Another update (this feels like a journal really), I hope I don’t sound annoying posting these updates time-to-time.
Just reached Monk C2, lvl 176 and got my Energy Blast and One-Inch Punch
. I still feel that Diev Monks > Sadhu Monks > Priest Monks, although Priest Monks > Sadhu Monks for support. There were a few moments where I wished my skills had less cooldown (Palm strike, One-Inch Punch, and especially Energy Blast etc) and a Diev Monk would be able to spam more, so I still feel Diev Monks are the way to go. Few things I noticed or things that other people told me I would want to clarify though:
- Your Out-of-Body spirit can use C attacks
Basically, while in Out-of-Body with a dagger, I could use dagger attacks on my spirit while the physical body doesn’t do anything. From testing it, the damage is physical-based and acts like one (it can crit), but it does not proc additional hits from equipment like Cafrisun or from skills like Sacrament. I can use dagger attacks with Out-of-Body as fast as I could with the physical body, but on mobs, the dagger attack slows down, which does not happen when I use the Out-of-Body auto attack. It was a useful gimmick for early gameplay to proc Pierce+50%, but it fell off since Out-of-Body auto attack does more damage and has more uses. Furthermore, sometimes I cannot use Dagger attacks in Out-of-Body, so I think this is a bug that will get fixed in future.
- Changing direction of Energy Blast while in Out-of-Body
Yeah, you can change the direction of Energy Blast while in Out-of-Body, graphic-wise. I tried this and while I can change the direction of my Energy Blast, the Energy Blast stops doing damage when I do so (Eg. Enemies in Right and Left direction, I shoot Energy Blast to the Right and it does damage, but no monsters received damage on the Left when I shifted it there, and I shifted it back to the Right and it still does not do damage). Moral of the story, this doesn’t work.
On a side note, I can use my Out-of-Body to auto attack while using Energy Blast.
Compared to a character who do not invest in movement speed or without tokens, you do move faster than such characters. However, compared to a token user, especially with speed buffs, your speed is barely different due to the animation needed to cast Out-of-Body and Prakriti and it feels more efficient to just run. Mounting classes are faster, no argument there. While I say that though, most of the time in dungeons where I already have Out-of-Body up and DPS-ing bosses and I notice Heal tiles are being used up, I can zoom in and move to heal players much faster than just running up to them, and I can Heal party members much than as a Priest Monk.
Basically, you probably won’t use Out-of-Body to move through dungeons, but in mobbing / bossing circumstances where you already have Out-of-Body is where Sadhu Monks shines in mobility.
- Out-of-Body | Monk skills synergy
The reason why I felt Priest Monks weren’t as useful is because from my experience, the support skills were only good theoretically (too many archers/wizards get one-shotted so I cannot use Revive) and I need to invest in Priest C3 for the buff skills to be useful (Blessing pre-kToS patch, SPR-less Stone skin, also Mass Heal which I feel is only useful at C3). Diev, Paladin and Sadhu were my options, and I mentioned before why I chose Sadhu.
With that being said, compared to my Priest Monk, I feel that I am able to do more damage as a Sadhu Monk as compared to a Priest Monk, and Sadhu Monks shine in circumstances where you are fighting mobs / bosses with Safety Zone up, or fighting physical-based bosses with abyssal accuracy (most evident in Siaulai Dungeon mission) and I could keep up Out-of-Body and Monk skills as long as drug- I mean stamina pills could take me. At some dungeon instances I get aggro from bosses even when archers and wizards are in the party, but I figure it’s due to a lack of proper equipment or crit chance, and I expect such cases to not happen in late-game. I have not tried PvP as I only intend to PvE so I cannot give any experience regarding Sadhu Monks and PvP.
With that said, I am still using Cafrisun equipment, but with Suncus Maul and Arde Dagger. Any recommendations for Armor?