Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

safety zone has a long downtime, once you get to sadhu you will understand way more than you do on paper…

( i use safety, then oob, kill 5 monster and the others run, so theyre out of range, so i used safety zone for only 5 monsters and now have to run out of safety zone and waste it)

and the evasion never works, it misses 10% of the time for me, even with max attribute level.

and oob you lose time, and hp (if u get hit) if u dont want to lose hp, then i guess u can safety zone and lose some sp (so oob bascally does have a cost)

and putting points into dex is bad for sadhu, if u put 1 point into anything other than int then oob becomes useless. if ur goig sadhu for monk, the only pro would be pvp advantages


it is workable, based on the vid.
sadhu 1 as:

  • debuff
  • filler damage
  • semi evasion

that’s what @4lkruzeth wanted/asked/requested, a Sadhu Monk.

I dont have a sadhu monk.
but i’m already 277(280 with cards) with Sadhu 2.
It’s not just paper, I’m playing one @BlueByu.
Party with me at Saalus if you want :).

Versus bosses which stay in melee range only, which is a tiny part of the game.

For the rest the combo is to unlikely to pull of both melee hits and oob at the same time, and is simply a illogical choice.

no, this is a boss, which is a small part of the game. you will have trouble trying to fit in sadhu with the rest of your gameplay.

I know. xD
But that’s all i could relate to if he really wanted a Sadhu Monk for solo play.
It is a weird, rare, uncommon build but the vid pulled it off IMO.
Double punch most of time vs melee DOT sadhu monk pd.
I guess playing the Monk class really is boring…
from what others also say

(Moved why I choose a Sadhu Monk to a thread I made, I believe I wrote too much)

@Wurmheart True. I won’t be using Out-of-Body to run and kill an archer monster unless on the off-chance I’m chasing after 1 archer monster. However, all monk skills bar Kamekame-ha and Coin throw are very short melee range and are also ineffective as with using other Monk Builds.

I was looking for new information in this database placing different ID’s at the address , and found it , does anyone know what it is ?

It looks like a skill that does not exist in the game yet, something that will be able to be used in oob.

And doing the same process in the attributes I found it
never noticed it in the game too …

sadhu monk can be acceptable… if you go high dex… for crit and evasion. it has synergy with sadhu evasion and he can get his damage from buying damage scrolls… but its a very niche build

Sweet Vakarine. Getting Sadhu at rank 4 was a mistake. I curse my choice every single time I meet flying mobs.

First time I was like, "Let’s see, people say Sadhu is crappy. Surely it can’t be THAT crappy?

Any ideas on how I can salvage my Cleric 3-Sadhu 1 build? Perhaps Bokor? I just know that I’m bound to choose Druid at rank 6-7 (judging you, Sadhu c1).

Sadhu C2, Possession going to save u~

sadhu 2 is not so bad. its not that crappy… possession will make up for it

I’m starting to have these same thoughts I had a month ago about Chaplain with Magnus and the new kTOS INT scaling on Bless and stuff that Possession/OOB soon will be yet be more of a joke. The power is creeping in and Sadhu is getting left in the dust yet again with no hope in sight about a mechanics rework.

I haven’t played in weeks waiting for these changes to roll in or see if IMC is actually going to fix this game not milking people.

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Same here… I completely stopped playing when I reached Sadhu 3… level 180 char …I cant even create another char…so much time wasted…

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Don’t relate, but in general I log in do dailies on a handful of my characters and log off.

Cleric C3 Healing is potent enough to do anything
Possession being 30 hits x5 enemies is enough justification IMO.
All I want to do is reset to get rid of extra levels in ABE since it’s DOA.

that’s short term.
Two weeks ago blessing was flat.
Now it isn’t. Yes that’s power creep. Sadhu will get its, Rodelero was ass, and it’s been getting constant updates. Psychokino was in a worse state and it got many updates.

Do we have chaplain > sadhu here?

not necessarily… but some classes just do some things better and hence meta shifts with patches…

Call me elitist and play what you want but I’m just being 100% real. This class has pretty much been forsaken by the IMC devs and thrown onto the back burner. Possession isn’t enough justification because you’re not going to see people specifically seeking a Sadhu out for that or any spell they’ve got.

People will though take that Chaplain/Cleric3 over you every single time because Blessing spreads out it’s damage on 4 different party members including yourself. There’s no real setup or gimmick where you stand in spot and can be used with massive Wizard AoE spells that hits more things than Possession could ever dream.

It does bind though still!

Just to ask out of curiosity, how is the damage of Possession on a Sadhu using a mace, lets say Catacombs Club, with a stat build lacking or having no INT at all (Eg Focus on CON / SPR etc instead)?

I may be wrong but… possession has base damage. that is pretty high and I dont know by how much int increases it. I think it doesnt increase base damage as much as a weapon so you may opt to go con spr and it wont hurt you as much…
lvl 5 possession has 568 base damage… so i guess you can surmise that around 10 seconds of that is give or take 6k

You’re confused, the first section if my post is towards @BlaXun not playing Sadhu since I still play mine. Cleric C3 healing provides enough support through general content, and possession still means things die.
I’d like to reset ABE in my skill-set since it does absolutely nothing but I used it as a filler since I avoided further investment in Vashita.

The second section of my post is the reality that balance is ongoing and they’re working on things overtime. there’s 24 classes unlocked at rank 4 for devs to consider, 25 at rank 5 (including sadhu c2) and 25 at rank 6 (at which sadhu c3 is included). That’s 74 classes for devs from rank 4-6 in a vacuum situation let alone their synergy with other classes and more important all those classes have skill choice as well to balance on a more specific level. It’s 99 for Rank 7. Amongst those classes a fair amount aren’t even combat oriented but still try to find their “place” within the game (alchemist,pardoner, Squire, Templar).
There is a looooooooooot to adjust and the reality of it all being equal is 0.

The game’s systems aren’t very practical for balance, not to say that they shouldn’t. But if my enjoyment of the game was entirely based on whether sadhu was meta or not that would be fairly ridiculous given optimally speaking there’s 5 “optimal” classes for any given encounter but 24+ classes at any given rank competiting for those 5 slots before you even consider back-tracking in builds like Cleric C2 at rank 3,4,5,6 or 7.

Even if Sadhu is buffed to get guaranteed a roll in a team optimally speaking then that’s still 23/24 other classes that are competiting for the remaining 4 slots. Chasing an optimal solution in this game means excluding a lot of players, because there’s no way they’re making every class equally valuable at every rank especially since they allowed backtracking.

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