Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

I hope they do somthing about it, maybe…change it’s to be a buff that make next skill use become Critical…naaa that will become OP as f*ck xD

What’s everyone opinion on DEX? I find it useless unless you put all stats into it which then cripples your character in terms of damage and survivability.

In what field do you find DEX useless? PvE or PvP? Either way, IMO, DEX 100 is enough for most things up to lvl 200. Other can give a better feedback based on later levels.

Also, Ill play as an Archer, so what I said is kinda sketchy already.

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I think DEX is alright, i went priest>diev2>monk with 120 dex and leveling was easy because of the dodge effects, boss killing easy because i just had to stand there and spam/basic hits, carve or owl statues. i had a good amount of con and str too, so i wouldn’t say having a majority of dex is the worst path in the world, although i guess dex favours archer class more naturally. (i.e musketeer can build full glass cannon dex because, high base damage on skills )

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So I was wondering how well the alchemist was doing in kOBT compared to pardoner and squire in terms of making money. I also didn’t play any of the closed beta testings so I was wondering what you’d use your money on since it seems like you can’t buy cosmetics with in game currency. (which majority of the time that’s what I’d spend on xD) Thanks in advance!

Your main income will be from Gem roasting. HP/SP pots prices fell so hard ever since the introduction of guild farming and a certain quest for SP pots in kToS. As for silver you will be mainly using them to upgrade your gears or buy rare ones.

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Any c3 scouts in here can give me some feedback on split arrow in kTos? I’ve seen videos of the skill doing great damage while mobbing on maps but I know the focus has moved more to running missions/dungeons is it a viable skill for sustained damage in groups?

Does anyone know what leveling JIcan Gu from Wugushi C3 affects?

I can see it’s sp consumption raises, but no information on how damage or number of insects increases. Length of time the insects are alive seems to be the same according to tooltips.

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Thank you for the information, having all the information hidden makes it hard for me to make good decisions on which skills to improve.

For what?


You need around 100 dex for 40% crit chance.
Against an low crit resits target.

Lategame mobs 280+, have crit resitance of 200~300.

So to get an 100% crit chance in.
You would need around 550 crit rate, either trough dex/buffs/equip/gems.

Swiftstep gives 25% bonus.
So overall crit rate would be 490 which you need as natural crit rate.

Gem’s are worth around 40 crit ratio (level 5?) and highe rleveld ones give more. So 200 dex is enough, only when you use crit gems and have good euip + one or more crit rate buffs.

Class that owns critting: rouge and ranger (both have massive+ crit chance bonuses. Which are multiplier with your own).

Ranger isn’t thaaat massive +crit chance bonuses. Only if you’re using Critical Shot skill which is kinda weak :x

Full dexbuils gives you nearly 70% by itself, not including critres. Add here possible buffs and items. But I would rather suggest going like 2 STR 1 CON 3 DEX pre 280 and then invest everything in STR. Those ~150-170 dex would give you like 5-10% basic crit chance at endgame(lvl 500) after enemy resistances calculated so you can always utilise your crtAtt from STR and increase it further by items and buffs. And at level 280 it would be like 40% base crit chance. Crit rate buffs are even greater with higher crit rates cuz they will bring more crit chance the more you already have ans this crit chance won’t be weakened by crit res so effective increase would be even greater.

I am not sure how much crtrate gems grant, but I doubt they alone would be enough to overcome enemy crit res.
Also you can go full STR to maximise poison damage but you survivalbility would drop drastically, since DEX is sort of a devensive stat maybe even more than offensive and ~50 CON is also great since it doubles your basic HP at level 280.

Also since crtchance decreases with level your crtrate buffs most probably won’t be wasted even with full DEX build. Example: at level 500 with all stats in DEX you will have ~1000 crit rate which is ~80% crit chance against enemies with no crit defense. Assumimg high level mobs have at least 200 crit res it would be even less (~60%). So most probably those crit buffs won’t be wasted. And give you around 20-30% crit chance to a level of ~80-90%.
Also there are already such buffs as +30% dex so going full dex might still be a waste. Still, Acc and Eva would be abnormal, nullifying aby enemy evasion and evasion buffs and dodging at least 50%(80% against full STR) of time.

That’s why there is no “right” builds. Both are useful against certain foes, but STR would deal quite a bit more damage being more stable. DEX build is basically antiSTR while it fill struggle against mages and somewhat pure tanks. Imagine full CON mage(or full INT thauma) build with around 1200 crit defense. If you never crit all your investmens in DEX would be wasted and you will end up in horrible damage state.

That’s why I suggested such star distribution. This way you would be pretty bulky (13-15k HP), have decent STR and very high crit rate in mid game and high STR + decent crit late game. You will become more of a jack of all trades being not super effective in certain situations(like full DEX vs full STR) but useful at every single moment.

If I could rise only 1 character, I would stick to something like this for sure. But you definitely can build a character specialised at one or two targets and become best in it. Example is full STR wugushi designed for Linker C3 based party.

Finally it is simplier to make such a single stat build, since your strengths and weakneses would be pretty obvious and ways of overcoming them or avoiding bad situations are more simple as well.

EDIT: Also DEX benefits archer R7 classes more then STR, so there IS another reason to invest a bunch of points in it. The more you invest the less significant enemy crit res becomes but the less base attack to multiplify by crit you get. I think there are some points on STR-DEX curve where you get max damage, not including additional survivalbility from DEX, but those points are nearly impossible to calculate, since they depend on enemies, buffs, items and even skills you prefer.
Obviously DEX benefits high damage skills that CAN crit - not wugushi poison, but maybe wuguishi buffs and for sure Cannoneer/musketeer skills. STR benefits low damage multihit skills and autoattacks more.

Both STR and DEX obviously buff each other’s effectivity as well due to critATT stat. That’s why balanced builds tend to be more effective then expected.

To summarise, I would write benefits and disadvantages of each stat for physical Damage Dealers:

STR: + more stable, as it will be at least useful in any situation

  • scales super good, the more you invest the better it becomes
  • good against high crit defense enemies since you can’t crit anyway and your base dps is high
  • can be improved by crit rate from items/gems(against low crit res enemies at least).
  • Good against high DEF enemies: the more STR you have the less effective defence becomes
  • crtAtt stat is wasted if you can’t crit
  • weak vs high EVA enemies due to low accuracy => very high % of misses. Especially bad against high EVA high BLOCK enemies, since you might hit less then 10% times.
  • provides less survivalbility then CON or DEX.
  • may become less significant late game when items and skills with even higher attack appear.

DEX: + Super effective against physical DD due to increasing effective HP several folds. Great in combination with block to never die against physical damage.

  • Benefits High damage skills/weapons greatly further increaing their effectiveness.

  • Great against high EVA enemies (literally counters itself).

  • Great against low CON enemies (possible oneshots)

  • Risky: if enemy has higher crtDEF all points in DEX are wasted, and your base damage is low.

  • Weak against CON builds - same reason.

  • scales quite poorly: you will need mor DEX to maintain the same DPS the higher LVL you are. However, ~ 150-200 dex seems to grant a good power spike at levels 250-300 which seems to be effective up to highest levels w/o further investments. Still, you get more bonus points for investing over 500 points so it’s effectiveness slowly overcomes level penalty. It means that you can invest part of your points in CON or STR and maintain the same crit chance.

-Risk of overcapping also exists, that’s why it’s almost never worth to go 100% Dex, but 80-90 should be fine.

  • Provides DPS multiplier instead of raw buff so it is not effective with low attack. Thats why full DEX might fall of drastically in terms of DPS. But not in terms of survivalbility.


  • Essential for everyone who risks his life. If you have godlike tank who never lets a single random attack through you can drop it, otherwise you need at least 50 of it which will double your basic HP. Tanks will need more. Full CON may result in crit immunity which kills any crit based build. Also improves most heals on you. Great in combination with Defences, Dex and Block making you up to 15 times fatter against physical and up to 3-4 times fatter against magical attacks (sure mages are OP). It’s all like one single super big +.
  • No damage - maybe even bigger -.

Lastly, a note about spirit. Block is quite underestimated right now but in late game it may become Patk killer.

So it’s totally viable to make DEX CON SPR builds to spam all those evasive blocking pastards to death. Also some higher level skills may require much more SP so SP potions alome won’t be enough. But for wugushi it’s not the best option)

So, as I already said, my suggestion about your build is to go 140-150 dex 40-50 con to get enough crit rate and survivalbility and invest everything else into STR. This way you may freely chose your gear according to situation w/o having to rely on crit gems or ally buffs too much. Also their buffs would still benefit you greatly, especially vs high crtdef enemies. This way archer c2 and ranger c1 would work the best. I think that you can still use kneeling shot while swift step is active to get this 35% pemanent (0 sec cd) crit rate increase and potentially have up to 100% crit chance with full buffs/items. Adding your DEX to patk is also a great bonus.


I finally made a report of every Falconer’s bugs that I know of and have been suffering from.
For @STAFF_John and those who are interested, please take a look.

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Does Blood Bath from Featherfoot bleed regeneration works on players?Because it only says Beast,Devil and Insect types can be effected.

May I see a video please.

Where do you guys see these monster stats?

click on the specific monster for detailed stats.

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