Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v5.0

I play a full end game gears +16 - +21 except for LUCIFERI set on my Ardito scout, I only used 1 skill to finish CM 7 solo in 9-10 mins and solo DCP11 too and that is TAGLIO. I can kill everything mobile or not with a single skill TAGLIO. That is why having running shot + bazooka and the new archer can be viable because ARDITO can do it with only 1 skill. FYI again I played QS main before with Cannoneer build with main Bazooka way back Timerys Era. It was not viable that time because there was no CM yet. You had to be mobile to farm those days.

I am not like those whales that copies every Korean META, I play mainly melee or range with an Auto Attack builds, because that is my play style to every game. I do not care if the build does not tops the WBR, etc. But we will see…

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When QS was the main damage dealer on early stages of ToS with running shot and that QS bow, man you’re a VIP then came Sorcs …

You didn’t have to run around with it…it worked combined with kneeling shot back then you know… xD That’s even less running shot than running around with a cannon.

Hell man, I’ve played since Lolopanther Era/Pre TOS Re-build (when QS with Cafrisun armor set is dominating, or PD - Bokor TBL killing machine).

The point is, you cannot make one class being the same gameplay as another class. Simply put faith in IMC and if they fail again, we just adapt from it.

I have lived seeing the meta from those Chronomancer DPS as well.

FYI : I have Assassin - Ardito chara too and yeah, building around Dahlia set with Ardito is so convenient by spamming Taglio. But again, you simply cannot put this kind of playstyle into other classes as you want.

Back to the point (Running Shot QS)…

I want this Running Shot skill would be semi-AA skill and boosting Crossbow-based skills damage just like BulletMarker’s Double Gun Stance. Also, I really wish it has ARTS of Deploy Pasive that the pasive becomes mobile shield (which increase block probability, almost as same as old Block & Shoot).

if running shot turns out to be OP, brace yourself for incoming similar thread

Better hoard some QS skill gems while its cheap and not famous. When the QS update come, imc might be giving free 1 skill gem box to trade with running shot gem

People are trying to get Stone Curse gem as well, as the skill gonna be deleted.


You sir are my hero.
Whats your build for this? I’ve been trying to make one. I’m guessing you also use the channeling ichors? Infinite Taglio ichor as well?

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It’s a very expensive build, Dahlia channeling set, Misrus dagger, Glacia 1H sword is enough. In other words you don’t need any VVR weapon in this build. The main core of the infinite Taglio build is the dahlia channeling set and if you want to CM, pair it with Storm ark as it’s OP with Taglio for CM of course. Pair your Ardito with Rogue so you won’t need the crit stats in your ichors, Sneak buff is more than enough for min. crit, then Assassin for crit damage.


Do you know anything about the kr release date of this class? or any indication?

They said December for KR. For us, it would probably be around March.


oh translating for portuguese says January 13 e.e … please IMC bring this weeky on ktos, i need see Sadhu changes ><

I wish we could get some day class masters outfit as costumes in an event! Just take a look at these:


they have yet to even release the rangda black costume and head what is the point anyway they stopped making the skills look better as in look at exo, sherif, matros ardito cash shop costumes no visual changes to skills siiiiigh :frowning:

also add inqui master to list please XD

someone please tell me im not the only one confused by Chaplain it has auto attacks with a stat growth of a physical unit, then they gave it magnus and holy boost good for mages then its vaivora is a 2 hand and its godess armour grants auto bonus with heal, its vaivora is a 2 hand and they gave it a shield to damage attribute…this is very confusing I can think of pala chap but…just why??? They need to bokor rehaul this class ASAP but not as bad as alchemist though XD

ktest is currently in maint




Adoption is often a problem (initially at least).

I remember when people didn’t bother doing lv2 vaivoras because it would be a “waste”. Now, I see people running around selling multiple lv2s.

Though, I believe the introduction of levelled equipment would set a floor price for vvr and goddess/demon ichors.

Like how it can only get this “cheap” until someone buys it to make lv 2/3/4 :tired:

Just like how the introduction of lv 2 vvr and vvr transmutations set the floor price of vvr at 90 million Silver in Telsiai, when before that, people would be willing to get rid of their Time Rush at 35 million

I’m interested to see how this would affect the in-game economy

EP 13 came like a bolt from the blue.

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Damn, they deleted a lot of maps on the Orsha side, if I read that right. RIP Baubas Cave

Max level is increased to 460 only, but you get 10 stat points per level and 3 skill points in total.

A lot of skill factor changes especially for Scout classes. Sage also got some neat skill factor buffs.

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These are crazy amount of rebalancing.

I approb.

u can convert your weapon , like BOW = CANNON , Nice