Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

I meant PVP in a 1v1 can you regenetate hp off players with Blood Bath even if their not consider Beast,Devil or Insect type.

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I tried once in PVP, you can’t regenerate hp via blood bath :cry:

Thanks much.

Tosbase’s layout is such a huge waste of space (not that there is a shortage >_<). All that information coulda fit in the 1st page without a need for a hyper link.

My thoughs on some archer skills discussed recently on this topic:

Maxing swift stept, kneeling shot and heavy shot (since you will most probably need to repel enemies in both PvPand PvE). Last 10 points you can put into any of remaining skills based on your preferences.

Not sure about Full Draw, it sounds pretty strong, espetially adding defense decrease debuff, but if it’s easily countered in PvP then it isn’t worth investing points. Maybe one point would be a good idea CC wise.

Multishot is great for STR based builds, since it’s multihit.

Oblique shot is good as autoattack replacer, since it potentially quadruples it’s damage due to double hit and attribute (still I’m not sure if attibutes increase all the damage or only bonus damage), also add slow here. But it has quite high SP cost to spam it, so I think it is better for PvP, not PvE. Since I’ve not played the game yet and my knowledge is based only on other peoples words, I would suggest to chose the one you feel the most comfortable with of these 3. I probably would get multishot and invest 1 point in oblique and/or full draw CC wise (or for armor reduction). 1 Level oblique cost quite a few SP (13 comparing to 27) so it won’t be that harmful to spam it.

Twin arrow has 5 uses before going on CD, and is quite decent skill for single target DPS, but I don’t think it’s worth to take archer c3 only for it, and other skills don’t become much stronger comparing to c2.


Steady Aim is why we are here, so max it.

Critical shot is another autoattack replacer. I think it may be quite good for heavy STR builds with less then 50% crit to simply spam it, but SP cost hurts again. Still I can imagine full STR build with full critATT gear and maxed attribute melting bosses with it.

All those 0 cd skills may be good wuth SPR based builds to compensate low STR/DEX numbers, but for usual builds they are mediocore.

Barrage is a skill of choice for any other c1 build. Pretty good in combo with falconer.

High anchoring seems useless, long cast, long cd, low damage, weak attributes. Aoe wise it is nice, but falconer makes it worthless.

Time bomb is pretty boring as it is and deals quite a low damage as well. No uses at late game.

For ranger c1 I would suggest barrage and crit shot, since in late game it can be quite useful to fill in between your skills while you will have high critATT, high SP bar and near 20% crit chance.

Both c3 skills are incomparably good to everything except steady aim thus if you get ranger c3 they are must. Also I would max critical shot and leave barrage at level 5 for occasional point blank shots on bosses and extra aoe damage while mobbing. Going C2 isn’t worth it for me, except you got a free class slot in your build and want some extra dps (though less then 15% dps increase for class slot doesn’t sound really good).


Deploy pavise - looks good only for PvP, useless in PvE. Scatter Caltrops are quite great in PvE, but nearly useless in PvP.

Stone shot sounds insanely strong in PvP, but I assume it can be easily countered somehow (6-10 seconds stun with no cd, really?). Thus, in PvE it is still not bad, since it has damage multiplier, which is super good for no cd spell. Thus my suggestion for c1 would be max stone shot and stone picking lvl 4 or 5 in order to pick enough stones at once to shot during the cd. Also max caltrops for PvE or Pavise for PvP. 1 level from stone pick can be distibuted to one of these utility wise.

If going to further circles, I would suggest to continue leave stone shot at level 10, since you will “only” get 2 more seconds ( I assume chance is not increased with lvl) stun for x1.5 SP. Then get 1 lvl of teardown to counter dievdirbys and of course max out runnig shot since it’s strong as hell (I wonder if it only affects autos or some skills as well?). For PvP a good Idea would be to level up deploy pavise and maybe invest 1 or 2 more ranks in stone pick, if you feel so and run out of stones very often. For PvE it’s better to max caltrops instead.


c1 is totally viable choice for rank 3 filler. Personally I would max praise since it will have 100% uptime and provide free stats and, more importantly, move speed, which is great for high level companion, rush dog for damage and CC and level 3-5 coursing for defence reduction and crit chance increase. At level 3 it will have 100% uptime on 1 enemy, not sure if it works on bosses, but if it does then it’s super good. Also you might get level 2 snatching for utility uses, but you already have dropdown in cannoneer skillset. Pointing provides too weak debuff to care at all, and I think that pet AI is quite bad, so getting it even for fear seems worthless. Rush dog is obvious for DPS increase.

If hunters skills work on bosses, then it is a great choice that helps you to utilise your pet. If AI would still be bugged on iOBT, then taking it is not a great idea.


It’s also a possible choice for c1 and it combines pretty well with wugushi lore wise (like partisan putting deadly traps and poisoning enemies witheven deadlier venoms). I think it can also be used pretty well during Guild war-like events (but it would be even greater if we could apply poisons ON traps).

Talking about skills, not sure that conceal is useful for PvE maybe at arena PvP if you would be able to conceal trap near your spawn point before they can see it and then lure someone in. But other skills are pretty decent in PvE. The only downside is their high cd and deployment time.

Right now they are not very useful but may come in handy when a new content appear, since they can be used in prepared attacks on monsters which are hard to deal with otherwise. In casual environment of early 300 levels sappers are not that good, sadly.

And finally, talking about wugushi itself:


Firstly, I wonder if Detoxify has any uses? If it can cancel something that can’t be cancelled by clerics, then it might really worth it. And what level of detoxify even means?

Bewitch is only 1 point CC so it is worth getting.

Both throw Gu pot and Jincan gu seems to worth maxing, as well as needle blow.

Not sure about other 3, it all depends on damage and ulility uses of detoxify. Both have 100% uptime at max levels(Zhendu has almost 100% already at level 12), so I think it’s more about single target/AoE damage. It might also be a good idea to level up zhendu to lvl 11-13 and spend points left on Wugong gu to have slight dps increase or detoxify if one point even worth it.

My final suggestion for the build would be hunter based, assuming they will fix it’s AI on iOBT. Here is the link:

Basic combo would look like: applying buffs, rush dog, coursing, cannon barrage, then applying poison, then another cannon barrage, multishot x2, coursing, cannon barrage, rush dog, fill in some heavy shots, one more cannon barrage, few more heavy shots, then fifth cannon barrage and repeat, filling multishots and poison reapplied in between barrages. It will provide high AoE and single target damage with very high chance to crit vs single target.

Not sure about Ranger, if it buffs your poison damage, then it may be an even better option at least against packs of mobs, since steady aim has nearly the same cooldown as your poisons thus will be active during the strongest part of your combo.

QS is also a decent pick, but has not much uses to benefit your combo. The only suggestion is levelling full draw to 4 instead of heavy shot and utilizing stone shots to fill in between cannon barages. This way you may have more CC and armor reduction, but it likely falls of damage wise.


nice analyzing, i like it.

Ok here we have to disagree.

Praise gives the pet flat bonuses that unless the pet has higher/same level as the content you are doing , which might not happen before lvs 230+ , those flat bonus wont increase anything. Also, the move speed bonus only makes any difference if you feed the pet, but remember once the pet dies it loses all stamina and the praise buff. In my experience playing hunters, praise was very much useless in any situation outside of pvp.

Only pointing and snatching work on bosses. Snatching is a good choice to increase slash and strike damage , so I’d go for it instead of Praise.

Ok, this is my Wugushi’s kill review, hope this help :smiley:

This skill is not worth to get more that 1 level, because the main use of this skill is for it’s [attribute : poison immunity] for maximum of 20 sec, this is a live saver when you have to fight with another Wugushi in the pvp, but another that than , it’s just useless.

let’s me make clear about this, This skill is NOT the cc Skill.
What it’s do to monster is, it’s make the effected target can damage another monster and another monster also can damage them, and when they do there’s a high chance they will start to fighting each other instead, but they will not instant doing that when you use this skill, and sometime they never do.
I am not sure about how it’s will effect the player in pvp, but I think it’s allow friendly fire to the effected player is a fair guess.

It’s useful when you fight monster that have aoe as it’s normal attack, when you use this skill on them they will start to aoe attack each other like crazy.

Wugong Gu
This skill change from “meh” to “holyshiii” after the patch it’s damage just insane :open_mouth: , this skill become your main skill in everydays dungeon run.

What is this skill do is it’s make it’s target become poisoned, and if you hit it again with “anything” it’s will spread the poison to another monster, 1Hit=1 More infected target, The main host of this skill will have blink red effect on them for you to identify which one is the main host of this skill.

And the best part of this skill is when you have a Linker in your party.
Joint Penalty with this skill is literally a TACTICAL NUKE.
because when you hit this skill on a linked monster ‘all of them will be the host!’
it’s mean, if you hit any linked mob , all of them will spreading poison!
if it’s 6 monsters in the link, only 1 hit on any of them will spread poison to 6 more targets!

but the down side of this skill is ‘it’s too powerful’… I’m not joking…
You need the host to stay alive until you can make it’s spread poison to all of another mobs, but this skill have such a high initial damage. Normal monster will instantly die when you hit it’s with this skill before they can spread any poison.

Needle Blow
This skill is like the single target version of Wugong Gu, what is difference is this kill can’t spread poison and it’s have lower base damage than Wugong Gu, But it’s have faster tick rate (0.5 per tick/ while Wugong Gu is 0.8 if I am not mistake)
and I am not sure about this… but I think this skill also apply slow on the effected target.

This skill is depend on personal reference, you will get it’s or not is up to you.
The main point of this skill is it’s lower target’s Poison resistance. But what is this Poison resistance is didn’t mean resistance from elemental advantage. Posion elemental type monster have 50% poison resistant by nature , Zhendu CAN NOT reduce this kind of natural elemental resistant. Zhendu is work for the target that have [elemental resistant] as a stat not it’s element type. for example their a monster that have a Earth element in the 145 dungeon but it’s have alot of poison resistant, Zhendu is good for this kind of target, but this skill is no effect on the monster that have poison elemental type but have 0 poison resistant.

About this skill damage, damage of this skill is depend on your physical ATK entirely. increase the skill level only increase it’s duration.
But the good part of this skill is it’s the poison skill that have the longest duration that Wugushi have (Up to 35 sec) and it’s also apply on party member that near you, but remenber that effect of this skill can’t stack on the same target.

Throw Gu Pot
From the lastest patch, they reduce it’s duration to 6 from 12, but increase it’s base damage twice instead.
You may think so ‘it’s the same then?’ But no, because now your physical ATK also add to the poison damage , it’s mean twice base damage didn’t mean it’s twice of total damage.
So it’s a soft-nerf if you ask me, but the good thing is they increase it’s AOE range a little too, that the good news.

Jincan Gu
Create your own army of little green roach of death, what I can say more? :smiley:


But snatching works only against flying enemies. Also as I mentioned, this setup would be viable only if they fix AI and if coursing would work on bosses.
Statement about flat bonuses was unclear for me. Aren’t pet usually the same level as you character? Or even higher if you levelled it up with another character? (As I understand you can give high level pet to anyone on your acc). Flat bonuses it provides are goos for character and I think good for pet as well (since pets have quite decent stats).

Snatching works against flying bosses too and there is a lot of those.

Well about pets leveling, well that depends. If the hunter is your first character then its very unlikely that the pet will be the same level as you until you need to grind the huge wall at 220-236. So it will take a long time.
If the pet came from a main that already grinded that then for sure the pet is going to be higher level.
Pets have very poor stats actually and you need to raise them which cost money ( a lot of money).

Even so I would only go praise 1 for pvp and thats it. 100% strike + slash + Missle damage to flying bosses is crazy.

Detoxify: Doesn’t worth even one point. Antidote points are cheap and you can use them freely on Arena PvP without cooldown. Let this statues prevention job to supports and put the point in Zhendu for an example. I think this needs a rework or something like this.

Bewitch: I didn’t even find a situation that it would be useful. On PvM you’ll usually be on a party so most of the time you won’t use it. Zhendu would be a better choice. Another skill that I think it needs a rework.

Wugong Gu:

This won’t be a problem later when a lot of monsters starts to get high HP, lol.

Needle Blow: I didn’t know about Slow but maybe it was changed, quite nice if it inflicts it, but there’s a chance you inflicted Slow by using Oblique Shot, could you test it?

Zhendu: Just like this, but every second worth it so I think it’s better to have points here instead of Detox and Bewitch unless they’re reworked.


Kneeling Shot doesn’t need to be maxed if you’re not going to use it, like a future SR.

Heavy Shot is good for maxing but you should be aware that the knockback is annoying on PvM so you can’t make it your best skill for DPS that you can’t use in a party.

Full Draw is good for defense decrease combo for insta-killing on PvP and PvE if you’re lucky and also for the Skew. I usually only put 3 points here to make it almost an instant-cast (one point is way too slow for me because I use it a lot).

Critical Shot isn’t that good. It’s better to focus on other skills and put the spare points here. I wanted to see how it is on higher skill Lv. but then you would be sacrificing some points.

Also on 0 cd skills, Lv. 10 SP Potions are too cheap to the point you won’t be near the 10k potions achievement even on ~Lv.26x. SP isn’t a problem when there are a lot of Alchemists on the server and you have some silver to spare.

Barrage isn’t affected that much (or not at all, I don’t really know) by AoE Attack Ratio. You’ll usually hit all monsters anyway or a single one if you’re near it.

High Anchoring is good for some specific cases but you won’t be using it that much. I use it only as a filler before cd reset to reduce Critical Resist from enemies.

Time Bomb is good for its knockdown but I’d say it only worth one point for PvP or some rare cases on PvM. Also note that if you use it on linked monsters every one of them will get the status effect.

Deploy Pavise is kind of good on PvM if you’re alone or in a party without linkers and tankers because it can aggro monsters (even non-aggressive at least when I were using it).

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Oh boy.



I forgot that this was an archer thread. Oh wait… nvm.
Here it goes guys:
You’re welcome.


It’s actually a general discussion, so why not to discuss it here? It’s hard to locate something useful on other threads, and this thread is pretty active and have lots of useful info, that’s why.


because it’s not general, it’s specific


if people discuss wisely and not just attacking one another, why not?

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It’s fine and good that people are not arguing and are having a really good conversation, and that’s a great thing for the community.

But at the same time, it seems like it’d be great info to have on a separate thread on the Archer sub forums, and a nice way to bring life into those sub forums pre-OBT. I think that info and discussion is more relevant there, than it would be here.

Honestly, it’s time we start having the more indepth discussions about things like this on appropriate sub forums instead of the kToS thread, since iToS is edging closer.


yea, no objection for that too. but somehow, the discussion is on-going, it is pretty quite wierd pull out to another new topic :smiley:

i already stopped playing at krToS. i already have enough information for now. need a good rest and reading more useful feedback from here to get myself prepare for next iToS class build.

Bc this kind of discussion in this topic is rather useless for any1else looking for information about Archers because the discussion is going to be lost in the middle of hundreds of posts very soon(just like the information in it).
That’s why we have a class/rank area separated for each class