No, no I didn’t mention you… I mention “other” said that I reported myself after being stabbed
Called me “dirty” and you said you want help me? Oh, thanks O.o
As another person who got the exact bug as Lind Dan and got the very similar treatment from several salty players in my server Varena. Here are my 2 cents.
First, 40f bug is sth very hard to get, I ran 40f continuously for 2 months before one day I got that bug from rng. And right now, that bug can’t be undone, before, it can be undone by taking line quest, but right now it’s no longer the case. And none of the 40f participants run 40f because of this bug so it’s hurt when someone use the word “exploit” to us. If u know how much works that u had to put into to form a fixed 40f party and spend 3hrs every day running it for months to get the items and overcome all sort of server instability, froze and dc from imc… It’s not a one time thing, u had to keep it up. Only a selected few maso enough to even attempt that. So not only we not getting any recognition from successfully clear the end game content, but we also receive all sort of negativities from many players. Idk whoever mention about fairness and morality, but honestly, u think this is a fair treatment for us?
Second, we DID report to imc about this bug months and months ago. And we spent hours trying to fix it by ourselves. So what else do u even expect us to do? Switch char? Maybe if it’s your main character who you invested almost a year worth of farming into gears and attribute, you wouldn’t say it so lightly. And let me say this, not sure about Lind Dan and others who suffering from this bug. But for me personally, I earned less ever since I got this bug. I reduce the number of times I participate in WB, TBL and other activities, basically I play my main character lesser in a sense. Yeah I do feel bad and annoyed when playing it and got badmouth by a random player so I play it lesser. But I can’t stop playing it completely since it’s sth I put my heart and soul into over a long time. If I had to stop playing my main char, I rather stop playing this game altogether
I say all of this thing hoping for a mutual understanding, not because we need to seek your approval but because we respect you as a player and we think you should understand the whole story. Because at the end of the day, this maybe harsh to say, but your opinion towards us means very little. If we did exploit and if we did something wrong in the context of game regulation, we would have been banned long ago and deservedly so. It’s black and white. This is the only fact that prevailed. This is not the first and only game report about 40f speed bug. I can assure you over the course of the last 4,5 months, there were at least a dozen of reports from other players about me, threatening me and wanted me to be banned. And this not even counted those ticker I sent by myself to imc. Guess what? I’m still here
So instead of doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different result. Badmouthing us only make us and you feel bad. How about we all trying to expedite this to imc and hope they fix it asap? So our gaming experience can be better?
I do emphasise with those who got the speed bug. It is really hard to move especially when precision is needed, example, the new jumping platform event. The bug is something undesirable and I’m sure that everyone does feel sad/sorry for those who got it in the first place.
@leosinva, the reason players bring it to light it is because in their eyes those who got the bug are taking advantage of it, especially in time sensitive events where covering distances in much shorter times grants the player/team an advantage. When you take advantage of something it is called an exploit.
- make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource).
Negative connotations aside, there really isn’t many words in English that describes this. As much as you want others to empathise with your situation, do the vice versa too. Put yourself in other players shoes. How would you feel when it is others who got that bug and they are taking advantage of it?
@who_luv_sim, @gacon_12494 Of course I do want to help, hence the suggestion. Being associated with using exploits is not what any player wants, as the feelings it generates is often negative.
Which is why, at least until IMC have some sort of fix or anything, try not to use the character in situations where having more movement speed is an advantage. When you use it lesser, the term that follows it will be lesser heard.
You can’t just stop the other players saying it when you are still using it as an advantage, it just doesn’t add up.
As I said, we don’t seek your approval so there is no need for any excuse or any sort.
A detailed explanation showing the respect I gives to others. So if you don’t want to read, it’s enough said, but others might so spare me with your half ass posts from now on
I don’t want to try to argue base on technicality ground here but since you brought this up with a dictionary.
“make full use and derive benefit”? Honestly, if you were in our shoes, you would know much harms this already affected us. I already said I actually suffered and earned less from events then I could have earned before I got this bug so what “full use” are you talking about? Even the fact that I had to response to this thread rather playing the game or do some other things that I enjoy is already an opportunity cost. Do you think I enjoy this? It’s a cost for me, not any sort of benefit.
You keep mentioning about putting yourself in other players shoes. But honesty I don’t think you ever putting yourself in our shoes at all. FYI, I’m aware that tos is full of bugs and exploits, left and right. So yeah I knew exactly how a person will feel when there is a bug happens. But at least I can distinguish when sth is intentionally or not and not spreading salts everywhere which is what lots of people are doing
wow, been long time did not go into forum but still the same, IMC never disappoint me by create drama among players hail to the root cause of all these drama
This bug feature already exists since half year ago, perhaps everybody should go complete the 40F and get the ultimate buff to be fair? Then this topic will be closed, am i right to say that? @GM_Francis & @Staff
What you said and what you did so different. So affected
Of course I do, similarly I do take time to respond to this thread where there are other things which I can do. No one enjoys playing a bugged char while the community is there to point fingers.
Ultimately the fault lies on IMC who fail to fix this for so long and it is causing so much salt and drama within the community. Sadly until it is fixed there aren’t much we can do about it. Just as you want to let us know your side of the story, on the other side the story is rather simple and clear cut.
- Player sees another player moving at a speed aren’t supposed to have in game
- Both are participating in an event where movement speed vs area covered matters
- Felt unfair as insurmountable difference in speed lead to drama/salt etc.
Just as you felt it is unfair for you to get such backlash due to something which you don’t want to happen, how about the others? What about the feeling of fairness to those who use a mount, drank mpsd potions, gather a party with a chrono just to get good movement speed to find field bosses, and just get outpaced by a running shadow too fast to even see the character? No thought is spared for them?
Sometimes when faced with such problems we just have to choose between the lesser of the 2 evils until it is fixed, which is why some posters here and me are reiterating it again and again.
There is always a choice to, just for events which concerns competition based off movement speed in finding and reaching an NPC/mob etc, it might be a better option to use another character that isn’t bugged. And yes the cons of it are the affected (you and Linh-Dan) can’t use your favorite main characters and probably might be a leecher instead of a help for such events, but the pros of it is that is you minimise the backlash from the community and more importantly, show that you aren’t giving any room for others to fault you for capitalising on a bug.
It might not be the best option, but it sure beats out having to deal with both the community backlash (or salt if you call it) together with the bug.
Not everyone will patiently sit and listen to/read on what transpired leading to the bugged character and the pains of getting the GM/dev to even look at or reply. Most of the players will just be quick and point fingers since it is something which isn’t supposed to be in the game.
@gacon_12494 I don’t get you, my stand and objective has always been the same since I start posting here. Do elaborate thanks.
If the point is about finding a common ground or compromise until IMC can fix their bugs then I will just say this.
I did my part as I reduce as much as I can the activities of my main char and participate in main events as WB where I could have gained. I tried to minimized the impact of the bug that I didn’t create. I didn’t have to do this but I kinda did any way. So understand this or not really up to you. Anyone know me well enough in Varena know for a fact that I had to changed my farming habit and skipping many WB and TBL just to minimize this bs.
And while I compromise lots of my well-being and benefit for this, I see no mutual effort from the other side. For those who continue to whine and badmouthing us, sometimes I really had the thought that how about I heck care and just show them what true abusing means? Taking part in every single wb and tbl then perhaps people can understand? Why should I have to give concerns to people when they gives bs to me? If they just blame me for something I didn’t create and wanted me to basically quit for them to be happy then why should I give a damn about their well-being? Let’s just screw them all. But honestly, despite all the provocation, I won’t ever do that.
Let’s say we agree to stop using our bugged char until this problem is fixed. Then once it’s fixed, will we get compensation? And will those compensation justified for our loss? I said this is my main which I put over a year worth of farming into. I’m not those players who love testing thing and have mediocre gears and can jump in between different games, different servers any time. Even though I have over 40 chars, many for farming purpose and experiencing build, but all these just to make my main character better. Without my main, their is no reason for me to play this game. So unless there is a form of official guaranteed compensation from IMC that we will get compensated for this. Sorry but suggestion like this is just bs.
I guess I made my message very clear so far so collaboration or not to solve everything peacefully is up to you. At the end of the day, players opinions have no binding power. If we did something wrong and were proven to do so then we will get banned. And if you have different opinion and want us to be punished then feel free to continue whatever accusation and reporting you are doing.
Have a good day
I thank you for all the sacrifice you made and trouble the bug has caused you. I can’t really speak for the rest (on both sides) though, but I do wish that this is resolve fast as much as you.
Unlike in Varena, in Telsiai there is a number of players whom simply just gave up on farming field bosses due to this. Very much unlike what you did, Telsiai’s side still actively engage in field boss farming. Hence every now and then we will see drama over this in shout chat, which is kind leads to the forming of this thread I guess.
The ball is in IMC’s court now.
Oh please, i was the one who dominating field boss the past 4 days in Telsiai with my chronomancer. I soloed each 13 bosses rotation in like 20mins and none of u even showed up. It’s not about speed or not, since now it’s 1 map only timing is the key. You got the boss dead time you got everything
What are you trying to prove here? By showing off how ‘good’ you are in field boss?
I don’t see it related with this topic, the fact is they are discussing about the movement speed abuse, not the speed of ‘clearing’ the boss.
well, I would like to do some advertisement here, sell popcorn 1m each and buy 3 free 1.
nice epenis you got there. Wide girth all
and i say why not report your own guildmates for dp botting instead of defending them? Cause 40f bug is bad, dp botting is legit right?
Oh well if imc let you and your friends bot the sht of out of dp2 for years i bet they wont do anything to this case. Dont try to be innocent here cause after all you are just a botter no more or less
why’s not relate? Nekorin blamed for speedter killed all Field boss you have a problem in understanding.
@Nekorin : This topic started with badmouthing. That is not suggestion or any same things. You don’t need to try being a good guy :O. What you said is not valuable. Spamming tickets until IMC fixed and quitting game all you think it easy. 4 months, they haven’t fixed it and how long we need wait more?
Btw, you said add-on zoomy is bad and not fair in another topic but you still use it. Why? IMC doesn’t do anything to it, right?
Why we still here with “god” speed after 4 months and several sendings of tickets.
wow, another non sense reply with your post but let me clarify for you.
I do not have guildmate (you could check with ZeroGod whether im still in the guild) and I already quited this cancer game. Well, this is not the main point!
Bot? Please report on right section and tag GM and Staff as well if you wanna catch them all. I will support you =)
So you admin 40F bug is bad but still you guys abused it? Legit? If get blamed then push all ur blame on IMC @GM_Francis @Staff
You are just a non sense person for me in the past when you mentioned 'Damm, we lose this match (TBL) because enemy(necro) have so many units while you are Falconer. Facepalm wutface??? Don’t try to show off how skillful are you anymore please. choked
I think you got it wrong.
I didn’t start this thread. The ToS account + the youtube account isn’t mine.
Most my bug reports are done via tickets, and most if not all the bug video recordings are unlisted so only IMC personnel/devs and those whom I share the link with has it.
I was only informed about this thread 2 days after the thread started. Hence you see my reply was so late.
Did I badmouth the person? Really?
Please don’t get so defensive, you pointed your arrowhead at the wrong person. sigh.