Tree of Savior Forum

[NA] / [SEA] Server Merge - First Notice

Another sign of the end. Merging servers tryna salvage crap. Two GMs logged in on klai last week asking us whats up and we said we were completely bored because there is literally nothing to do in game but the same few mind numbing stuff and their response was oh you guys dont like the new cash shop boxes with the new doge in it ? -_- how is adding more crappy stuff to cash shop to milk money helping us or giving us stuff to do smh. Useless.


hey feel free to donate money to them to keep the server up if you donā€™t like the cash shop stuff

This seems bad, like not good

40k players on 4 servers now? Thatā€™s 10k per server. Oh boy! No more long dgn queue times. :distinguished:

merge all server when? :distinguished:

We only got less than 2k players at peak times. They should merge all servers

You are kidding us, right? All collection data deleted and thatā€™s it? We wasted time and silver on that and you will just send it to trash? That canā€™t be trueā€¦


@STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Han @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Ethan

4.2. Collections
- Collection data from [NA] Orsha and [SEA] Varena will be deleted.
- Only data from [NA] Klaipeda and [SEA] Telsiai will remain.

Please be clear on this one, many of us have got those drops by luck and going again trying to get its a no no, why Orsha and Varena have to do all the work again for? in other threads people have posted that you guys will not delete the data.


Probably not, i think when they start to do the transfering of the DB to the other server they would transfer the data of your team as it is on your current server, this mean the flag that check if you already got the rewards or not will be there so if you indeed got the reward that flag is already marked and it going to be transfered with the merge so pretty much it will say that team already got the reward and you cant get it again.

in case you already have a team in the server you going to transfer well the annoucement already said how they would work and will happen the same thing: the team that have the most EXP, most character will remain as your main team and if that team have also got the rewards most likely wouldnt not get it again.

of course dont take my words as granted and probably we can get the stuff again, but most likely i think we dont going to get it again. hope im wrong :stuck_out_tongue:

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4.2. Collections

Collection data from [NA] Orsha and [SEA] Varena will be deleted.
Only data from [NA] Klaipeda and [SEA] Telsiai will remain.

We worked hard for that, and if you canā€™t transfer the files from server to server, then it is pointless doing the merge. I get that there will be a marginal of error or some sort of data loss, but it is worth making people go through the same hassle in order to get it. It is quite tedious and ridiculous, if you ask me.

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Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s the source for this but:

Seems your collection data is safe.

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"IMPORTANT! What happens if I have a team in both servers?

If you have a team in both servers of the same region, some elements of your secondary team may not remain in the merged server.

One of your teams will be automatically selected as your main team, based on the following criteria:

1st priority) Highest total of EXP (sum of all characters in team)
2nd priority) Largest number of characters in team

You can expect most data from your main team to remain unaltered after the merge, but you may lose some data from your secondary team."

And if my main team is from Orsha server and secondary Klaipeda? Orsha collection deleted too? Team name of my Orsha main team? or Klaipeda native name?

What will happen to people with teams on all servers and their characters?_?

will the teams merge successfully?_?

what will happen to the team names?_?

What about the TP, silver, items, etcā€¦

@STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ines

and to show how much I want answers, I shall sacrifice 3 @Staff cards: @STAFF_Julie @Staff_J @STAFF_John and the super rare @STAFF_Shawn to summon @STAFF_Yuri

Itā€™s shared between server regions as well. I tried to start anew on Varena only to be disappointed. I even gave it the team name I most prefer.

On topic, I said on reddit as well, but

Forcefully making users to pay for team slot or delete their character seems stupid to me.

I only ever had merge experience that had a problem with character limits. But that time, we were able to keep all our characters from all servers by making the system go over the the maximum character limit. We could not make any new one until we delete characters to the normal maximum, but we could still access them.

im not staff :joy: but this how i understood that annoucement

im also from orsha and i have mi main team in orsha (because when i tried to play in klaipedia never let me join the first day due that queue system kinda like dofus old time and honestly wanted to play badly i ended up playing in orsha).

My team level in NA-ORSHA is lvl 61 while NA-KLAIPEDIA is lvl 1 also i have 12 characters in Orsha (10 characters, 2 companions) so when the merge starts what will happen its the game will consider which team is what you play most since this case its quite easy, will consider my team in orsha my main team because it have tons of characters, have high level characters due the team level.

so will take all the data from such team (Silver, equipment, premium items, etc, etc) and my previous team in klaipedia i guess will get overwritten by my Orsha team.

In short: if you played more in orsha than klaipedia its most likely the team you will get in klaipedia would be your orsha team.

About collection i cant tell you i have the same doubt, Staff havent said nothing about it and other players said our collection wouldnt get deleted. so in that part i cant help you.

Try going to the link and reading the whole page. :tired:

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Unfortunately people would abuse that by making characters just for the extra slots before the merge happens :\

Could easily fixed by making a time limit.

Only characters created from - until will be blah blah.

Itā€™s not an excuse for them to make people forcibly delete what they put time on or make them pay for it.

I only play on Orsha and have 7 characters and 1 pet. Am I going to have to delete of my characters? :frowning:

They just said in a post they were going to expand character spots. Why not wait to merge when that is ready?

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