Tree of Savior Forum

Team Dex Vs Team Str ( Trash talking, discussion, roasting each other, math magician war ) Aka Debate STR Vs DEX

First, *solve

What if I told you I do have nearly 100 Con? DOV and die even faster.

you are going to lose to clerics anyway, going str dex or full con. might as well be able to defeat other archers and swordies while still having the same chance to beat wizards and even clerics (stone skin cannot be uptimed so stop treating this skill as “your worst nightmare” you cannot build yourself around stone skin.)

going full dex, full str, or full int is bad for any build in this game. no matter what you are trying to do, having ONLY str ONLY dex or ONLY int is just bad.
i don’t think a 10k hp person who is lvl 280 is very effective at dealing damage. Especially with magic mobs dealing 2k damage, or red spion archers who can literally 100 to 0 you in 1 hit.

building dex for defense in pve will never be effective you cannot rely on having only dex, no defense, and no hp. Magic damage is not that rare. Most demon maps deal magic damage anyway and they hurt.
a 8k hp fletcher who is lvl 280 is going to die no matter how much evasion he got, there is at least 1 magician mob at every map that probably deals about 2k damage. the ones at 260+ maps even have 100k+ hp.

Ok, Now you need 100 con, 160 Dex. So how many point left can you add STR? Oh it’s a Hybrid build every one. I thought this topic is about STR vs DEX

personally my swordsman have 160 dex 120 con and 208 str, this is my gear less stats at my lvl 280 swordsman, but i am a pvp player and not pve, i believe a pvp build should be hybrid and not stuck with 1 single stat.

what u guys recomend if I want to go high3-doppel3 build and I’m a poor guy? PVE

haha, if you think cleric alone is enough to win against a swordsman, you truly need to play a little more, even more since you are a dragon, against a good dragon the cleric stone skin is not even the problem. after the nerf, this is utter crap, only FULL CON, cleric will possible have a block against a cata-dragon using twohand spear that have at least 200-250 str (not full str) and even them, there is no need to be afraid of stones skin.
you are having a lot of assumptions about the things i have wrote, so i will keep it every simpler for you, i have writing about the broad aspect of pvp in my topic, since exception will always have, mainly about team composition that is random there is not point citing specifically skills, or situations, and so on.
one true fact will be, cleric have a strong effect in ANY team than a archer, so by having the means to kill a cleric more efficient, will contribution more for you team than any other situation, if you have not seen this yet, i can only say that you need to play more pvp.
and by the end i simple put this back to you stop being afraid of misses even at evasion cap that is something fair hard to reach against a swordsman with accuracy set they can still be hit so stop treating this as “your worst nightmare” you cannot build yourself around one aspect of pvp

Go full Dex. Its hard to farm without any defensive stats on your char. Im a cata with 1.2k evasion questing at lvl 260 using only Cafrisun set and elements.

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you want maxed damage as an archer you need dex.

This is not entirely true

“swordies is a class that build str”
"archers are a class that build dex

this is not true

If you want to deal damage as a swordsman you need str period. you
cannot rely on crits since you don’t get a crit bonus like archers

Relying on crits is a question of: do you have supporting players with you? Do you have items that make crit rate decent to a minimum? Do you have some dex?

dex is a matter of gear and stats together.
if you got the money for the gear go ahead. going full dex without investing into any other stat is still bad in my opinion. I just don’t like pure builds who invest in 1 single stat. Not my type of thing.

having full dex and a cafrisun set at lvl 260 seems to be the reason you don’t have any defensive stats, magic probably kills you in 2 hits.
I’m a lvl 280 catagoon with 30k hp, and only 550 evasion and honestly i never had any problem.

Magic only hit 3k per hit, I have 21k HP. You can clutter them up then auto attack using restrain. Also why would i go there soloing if im dying by just 2 hits? Str or hybrid like yours cant pass blue spion archers right?

full plate set with plate mastery reduces their damage by a lot, their damage is very low against full plate mastery. Helps against both blue and red spion archers.
Having some crit resistance also helps against that type of mobs.
If you want to have good defense stats and overall tankiness and survivability having 25k+ hp is still a better investment especially in later stages where magic damage actualy hurt.

So now you should stop assuming people go full dex doesn’t add any CON at all, ok?
You say STR is superior, but you have to add dex or build something luxury (lv7 crit gem, 7 dex card which 2 million silver each and a ton of other card to put them to lv 10) to crit anyway. You still get hit by magical mob and physical mob, and with DOV you reach nearly 0 def, and many of them will hit hard with 0 def player
While the other can just build DEX only and add up some CON, forget about physical mob, only deal with magical one. May be a full cloth help you when you get full dex. So what is your point?
Next time when you want your argument valid, just read every context of it, use the counter argument for the whole context, not just use a tiny fragment of the context to make the whole invalid.
And if you read all your answer, you can see some of logical conflct in it

what u suggest? for pve poor guy high3doppel3?

for a poor guy who goes highlander 3 barb 1 doppel 3 you are going to need str anyway
what these guys are talking about are lancers and murmilo
doppel 3 is still very good with str.
since you are poor i’d go str anyway

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I have stat reset potion for future changes :o

“you are wrong and that’s it because i’m right and you don’t read” not really worth my time to argue with a person who think that
besides doppel’s DoV seems to be your only good example. You know not every class has a skill that reduces your defense to 0.
doppel makes more damage with high str anyway.

Thats impossible if you were same level as them, you ll get hit a lot by hard hitting physical there. You probably chug HP pots so much back then and died a lot or have someone accompanying you there. Magic aside, your problem comes from hard hitting physical monster. The goal of farming/questing is to use less pots and low cost repair. How can you farm if you yourself have to spend 20k-30k for repair vs to my 3k repair cost?