Tree of Savior Forum

Lancer build pvp

Cool it bro.

I was just sharing the video since this is a Lancer thread. I was saying it makes the choice harder since both Lancer and DGoon have their strong points depending on the role you want to play. Regardless it it were a valid match or not, its all we have for now at iTOS.

As for me, my decision is 90% going Lancer and 10% Dgoon C2 for my S3C3DG1.

As for the initial inquiry of @Elaralam Dex vs Str-con ill quote again

About the current dex swordsman status in TBL. We actually have none, only the meta cata3 str-con we have so far. So the burden of choice is always on the maker.

Hello lancer community.

Team battle league videos with lancers.

Some top rank(?) pvp matches from Kr (recorder is murmillo but you can see some lancer highlights in this vid too - check channel for 2v2 vid of lancer & murmillo vs plague & wiz):

Highlights: breaking heal tiles, using knocks on doctor to prevent ausrine & ress, etc.

Videos 3, 4, 5, and 6 have lancer (not recorded by a lancer):

This lancer is sword3 cata3 corsair lancer.

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I feel high dex lancer could be viable in tbl.

Main reason is crit bonus on skills and block pen skills. If the crit bonus is enough to actually crit pure con inquistor, this might be super important.

I am honestly scared of inquistor kab. I think they are the new terror on a different level from psy3 wiz. If u think current kab are annoying, give them a 6-9k ranged homing nuke and stronger melee + anti mage; thats ur new overlord with even more hp.

Ultimately. High con is probably still king, not str nor dex.

Come again?

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"its also about pvp,
but you won’t crit in pvp anyway so thats out of the discussion.

2:1 str dex/dex str is probably 1 of the most balanced stat builds in this game and you could never go wrong with it."

Poor people who stat resetted into High STR-con for PVP because they followed your Stat allocation before. Now those people have no choice but to reroll again. You actually went as far to trash talk high dex in PVP.

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Yes, you stat resetted because after a while you realized how stupid STR - CON is in PVP. You used that and managed at the top 20 right?

Guys leave the bickering at TBL, this is supposed to be about builds and other shhit about our characters. >.<

Nah just got confused why he becomes dex-con now and why he is now advocating it. He flipflops a lot.

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can i have some of your popcorn

this gunna be good

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Why would you give up hybrid with STR if you know thats the truth and can get top 10 with it? Thats a legit question so more Cata3 meta will emulate your transformation from rank 50 to rank 10 in TBL.

Your experiences and transformation will educate us further on how to build properly and know whats the truth to keep and what to abolish.

Someone needs to be a sacrificial lamb, eh? I can see the potential. Main thing stopping high Dex builds would be block pen. If the trend of high skill damage continues as we get more ranks, strength will provide less and less to the overall damage.

Nope it was just sarcasm what i said. High dex is very viable in PVP. I tested it myself because for some reason IMC decided to changed the TBL time. I was rank 2 as full dex cata3 dopple in 2v2. Managed to rank 30 something in 5v5. I can kill full con PD as long as i have DOV level 5(Lapasape) and their safety wall is on CD. Also dont go PVP if you dont have 3 pcs of rhevisans.

The only block classes youll have a rough time are Thauma full int and Priest 3 stone skin. Both of which are a rarity now compare to what it was before. Meta Clerics already changed, they are now Kaballist, Diev 3 variance.

With the upcoming Lancer block penetration buff for me that buff is not that great anymore unless Meta clerics went back to priest 3 again.

Can the lancer use one handed spears?