Tree of Savior Forum

The Pro's and Con's of a circle reset

Since both sides want to put fingers in their ears and go lalalalala and not listen to constructive opinions or posts I am going to make an unbias log of everything people have said both for an against and hopefully people can not be petty in this thread and call each other names.

The Pros:

Allows the Metagame to breathe and evolve, promotes diversity in builds and allows those who wish to support the game experiment a little easier.

Helps “future proof” builds. At some point in future we are going to get more ranks. Rank 8, 9, 10 etc we do not know what these ranks are so it is IMPOSSIBLE to “do research” and “plan ahead” for these classes. A Circle reset would fix this and make it so people do not have to abandon all of their untradable gear, cash shop items, etc just to “fix” their build when a future class comes out.

More money for IMC which means more content and a longer lifespan of the game.

Again diversity diversity diversity.

The Cons:

People leveling up a dps class and then switching to a support or crafting character. (this is the one valid anti circle reset argument that I actually agree with personally)

It makes the “hardcore” players upset which causes a backlash on IMC’s end which is bad for everyone and publicity to an extent.

Comes off as “pay to win” when people can change their class to fit the current flavor of the month.

I would like to keep a solid tally in this thread of For and Against I would do a strawpoll but these are very easily abused so I will personally make an effort to go through each post in this thread and no other thread just this thread and put a mark down for each For and Against that I see. If I do not catch one or miss it please let me know by pinging me.

For: I

Against: I

Thank you for taking the time to read and please be constructive in this thread as I am attempting to consolidate the mess and make it easier for IMC to take a look at. I will also try and update the pros and cons if they are more than ‘I don’t like this’ if people come up with good ones.


The pro is you can get a flag.
The con is you got a flag.


Um… right. Because we all want to change our Dragoon’s into Squires and Linkers to Alchemist yep. Makes total sense.

Uhh, because you totally wouldnt pyro all the way to 200 then switch to chronolinker.

How does that even make any logical sense though? A linker/chronomancer is more useful in general regardless of your level.

For: IceCold

Yes, but not at lower levels, you go try to lvl a linker solo …

See the only portion I agree with in the For category is the future proofing of builds. However, certain classes will always fulfill certain rolls and “new” circles will not change that. Some may be stronger than others, but there will always be people who want to experiment. People wanting to experiment isn’t wrong, but them wanting a way to suddenly have something that may be of better value because their experiment didn’t pay off is completely wrong.

I am completely against offering a circle reset of any kind. My friend put it best. If you got tired of playing a rogue in WoW, should you get to pay $20 and suddenly have a paladin? Or a hunter? No. This is the exact same thing that’s going to happen here. A LOT of circles offer many diverse choices on what/how to play and and also offer different challenges. Being able to suddenly reroll to whatever you want is stupid.

So no, I am completely against circle resets.

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I don’t really get this con. Do people not want more healers? Most crafters I see start with dps builds to level easier anyway, so that really doesn’t matter too much. Instead of having people switch to support later you just have less support overall. Who wins here?

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See the wow comparison doesn’t really work though because it’s class system is completely different

Tree of saviors class system functions almost in the same way as stats do. You pick certain classes because their spells synergize well with your other spells

If you are a rank 7 archer for example you are an archer your other class choices are more of “upgrades” or “stats” to add to your kit.

Completely ignore the classes and picture it as skills in a huge skill tree. this is what tree of saviors class system is a giant skill tree.

In wow it’s ridiculous to change from a rogue to a paladin because a rogue is not a paladin but a fletcher is an archer and a peltasta is a swordsman

You see what i’m getting at here?


I play a swordsman tank, the worst dps class in the game. Don’t tell me how hard it is to lvl now.

Also, nobody is talking about resetting circles when you’re like level 50. We’re talking about Rank 6 and 7 when you’re over 200 levels.

There are some people (like myself) who enjoy support/healing more than tanking or DPS. I always have and always will.

I mained healing/support in pretty much every MMO I’ve played. Yes, it can be painful, but it’s pretty fun a lot of times. I always have at least 1 friend to play an MMO with (the one now is a Pelt/Hop tank and I’m a FS priest) so it really isn’t that big a deal for me.

However, I can see your argument. And while I see some points in it, it would be bad to do something like this because it will take a LOT of individuality out of the game and let everyone try to min/max with no effort.

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You make a decent argument, but you’re forgetting one crucial thing. Each class uses different weapons and different stat distributions.

Several different classes in the archer tree use different weapons. Some use crossbows/shields, some use straight bows and others use crossbows/daggers. That’s part of the class, yes, but each play style is completely different. It’s like the difference of a Bowling Bash Rogue vs Claymore Trap Rogue in the original RO. Same class, but completely different play styles/stats.

ToS offers much of the same thing. Changing from 1 job in archer class will still affect how you play the game as that character. (It may not be a large change, but it’s still there)

That’s a good point I hadn’t really factored in the weapon argument.

The way I look at it is like this

Cannoneer for example can use all of archers spells, rangers spells etc but cannot use fletchers spells with a cannon because it requires special arrows.

There is also weapon swap mechanics in this game that allow you to equip two different weapons and the game will auto switch your weapon based on what spell you are casting.

The developers are aware of this which is why we have swapping and such in the game.

However I do agree that there should be some restrictions I am not a game developer so I do not know how they can restrict this but I am sure there are ways they can do it to make both parties happy.

Don’t think there should be circle reset, it’s a confirmed that people will abuse them. I mean, if you want to play another job or class, you can just make a new character but yet, a lot people agree them because of their laziness and claiming “it’s a waste of time”, why bother playing :sunny:

I like the permanence of classes; kind of like RO where you choose “Wizard” or “Sage”, and you can’t take it back later.
I was always one to make annoying builds (CON Cryo/Chrono in TOS, Vit/Dex Scholar in RO) even while primarily playing solo. I believe it’s well worth the effort to struggle through to get a great class composition in the end. I think the entire thing is cheapened by just paying TP or something to reset.

I mean, in this game you can’t even choose hair color when you start up, because they want you to gain the hair and feel attached the the character by getting that hair. Why should classes not be something you “grow” with as well, instead of just DPSing the entire way up and changing to an end-game viable build?

IF there were a circle reset; how I’d like it to be implemented…

  • You’re Lv15/15 Cleric 1, ready to job change.
  • When you are choosing your job advancement; it “Snapshots” your current Skill Points/Circles/Ranks.
  • Anytime during that Rank (Lv 23/6 Priest 1) you can choose to “abandon” your current progress, and go back to that rank’s job change. (Revert to 23/1. Become Cleric 2, Priest 1 [Again] or Krivis 1)
  • Your skills/skill points get restored back to the state it was when you first attempted the job change.
  • Impossible attributes are also reset (C2 Cleric Safety Zone, and trying to reset to take it back), and you are not refunded the Silver.

This way, you can take back the “buyers remorse” of only the latest class choice.
But you aren’t able to go any further back to completely change your build anymore.

The only problem I see with this is the Guild class. They can either prevent that class alone from being able to do this, or erase the guild (and all perks that came along with the guild) if that character decides to reset their class.
(Then of course, the people who just want to DPS -> Pay to become End-Game will also have a problem with this method)


I have edited the main post to add an against for you thank you for doing what I had hoped people would do politely xD

Some people have been talking about this in another thread and the idea was that if it was implemented in game, it should either be EXTREMELY difficult to do, or have a reaaaallllly long cooldown on being able to do it.

Both of which I can agree to. And also limit the amount of times it can be done. Say, 3 times per character. If you can’t correct something that you feel you messed up in 3 times, reroll time.

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That statement is clearly backed up with your BS degree right?

all i can say is dont be lazy. go and grind like everyone is doing