Linh-Dan abuses speed bug in 40f to gain advantage during world boss and field boss fights.
You can ask majority of Telsiains, they know the dirty tactic she plays.
Pause at 00:29 to see her in action.
Hello, Iris.
1-Nekorin ask you report it? Why didn’t she do it?
When Nekorin find boss alone before, Nekorin asked for help from Linh-Dan for finding boss. Then Dan invited her but she-Nekorin was busy. Why she need help from “dirty”?.. I don’t know if Nekorin joined our pt. this post would appear or not.
2-You can find boss alone!.
As you see in this clip… boss actually at the another map. You can;t find if you go alone. Well I remember that day. GreenTangerine found boss at Starving… Linh-Dan was keep running at Apsimesti Crossroads and Forest of Prayer … 5 of you follows her we killed boss at Starving (found by unbugged member) =)))) then all of you were angry… WTF!!!
3- And the important point. How can she fix it?
I sent several tickets for her to IMC. It is her main char. should she quit game and wait for IMC fix it? IT is 4 MONTHS…
She tried fixed herself but failed…
Do 40F again, right?
She was 112 speed then she got 126 spd after 40F.
and tried some method to fix it but failed #1: #2:
Dear Imc, you see, I trying wait fix this bug, but everyone said I play with dirty tactic… What should I do now? I sent ticket at the begin. Untill now , it is 4 months… so long…
Lihn Dan and Lihn Don are my friends. NOt sure if they using speed hack tho.
But I saw a couple of players have the bug and teached me how to get it on earth tower sanctum but seems difficult to get it. For 2 months of running 40f I havent had the chance to see the bug for my character even if I reach it.
Actually, I reported this over a month+ back, when this video was first taken (18th Nov). It was unlisted in my youtube channel. Turned down the invite as I felt bad participating in field boss hunt where a member in the party is having a distinct advantage which in normal game circumstances isn’t possible without making use of any bug/exploit. Just a clarification I would have report it even I’ve joined the party. I stream and record videos regularly, it will look bad if these type of things are recorded and aren’t reported.
Agree. I was solo hunting field bosses for a few days on my SR with mspd potions from my alchemist. It was definitely doable solo. That’s what I believe being doable until I see some ghost figure running around while I was searching. Thought it was a glitch at first until I recorded it and slow it down then I realised is a player avatar.
It will be a tall order to convince people if you are saying that Linh-Dan isn’t maximising the use of her speed to help search for field boss, especially in this video.
A clarification. For me I wasn’t angry, just disappointed. Kind of disappointed at IMC that there isn’t any acknowledgement or statement on this matter at all, or the stand they will take for it. Field Bosses/World Bosses in this game are always the first who find the boss gets the advantage, and the glitch skews it in a way that it is unbalanced.
3- Glad Linh-Dan sent tickets on the matter. Please send more until IMC decide to take action.
Well, the best advice I can give is, stop using the character that has that bug in places where an advantage in movement speed matters (field boss/world boss). If everyone knows you got the glitch/bug and am taking measures to keep it contained to keep the playing field fair for others, I’m sure people will emphasize with your predicament.
But, if the idea is to use it until IMC fix it cause it can’t be helped… it also can’t be helped that it also comes along with the infamous brand when it is used.
@GM_Francis. Will be really glad if you can look into this case. My 2 tickets are #135806 and #136095.
The point is, and what most of us have been trying to say for so long now (God knows why you still cannot comprehend) is that no one cares if you get the boss. It’s fine, you win some and you lose some. Even if you say that “hey the bugged character didn’t find the boss”, the fact that her character can clear maps 5x faster than a regular chrono also helps the other members without speed bug to look for the boss aka she can say which maps are clear and by process of elimination, it’s faster for you people to check the other maps that were not cleared yet.
However, the fact that you guys are using a character with speed bug on field and world bosses just gives you guys an advantage against other players competing. It’s not about who gets the boss or if you can do it alone or not. The point is, as Nekorin stated, you guys are using a character with an unfair advantage.
Yes, we know this cleric is her main character. Why use a leecher alt char for bossing right? If this character happened on my own main character then I would have spammed IMC with tickets on a DAILY basis seeing that it is my main character and that I really wanted the bug gone ASAP. If you guys actually had ZERO intentions of using this bug to your advantage, and if it was really her main character, then you guys would have done the same. Seeing as you guys have been using this for months now isn’t helping the fact that me and other players actually agree that you are using the bug to your advantage. Not faulting you guys entirely on this becuase IMC also takes share of the blame for not acting swiftly but like I said, if you guys were serious about removing the bug before people started taking notice, then you would have exerted much more effort compared to what you have been doing.
Thank for your advice.
1- We hunted boss before bug speed. After getting speed bug. We didn’t go field boss for a long time and just did it again 1 month ago (3 months sent tickets,waiting and auto replied from IMC)
2- even if you get speed, the fact is that you dont get advantage as you said. speed of loading map, object still are slower than her spd. Most of bossing, she didnt get first hit with that bug although boss was at her location. we still hope IMC will fix it ASAP
You should stop using the bugged character. With your moral understanding, you might think it’s a stupid thing to do, but hey, NEWS FLASH! It’s the only RIGHT thing to do.
@gacon_12494 I too like you hope IMC will fix this ASAP.
A humble advice, it will be best to stop adding unrelated topics to the issue, like map loading speed or how to solo field bosses and such. It doesn’t help much except to let other people think that you are using them as a distraction from the main topic at hand, which don’t really help but act more against Linh-Dan’s case.
Like what @jeromekappa said, it doesn’t really matter what Linh-Dan do when she spot a boss. What really matters is what other players perceive her bugged movement speed to be. Come to think of it, how many times has this sort of debate/drama/argument/whatever surface in the Telsiai shout channels before it is brought to the forums? Just from this alone you can see how much of a matter this is to the other players.
Which is why my suggestion, perhaps just use another character in field/world bossing. In world boss I get that is needs substantial amount of gear to be in a team, but field bosses?
Stabbed is such a strong word. As a fact the choice to choose which character to use (a bugged character or a normal one) for field bosses is always on Linh-Dan’s side, and the reaction of the community follows what she use.
I do want to help, but it is really hard to help when the choices she make doesn’t really prevent other players from blaming her as an exploiter. :x