Assuming that everyone who is annoyed that because they chose the wrong class they were so passionate about are 10 year old kiddies makes you look immature and making your argument invalid. Telling people to like it or GTFO and go play candy crush is the most backwards thing you said in your comment, show me a game that was made in the last 2 years that was received and was great as is that didn’t need improvement… never settle never stay silent because people who voice dislikes and likes is what makes a great game great. I know that is what you are doing here but you aren’t posting an opinion to help the game you are attacking people who just happened to voice their opinions on an aspect of the game.

When they destroy your favorite class into the ground you better eat your own words and shut the hell up or go play candy crush when you come into the forums and whine about wanting a class reset, and using the class nerf as an excuse.


Punishment are only for those who do not carefully make decisions.

If they nerf my favorite class to the ground? That is impossible in my case because…heh, I play hunter…CYCLE THREE. :wink:


My favorite class is already half broken to begin with, so that would be pretty impressive I think. Fortunately half broken is still pretty good in this game. Plus there’s lots and lots of other classes.

Personally if I --reaaallly-- dislike a game, I will stop playing it.
That’s what I did with WoW when I started to dislike being -30% dps behind other classes.

But then this game isnt WoW, and WoW-attitudes really have no place here.

Can somebody tag any staff in this matter. This Reset class discussion will breed and lead to hate. This will never end until someone on the staff say something on their side.

I really think that IMC should make a reset class item.
Then sell it for 2000 TP, take some of the profit as well.
Most people who asking for reset class item, imo, are kids. So they don’t have money to pay for it otherwise.