Tree of Savior Forum

[NA] / [SEA] Server Merge - First Notice

If you play in the NA or SEA regions, make sure to read this announcement!


that took long enough :haha: IMC finally admit the game doesn’t have the population for 6 servers

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fedimian is dead :tired:


4.2. Collections

  • Collection data from [NA] Orsha and [SEA] Varena will be deleted

Does this mean Varena/Orsha players have to recollect their collections after the merge?
If so, RIP :tired:


What does Fedimian has to do with this? :thinking:



Seriously? So it means that all 70 sets of collections i have been collecting will be deleted? Am i gonna to recollect again? Some collections even need rare mats.Is it possible to remain the collection data?I can see my effort go waste…


This sounds so… wrong? Dumb? I can’t even find a word for it… ‘HI, we’ll merge all servers… oh, maybe we’ll delete a few data, oops, sorry for that. What a shame, eh? By the way, did you buy your gacha today?’


What will happen if … let’s say.
Person A, team level 40, has a team in Klaipedia, team named ABC, quit the game a year ago and has never logged in since.
Person B, team level 20, has a team in Orsha, team named ABC, is currently an active player.
Or Telsiai vs Varena for that matter.

That is not possible at least for NA. team names are unique among both the servers. So if theres a user ABC in klaip then there cant be an ABC in orsha.

Id assume the same applies to SEA

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Ah I see, Thanks ! :hugs:

Base slots isn’t 4 though? Don’t you guys remember the Leaf Penguin? It’s supposed to be 5 now

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B-b-but we have 40k CCU. :upside_down_face:

Game is fine. Yep. It’s fine. Fine.


Why not just merge the fedi server in the na server too?
I mean fedi maybe got more players then orsha but thats all xD

In the end klai will be the better choice.


dang that collection though. hopefully just misinterpretation.

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4.2. Collections

  • Collection data from [NA] Orsha and [SEA] Varena will be deleted.
  • Only data from [NA] Klaipeda and [SEA] Telsiai will remain.

This is bullshit. :tired:


Never forget :

And pray they took time to develop something for it this time.

i can see a lot of ppl with the founder’s pack making accounts on the other servers just so they can get the TP from it…

Deleting collection data is disgraceful. If they can’t do a merger properly they should wait until they fix their system.

I’m sure there’s people on Orsha who don’t want to be forcibly merged anyway, and of course Klaipeda doesn’t need this. Will IMC save money by merging servers? They’d better not let Fedimian come crawling back to us after that forum war they waged demanding a server.