Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v5.0

Does it matter? idk how oath works… wouldn’t it just add it’s factor to the skill factor? I see ppl saying it’s op but other stuff like that don’t multiplicate your attack(current chap mace with monk) does oath do that?

Or is it because we assuming running shot most likely would be multihit and then oath counts more than 1 time or something?

Or is it because defense calculation why a 400% base attack+1000% extra hit wouldn’t be as good as an 1400% base attack?

Or is it the base attack skills attribute that makes a difference with oath?

Idk I have ideas but I wanna know how it actually works because I’m just guessing things. So if you or anyone could explain pls. xD

I would rather prefer a damage bonus % kinda like Ranger’s Steady Aim tbh… But we gotta wait and see I suppose…

What I am looking for is that some skills change and other just get a slight increase on Skill Factor… The ones I wish the skill factor to increase are Caltrops, Stone Shot and Rapid Fire while the ones I want them to do some changes are:
1. Pavise - Lower the max level to 5 and adjust the numbers so Lv5 is the same as Lv15 same way they did with Steady Aim in the previous balance patch, that would be enough to make this skill worth it.
2. Rapid Fire - On top of the Skill Factor increase, it would be nice if the charging is not needed… This skill has a very narrow hitbox, short range and mediocre damage, hindering with a charging time is overkill… Maybe just some attribute that removes the charging?
3. Block and Shot - Maybe just increase the range and the hitbox? Like Rapid Fire, it’s short and narrow.

But that’s just my silly wishful thinking… I am dead sure no one cares, specially the devs, they are most likely to listen to the Korean community feedback than ours, not because they don’t give a damn to the global community but beacuse the updates pass there first anyway before reaching us so if no one there makes a fuss about it then it ain’t here… Once it’s set in stone there than that’s what we’re getting and I doubt many people care about QS…

To put it rather simply, Saint Oath’s 400% (final damage boost, IIRC) boost only affects the first line of your auto-attack, while anything else (additional lines like Blessing, Aspergillum, Sacrament, etc) does not get the boost. Things like current Double Punch that buffs and increases the first line damage itself gets the most out of Saint Oath, which is the reason why Monk was the more significant damage contributor to the auto-attack formula for Monk-Chaplain (all Chaplain boosts are additional lines), and Chaplain rework focused on skill factor on first line damage via Binatio to be able to actually benefit from Saint Oath and to bring Chaplain more in line with the current auto-attack equipment.

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If it is then yes, it is only good for those who have basic attack skill factor I get that if it’s that way.

I also guess it has to be otherwise it wouldn’t be considered that good…
I wish these things would be more obvious in the description tho. Like at least the new version of chap vvr says its final samage increase.

Has anyone done Musketeer’s Grooving Muzzle with Saint Oath? Would the crit got increased as well?

Really depends on what happens with running shot now I guess. Would be derpy but probably pretty funny.

I bet they weapon-restrict running shot though. At least, they should if they’re smart.

Return of the ancient Archer3-QS3-Musketeer3-Appraiser turret build.

JK, as much as I like the build, maybe IMC could make the playstyle possible on the Arbalester. :rofl:

If they do justice on the new RUNNING SHOT skill of QS and make it general with no restrictions on weapons, etc. It could work with an AOE AA build of Cannonner Bazooka mode. The build should be QS, Cannoneer, and Arquebusier, Assuming that Running shot and Bazooka should work well along with Arquebusier’s defensive skill with walls around you to protect yourself from all monsters around you. No need for VVR cannon because there is Glacia Cannon with a 60% damage boost when stationary. If assuming with the numbers, a decent remake of Running shot SFR, + Bazooka + Glacia Cannon 60%, and a defensive skill from the new archer class will somehow make it work. It’s a viable build for CM only though.

imagine running around so fast while shooting with bazooka irl LMFAO
running shot, the name itself implies it has good mobility
why would you expect to combine it with bazooka class or even arquebusier who most of time under stances like stay still/crouching

I used to build QS with Cannoneer focused on AA bazooka way back Timerys Temple era. Arquebusier new archer class is there to solved that problem because of the circular walls that will protect you from packs of monsters. Bazooka buffs your AA by a lot because of attack speed, range and AOE ratio. You don’t have to be mobile on using the running shot skill. If it won’t work with the bazooka skill, they could just remove that particular skill then. The class concept here should be that SR can AA while mobile and Cannoneers can AA while stationary but massive AOE with protection. There should be class variation to AA builds. I’m tired of playing classes that focuses on many skills and plays like a piano warrior that keeps on pressing a lot of skills.

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you should check video of how running shot skill works if you have no idea about it
running shot is a skill where you running while shooting with no such long interlude/pause just like sr limacon
you are becoming mobile like sr.
the sole reason sr mobile is they wearing pistol which is suitable for mobile theme where nonstop shooting with less resting/reload is needed
on the other hand cannon is obviously weapon type where reloading/being stationary for quite some time is necessary

as you can see another people opinion

its because if they dont restict running shot for weapon type likes cannon they are dumb

tsk tsk
lets see the main cannon opinion about this that due to running shot bazooka must be removed lol

you can play only need to press jolly roger each 1 minute.

My advice is to try limiting the skills, dont pick ALL of the skills.

I limit myself to max 10-12 active dmg skills, because I know myself my fingers already arent that fast anymore.

Play that suits on your playstyle, stop blaming some “meta build” because your fingers couldnt keep up with skill rotation.

I play a full end game gears +16 - +21 except for LUCIFERI set on my Ardito scout, I only used 1 skill to finish CM 7 solo in 9-10 mins and solo DCP11 too and that is TAGLIO. I can kill everything mobile or not with a single skill TAGLIO. That is why having running shot + bazooka and the new archer can be viable because ARDITO can do it with only 1 skill. FYI again I played QS main before with Cannoneer build with main Bazooka way back Timerys Era. It was not viable that time because there was no CM yet. You had to be mobile to farm those days.

I am not like those whales that copies every Korean META, I play mainly melee or range with an Auto Attack builds, because that is my play style to every game. I do not care if the build does not tops the WBR, etc. But we will see…

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When QS was the main damage dealer on early stages of ToS with running shot and that QS bow, man you’re a VIP then came Sorcs …

You didn’t have to run around with it…it worked combined with kneeling shot back then you know… xD That’s even less running shot than running around with a cannon.

Hell man, I’ve played since Lolopanther Era/Pre TOS Re-build (when QS with Cafrisun armor set is dominating, or PD - Bokor TBL killing machine).

The point is, you cannot make one class being the same gameplay as another class. Simply put faith in IMC and if they fail again, we just adapt from it.

I have lived seeing the meta from those Chronomancer DPS as well.

FYI : I have Assassin - Ardito chara too and yeah, building around Dahlia set with Ardito is so convenient by spamming Taglio. But again, you simply cannot put this kind of playstyle into other classes as you want.

Back to the point (Running Shot QS)…

I want this Running Shot skill would be semi-AA skill and boosting Crossbow-based skills damage just like BulletMarker’s Double Gun Stance. Also, I really wish it has ARTS of Deploy Pasive that the pasive becomes mobile shield (which increase block probability, almost as same as old Block & Shoot).

if running shot turns out to be OP, brace yourself for incoming similar thread

Better hoard some QS skill gems while its cheap and not famous. When the QS update come, imc might be giving free 1 skill gem box to trade with running shot gem

People are trying to get Stone Curse gem as well, as the skill gonna be deleted.


You sir are my hero.
Whats your build for this? I’ve been trying to make one. I’m guessing you also use the channeling ichors? Infinite Taglio ichor as well?

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