You’re confused, the first section if my post is towards @BlaXun not playing Sadhu since I still play mine. Cleric C3 healing provides enough support through general content, and possession still means things die.
I’d like to reset ABE in my skill-set since it does absolutely nothing but I used it as a filler since I avoided further investment in Vashita.
The second section of my post is the reality that balance is ongoing and they’re working on things overtime. there’s 24 classes unlocked at rank 4 for devs to consider, 25 at rank 5 (including sadhu c2) and 25 at rank 6 (at which sadhu c3 is included). That’s 74 classes for devs from rank 4-6 in a vacuum situation let alone their synergy with other classes and more important all those classes have skill choice as well to balance on a more specific level. It’s 99 for Rank 7. Amongst those classes a fair amount aren’t even combat oriented but still try to find their “place” within the game (alchemist,pardoner, Squire, Templar).
There is a looooooooooot to adjust and the reality of it all being equal is 0.
The game’s systems aren’t very practical for balance, not to say that they shouldn’t. But if my enjoyment of the game was entirely based on whether sadhu was meta or not that would be fairly ridiculous given optimally speaking there’s 5 “optimal” classes for any given encounter but 24+ classes at any given rank competiting for those 5 slots before you even consider back-tracking in builds like Cleric C2 at rank 3,4,5,6 or 7.
Even if Sadhu is buffed to get guaranteed a roll in a team optimally speaking then that’s still 23/24 other classes that are competiting for the remaining 4 slots. Chasing an optimal solution in this game means excluding a lot of players, because there’s no way they’re making every class equally valuable at every rank especially since they allowed backtracking.