Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

I just started Sapper and my lvl1 Stakecades and Detonate are far more efficient in killing mobs than my lvl5 Claymore, I’m also having doubts the damage buff of x3.5damage attribute will make a difference.

lvl 300 sapper 3 here, trust me you’re right. Claymore takes ages to set up, and get kicked around half the time, plus what it costs isn’t worth the damage.

hello guys!, is there any big change to Archer balance since 6 months ago? or is there anyone know where I can read about it? =w="


Hello Saviors, here is what is expected to come in this weeks upcoming maintenance, though it seems to be very little today - i assume it’s post G-Star syndrome.

The contents of the patch may be changed / added on the actual update day.

  1. The Website & In-Game TP Stores will close to allow them to be reorganized.
  • Item Packs that were previously only obtainable via the Website will now be moved into the in-game TP Store.
    • As a Result of this work, you will be unable to purchase the Laima Packages starting at 2PM From 23/11/2016 until 24/11/2016.
    • Nexon Cash will be rechargable from the TP Merchant Leticia, and you may also be able to cancel your subscription to the game.
  1. A New Event Will Start (No further information has been given)

  2. The Halloween Event will be coming to an end. The Guild Battle Beta Bug Report & Suggestions Events will also be ending.

  3. Around 24 Costumes (Includes Swimsuits, Mannish Costumes) will be moving out of the TP Store, as well as Leticia’s Secret Cube.


So they are cycling gachas… .hm… that is intresting…

Yes, it reminds me of the system in B&S - they typically ‘rotate’ through different outfits every week ( i think? or my friend told me so) so that they appear more limited edition to make the value item higher.

Still curious what other devastating impact will they come out with since they are removing lectia secret cube

Lol, no more 600% exp on dungeons…

You mean on ITOS? it’s still there. Just hidden. The mod is covered instead of showing to us now.

So can you explain why I didn’t hit lv 135 after 3 dungeons 130 like always was?
Did 3 dungeons 130 and now I’m lv 132 + 80%.
Unless clear voucher is capping exp

No idea on 130 they change something? You on queue or solo?

Mission still give me regular 494k for my priest per boss. (320) For instance queue.

Was leveling my scout but after 3 dungeons got from level 130-132 was quite disapointment.

If you are on solo i dunno. Never been on solo for 130 with ID clear. Since Party searching does give way more O_O.

Was in party + clear voucher.

My friend just made the dg 145, and the exp received is the same

Mission give to my 4 chars the same exp …

No clue on that rip ¯ \ ( O_O) / ¯

I hate chars with bad luck… better delete him and start again.