Tree of Savior Forum

Your thoughts about the upcoming 'Server Merge'

You mean going from 4 people to 2?


This is long overdue. The only reason they needed more servers to begin with was to support the huge rush of players when the game first opened. But, since their total incompetence at managing the game and the incomplete state of the buggy mess they put out drove 95% of players away very quickly, having multiple regional servers has just unnecessarily reduced the active player base per server for a long time. This can only make it easier to find people to do what little content in the game requires a group which is especially good for anyone naive enough to try and start the game now.

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I got many full dex chars, a server merge to another location will kill 4 of my chars

I’m on Orsha, am I going to lose my entire collection? o.O Cuz I just spent a large portion of my time when I returned to finally get every single collection box in the game and complete as many as I could.

according to the annoucement, they made? yes literally they said that.
according to the answer Staff Letitia give to Queue? probably not

staff should be clear on this matter, im also worry about that, because honestly some of my collection got those rare drops.

Nope. You’ll keep them it seems.

Please make sure to ask your doubts like this in the main thread:

Having 3+ threads only spreads information and confuse people.

I’m not sure what’s the source for this but:

Seems your collection data is safe.


To compliment that, at a GM meetup, they said that they had no plans to close down iToS. ~


Don’t forget Grand Fantasia. They merged and remerged servers tons of times… and it’s still there. :grin:

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Hopefully more optimization might come around that time to handle maybe some lag due to merged population. Also handle botting man. Bots wildin on high lvl maps nowadays 24/7.

It’s weird even having an MMO with servers anyways nowadays. It’s 2018, all MMOs should have megaservers, with multiple channels if needed.

Also handle botting man. Bots wildin on high lvl maps nowadays 24/7.

almost impossible now, bots got boosted via the old rookie event, then they nerfed the rookie event for this month to curb it, but the new buffed field map exp implemented in the R9 patch make bots level quickly anyway.

so the nerfed rookie event will almost do nothing to the speed leveling bots, best thing they could’ve done is take away the overpowered event items and leave the exp boosters, bots will level like animals anyway, since they kill 24/7, the exp will be useful for returners, new players and people who want to experiment.

Then they filled it with loli and loli only classes and it diededz in NA

Either way it got worse and the FBI shut it down and everyone hauled ass outa there.

@LunarRabbit @diane well let me ask you this, did the population drop when the merges happen? The games you mentioned might be popular games that merging does not cause too much impact. Tree of Savior on the other hand is barely surviving I heard… Not to be negative here, but I just like this game so much.

Tibia doesn’t die… it’s from… 94? 95? I don’t remember, but it’s older than some players here… and it’s still popular, who knows why?

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Server merge finally, great. But if we look at it another way, good idea but once again shitty terrible execution. They’re practically screwing over players with characters in 2 servers.

More specifically, character slots. Especially in a game where pets fking takes up character slots. Not to mention some classes depends on pets so they’re mandatory. You’d expect them to just combine the character slots for the merge, just like any other games would, but nope IMC’d again.

Also with having more players in a world, let’s not forget more bots and WB competition. Knowing IMC, there won’t be enough channels to make up for them, or won’t even increase the channels at all.

Situations vary, really. People are quick to go doom&gloom about things, and while I can’t say the state for Varena, lets take Orsha into example. It was there at launch, likely do deal with the hype impact. Now that the waves are long and gone(and then localized servers like Fedimian happened, which made people transfer away), ask yourself, whats the point of Orsha? Only point is if you want a quiet server for yourself.

Plenty of people want a server that has people on it, because it makes for healthier grouping, market, etc. New players, without a doubt, are far more likely to roll on Klaipeda instead of Orsha. As people leave for whatever reasons, Orsha is hemorrhaging players while perhaps having a knit community. It simply having little reason to exist. Merges don’t just happen because “le failing game”, but because at some point some servers simply have no point in existing for a healthier state of the game.

There are plenty of games that have had merges and are still around. TERA and Tibia mentioned earlier, then you have practically every NCSoft game. I vaguely recall Lineage2 had merges around 2009? or earlier, but I haven’t played since Interlude, so memory is haze. Aion have had merges, and new servers happening, merges, in cycles too. If Tree of Savior is doing well or not, is not something you can just tell from steam charts alone like some autists on this board think, but in how much dosh that IMC is making and only they know that one. The game could lose 1000 players today, but it matters nothing if all those 1000 players didn’t spend a dime. Look at fRO(the European servers for RO), they probably have maybe 200 players odd or something on at the same time, excluding the merchants that make up pretty much the population of the game making the login screen show 600 odd. “Whales” can keep the show running for a long time, all depending the expenses IMC have.


Can’t wait for Whalesiai to merge with Barena clowns for a whole new world of a toxic salty SEA. Best update from IMC since never.


i’m just paranoid on what would happen to my account during the merge OxO;;

i also mistakenly created a character in varena back then, but i deleted it now OxO


I agree with you that servers merge for various reasons and not just “gam s dieing”. I also believe that IMC will do everything in their power to keep itos up as long as they have at least a handful of whales to milk.

But you do you really believe that 1000 freemium players leaving would not matter at all? Those free players still contribute to the economy even if it’s just farming and selling blessed crystals so the whales can have a steady supply of crystals for transcend. That’s just 1 reason.

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