Tree of Savior Forum

UNOFFICIAL @STAFF_Yuri appreciation thread

Would be the reincarnation of @Staff_Julie ? Or a less sarcastic version of @STAFF_Max? Maybe the end of HUE?

let us know, @haukinyau1 .

He looks less robot

[details= Staff_Yuri][quote=“STAFF_Yuri, post:20, topic:339484”]
Not the monster ball right? :confused:



[quote=Staff_Julie]My goodness, thank you everyone.

You’re the reason why I can do what I’m doing. [/quote]


Better rename this to "Official @STAFF_Yuri appreciation thread"
We need one for sure.

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That’s right?


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I don’t think we need more of this…

and I don’t like counting my apples before they grow…


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HUE never dies. I dont think she is after HUE to begin with cause, seriously, @haukinyau1 and whatever other alt, along with the hueknights would have been banned by now. Including myself.



You go off killing people on your own accord?

And i don’t get why you are so exited about a messenger, she will only pass to them what she read here, and no one, even she, can’t give any certain that they will do anything.

Same to info that come from IMC, do you really believe they will reveal any info they don’t want just because a staff is more active than others?

I can already see people using Yuri as a scapegoat when things don’t go the way they want, just like happened before.


Do you know that it’s just accounts with administrative powers? Who guarantees you that STAFF_Max is not in the STAFF_Yuri account? Maybe all these accounts are from a person, Mr hkkim .


instead of weekly NPC Profile
we should have one just for just staff, call it Community Master or GM profile! i’d love to get to know more about our GM and CM
like what they are like outside the company; hobbies, how did they get hire, etc. etc. nothing too personal just the general question in getting to know someone.

The goddess is as tall as female NBA players.
Laima is Hue, Goddess Laima indirectly represents the Hue knights, and the Demon is …
That NPC profile is a wanted poster in disguise. Try replacing these words into the message.

People will just complain anything IMC posted if it has nothing to do with changing the game. And yea I’d say that post is better if it appears in TOSbase rather than Official News.

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@Manager_4 is the best mod. How come they don’t get any special threads?


Careful guys the last time a staff got appreciated she ends up quitting because everyone went to her and piled all their problems on one person :grinning:


yo @VacaOverpower

yuri has no chill… huehuehue

but having yuri is better than dealing with wall bot copy pasta vague replies


How does hues feel about someone like @whiteloki then? They are usually last seen on the forums every other day like @Manager_4 and a “leader” mod role! Maybe you can get a little thing like that “Leadhue” or something.

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im not interested in mod role

but i was modkore local moderator once

oh well…


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@haukinyau1, @STAFF_Yuri is missing after this post

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Called me? :wink:



I’m surprised

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le wild yuri appears~



Not the monster ball right? :confused:


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