Tree of Savior Forum

A problem about new forum

When I reading a very long topic like “kTOS General Thread” and I try to scroll to the top to click on my notification, I CAN’T! :open_mouth:

Because when I tried, forum will reload the older reply and push me down :hushed:

I just can’t…Reach…the top… keep scrolling…up…make it stop…No…somebody…


Instead of scrolling, have you tried the ‘Page Up’ or ‘Home’ button on your keyboard?

That’s the only solution I have now :cry:

Or pressing Backspace :v:

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if i want to scroll i mostly use middle button (mouse wheel but click it XD) Works in 99% of cases :stuck_out_tongue:


Experience this but the opposite way, wanted to scroll down but it wont let me, it lead me back up all the time, but that was BEFORE this new blue changes, when it was all still white. My only solution is using the “Go top” and all at the lower right. scrolling with the middle mouse fails me :sweat_smile:

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At the right bottom corner shows a blue box with post number/total post. Here you can click and select top, bottom or type the topic number which you want.

It’s A Long Way to the Top~!

Although the little widget on the bottom is there to help you, I will forward this to our Web Dev team. :slightly_smiling:

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