i would like to give my 2cents for this debate, first i will talk about damage:
the one calling for STR(akisera), was doing it for DOPPELL builds, and mostly because of DOV, and he is RIGHT, str would give fair more damage and this is true even at rank8 for doppel, since str+dov can give up to 3-4k P.atk for a good doppel, where their skills because are multi hit(skills having up to 10-13 hits), works better with str, if you want to go for dex WITH doppel is fine as well but you will have lower damage than a STR doppel and you WILL only be able to caught up, once you have transcendence weapon with fair HIGH levell you will be able to close the damage gap, the maths have proof of that, if anyone have doubts just check many of the spreadsheets we have so far, the only problem was HOW we will achieve the breakpoints in damage where DEX do the same damage as STR , and now we CAN, but is fair hard without doubt and most important this does not mean that EVERYONE will be able to do it nor that will work the same for every build and at least will not with doppel3 without fair high time invested in the game, since transcendence there is a limit of how much you can gain per day so the multihit skill toolkit from doppel work better with str+dov and will always be at the current game.
about other builds:
now with the arrive of rank8, for fencer and dragon, it also clearly that for fencer Dex/con is the way to go ,there is no point saying otherwise, but for dragon a good str is better as well, because you have finestra but by the end of it if you choice to go dex or full dex you may also do GOOD because dethrone have such a low CD that will allow you to spam it every time with critical but by the end of it the rest of dragon toolkit works better with STR as well, because again he already have finestra and i must say if you are starting right now, dex for dragon is a perfect valid build, but if you are str there is no need to reset, because str builds STILL does more damage in the end ,at least right now or until you go fair high level with the transcendence
Now let’s not forget about some things VIABILITY is not the same as BETTER: what we have many players here, who defend STR, again akisera in doppel case, is calling the fact that with STR you will do more damage and this means that is better for him but many people may not see only "higher damage as being better " so this is not the same as the VIABILITY of DEX builds because in the past you would do far less damage than a STR build but right NOW we have transcendence system to boost their ATK, the only difference between both builds is what you want and how you will equip it, since with DEX you will have to favor the transcendence system/enchant weapon first, where with STR you will focus on gems for critical rate and so on and this is the important fact because each one of them needs different way to achieve the best DPS , be clearly of what you want to do, and where you want to be and once you know , both builds will work. but the main difference if you choice dex or STR will happen in PVP, and i will explain why.
now about PVP:
Now about the entire miss-evasion talk, evasion always cap at 80%, so even a full str character would still hit 1/5+ of the time, but this is not even the big problem, before anyone come saying , i will say for experience of someone who plays every week at top20 of my server (last week i ended in 8 ) and do fair good in GVG as well, i will not even comment duels, since there is no merit in duel, only GVG and LEAGUE:
DEX will be better for pvp at lower ranks ONLY because once you go HIGH, is not archers who WIN the game, nor are the wizards (but they do more than archers at least), is the ■■■■■■■ CLERIC and for cleric you need STR, to by pass his block-defense, there may be one super stronger gokustyle archer who is so strong that can kill the entire enemy team in your server but at least in mine i never saw one, i never ever saw a match in upper ranks where the archer have made the break point so his team could win , i have seen archers killing cleric, and archers killing swordsman (lol-me) but i also have seen they dying from my attacks so they of course help and is fair easy than swords to play in pvp but they are not the main actors in any fight; the main actor will always be the cleric and the wizards, at least in the current game.
so in the end by going dex you are ONLY aiming for archers, and trust me this will make nothing of you in the long run and by the end you team will loose as well and as high you go on pvp, you see even more clerics, so heal will be always available, but in the end is still up to you and what you want to do.
on a final TIP for anyone who want to do pvp with swordsman.
please mark this in your heart you will never be able to do everything if you are playing a swordsman, you can only choice one option :
**if is to kill archers-swordsman>>> please go on with DEX. **
if it is kill wizards full con(the supp ones) - cleric>>>>go with Str.
the only difference in PVP is that and by extend the difference in builds , because both builds will have a fair number of points in con and damage comes from the game mechanics already be it with dexcards+gems in a STR build or the transcendence system in DEX builds by the end of it the real question is who you want to target, it is archers or it is cleric/wizards? and be aware that not every time you will face the one who you are building you character for.
Ps: when i say lower ranks, i what to say 50+ for example.