Tree of Savior Forum

NO Job reset PLEASE!

Do me a favor and read my post a couple posts back it may change your mind.

You clearly did not read any of my posts. Dont generalize if you cant form a response to constructive posts

I did. And told you - if the game is too complex for you, go play something else. Period.

Read my post above yours. Iā€™m in favor of a way that you wont have to throw away your old character.

Why didnt RO fail? RO didnt have a change job cash shop item. If you picked sage, youā€™d end up being professor. All you could change was skills/stats via cash shop, not whole damn jobs.


Itā€™s okay. You seem to undetstand what we are getting at. And what I meant by fake diversity. A little more push and you will be on this side of the boat.

You didnt read it if you think planning for the unknown is ā€œcomplexā€ lmao

And why did WoW fail?

  • because they removed the entire skill trees where you actually had to THINK about what you do and just gave every class certain skills at certain levels and thatā€™s it, so that it is idiot proof for 5 year old kiddies.

Why are you quoting me? o.o. I just said a system with no class reset can workā€¦

Wow also didnt fail last i checked it still has an expansion coming out very soon and blizzard is a huge successful company

Where is the failure?

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There is one thing that keep bothering me about all these NERF talk that peoples seems to advocate as a reason for Circle Reset.

Iā€™m currently leveling 3 characters, cuz well I like to try different things.

Currently, Iā€™m leveling:

C2 Cleric, C3 Krivis planning to go Druid.
C1 Cleric, C2 Priest, Planning to go Chaplin.
C1 Wizard, C3 Cyromancer, Planning to go Chronomancer.

Iā€™m having fun leveling those three just because well, I donā€™t care about being number 1 DPS, or number one at anything.

I made threads about how I hated Flying Monsters in this game, rendering 90% of my skills useless as a Cleric. Iā€™ll make threads about ANY class I play that feels under-powered or is under-performing.

But I will NEVER ask to have the ability to reset my Classā€¦because then why even bother making alts or even playing the gameā€¦it just become a race to max level and then what? Pick FOTM build and be done with the gameā€¦

From my point of view, Class Reset should only occur when there is some dramatic changes to the game. Like letā€™s say they increase level CAP once a years and added a bunch of new classes.

Chances are this will changes the META completely and many classes combo may become obsolete.

Also what if they change Pardonner and you canā€™t use Daino/Barrier scrolls anymore like they are planning for KTOS. Wouldnā€™t that make Krivis more interesting and Paladin too?

In any case, this would debate about Circle Reset seems to come from peoples that just want to play the FOTM classes and have the ability to switch on the fly when the next FOTM combo arrives. That without ever investing any time.


Mostly kiddos that ruin every community they enter.

I got curious, what kind of combos have you planned using with that build? People who pick pyro usually take linker too to boost their fireballā€™s damage.

Donā€™t need resets, fix the broken circles, skills, et cetera.

You can only see it when you advance to that class, not before then.

The game also doesnā€™t even inform you that Chaplain is an option.
You have to find that out via other players, so how did you miss the extra information about Aspergillum that you sought?

Itā€™s true that my point is unrelated, but so is yours. Your example is a poor one, because Aspergillumā€™s description is actually quite okay.
Anything more then that should be up to the players own descretion to find out on their own.

This is a multi-player game. You canā€™t reason like large impactful decisions like these donā€™t influence everyone.

WoW has been a big $$ earning success for (activision) Blizzard. Quality-wise? Not so much.

They have these amazing cinematics and the new areas are actually kind of nice and awesome looking. They feel like a real part of a world now.
Thatā€™s about all the game has to offer in terms of quality. (that+ streamlined/polished movement/UI)

Now Iā€™m trying to picture what a Snowball at super buffed movement speed would look like.

did you ever FCKING open a skill builder? Or FCKING GOOGLE? No. Then itā€™s your own FCKING fault if you fail.

Seriously, I geniunely hate people demanding the entire game to become braindead just become they act so.

Sorry, my bad. I read it as pyromancer instead of cryo. People should really stop typing these incorrectly on purpose. It bugs me enough when people do similar bastardizations on server names. Klaipeda is usually Klapedia and Fedimian sometimes turns into Femidian for some reason :confused:

Is it gonna be peoples fault when classes come out that donā€™t exist yet that we couldnā€™t possibly plan ahead for?

No it wonā€™t be lmao this is the problem that you seem to be ignoring

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That has not even happened. People want a class reset because they did not bother to look in a class builder one second.