Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Eh don’t worry about it, it’s going to get fixed/buffed… eventually… you played a swordsman you should know this well then.
Otherwise, your attitude makes one react more or less like this.

It’s average :slight_smile:

Sorry you didn’t seem as into your warlock as that other guy with the fencer.
If you didn’t go warlock because they are op then i guess you should cope easier with the warlock rank8
if the c2 skills do nothing, use c1 skills :wink: tho it’s probably just a bug

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Seems to be more of the same, close range damage alongisde debuffs on enemies to benefit your party.
Featherfoot is a mainly a support class, I saw this coming.

Featherfoot at least has utility.

Archer is simply two gimped damage classes that look like kids compared to R6 and R7 ones

I’m sorry then I think I couldn’t get passed the fact that you could have had a really high team bonus if you hadn’t deleted all those fencer clones. Then I thought about the Duncan Idaho gholas they kept making over and over in Dune til they got the perfect one. I could relate your story to a Sci Fi book But not to warlock R2.
What was your point again?

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For ■■■■■ sake just shut up about WarlockC2, if it’s a bug it’ll get fixed eventually and if it’s just damage issues it may be buffed eventually.
You all aready played a Wizard, you should’ve known C2s suck more often than not and then C3 will be the most goddamn amazing thing since lasagna or whatever.

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epic lolz on the lasagna

Just reminder that FFc2 is cutest class ever


Archer tried to get into the sword business but it seems they are copying pre buff swordies instead of the new ones.

It’s like a Wimp Lo of classes.
“We purposely trained him wrong, as a joke”

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Some info about druid, is in kr, the img is there to explain a bit.
The stats show the changes before and after became a werewolf, and it also have show how the stone thingy skill increase your cleric tree skill point.

Edit: from the skill he have. I GUESS his build is, c1 > k2 > bokor2 > druid3.

featherfoot c2 featherfoot c222222222222222222222222222

No video share buff templar?

Only cute because of Thauma3 chibihead. It’s funny how chibihead takes the chicken suit from just looking weird to being adorable.

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Like Palazzo said, it’s not currently available in the game.

The sage class is able to duplicate party member objects.
There was a recent bug-fix however because people were able to duplicate infinite copies of some abilities. ( Caltrops, Icewall, Etc.)

Share Buff

Might as well add the two new guild structures:

Build ShieldCharger

Build Forge

Inven user TigerandRabbit (호랑이와토끼) posted some upcoming new costumes, with the Wonderland theme and (possibly) the RangerC3 costume.


WOOOOOOOW look this fuc$#@ ranger3 costume, amaziiiing

FINALLY, an enchanter video ==

but since the UI is hiden, not sure is this the boom they craft

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I still need to swap my weapon to get the “permanent” ASPD increase.