Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0


And yeah, Cleric C3 costume is awesome. Dat dank posing

whhhhhhaaaaaa i need this immediately how long has that existed?

December 26th.


Been playing since beta and literally never noticed this added. Face palm moment.

Do you know if its based off your def or your targets def?

Also if your under the effects of safety / ausrine / stera does it still damage you?

So many things i must test.

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Not sure about the rest, but if you’re inside SZ the Guardian S. damage does get absorbed. So it probably is the same for Ausrine, Stera, Mackangdal.

Where are gay weddings please.


The damage you take is based off your own defense. You take no damage if you’re invulnerable.

I also did a test with monk’s iron skin. It won’t block any damage if the other person is taking a damage type that iron skin doesn’t block. On physical hits, it seems to only reflect 1 damage even when I took more than 1 damage from guardian saint. My guess is that it tries to reflect the original damage that your ally took, which is nil, and ends up being 1.

Two minor/major issues (depending on how you see it) with the skill is that the buff description makes the receiver think that they’re taking damage for you even with the attribute on. The buff description says the same thing for both players. “You are in a status to receive the damages instead.” It doesn’t help that there isn’t any way to differentiate whether or not the attribute is on when a cleric casts the skill. Everyone avoids the tile when they see it.

Visually, it looks as if the receiver is invulnerable (has no hit box) when they get hit so some people might misunderstand and think they’re cheating in pvp.

Hell ya! We need some gay stuff too. ;3

so many details :cold_sweat:

LMAO! hilarious! xD

20 words right here…

You can be the one to take the damage, if you buy an attribute :slight_smile:

any solution? for client TOS .exe has error after updater MFC

Are we back to 2 weekly no content droughts?

: ) We comin’ in like a wrecking ball.


Where do you guys get the popularity ranking for classes combination?

I think people asked that back in Ragnarok Online, and if i remember correctly their answer was because Gay marriages are not allowed or frowned upon in South Korea they can’t put it in the game.
Not sure if anything changed since then in South Korean societies or gay rights in South Korea…


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Thank you! /2020202020

So what about of those who weren’t? :grimacing:

Well personally I don’t care either way. Just kinda baseless and unnecessary assumption lol.

Edit: since you ninja-edited.

Are you sure cause I personally don’t have any traumatic or negative experience that I went trough. I had an amazing childhood. So I wonder where you come up with stuff like that. :thinking: