Tree of Savior Forum

KRtos (class, content) vids & discussion : first post = retiari & onmyouji vids (CLOSED TOPIC BY REQUEST)

Kabba reduce level was nerfed and can no longer affect bosses. :disappointed_relieved:
Not really any trick to beating the boss. Just need decent play with sufficient gear (damage, survival) + support (debuffs, heal/sustain).

@tokori retiarius is average at PvE, but lacks many offensive skills (just 2 damage skills) for prolonged battles. Best use of retiarius at PvE is pulling mobs and killing the mobs (similar to linker on wizard class). Fishing Net pull + trident finisher is very strong burst. Requires sufficient attack power + AoE ratio, like all swordies. If you need vids, check the first post. Popular build is pelt1 + hoplite2 + 3 free ranks + retiarius2. Usually fills with corsair3, however after pelt patch some would’ve preferred to be a pelt2/3 hop3 based build. No class resets though. You can go spear + shield path or spear + dagger path for retiarius(2). This old post discusses retiari a bit more click here<<

Retiarius at PvP is ok. Net pull is great, and retiarius is able to revive with vital point protection. Mobility and skill range is still limited due to being melee class. Usual weakness of being physical (block, dodge). Pvp videos on this channel (rangee)<<click

Raid team with a sword2 - hoplite2/3 -cata1/2- dragoon2- lancer1 (I forgot his build).
Krivis3 priest3 chaplain inquis1 (meta aa cleric),
wiz3 link3 thauma3 (one of many farming builds, at raid it becomes support),
krivis3 monk3 zealot2 (meta ktos zealot build),
cleric3 paladin3 kabba3 (tank healer).
Without runecaster to share rune of protection. Their main dealers have pain barrier skills so it was not an issue. Wiz3 brings lethargy debuff for monk strike punch spam. Dragoon2-lancer1 is a strong debuffer.


Does Earth Tower reset voucher reset the entries for Velcoffer Raid?

did velcoper boss deal only phisical damage or both physical and magical

Unfortunaly Reduce Level was nerfed since Belcoper release date, it doesn’t work on bosses anymore. But still useful to kill other monster because Reduce Level make literaly what it says so a monster with lower level will get All the stats lowered, Atk, Def and Max HP too, everything, so it helps to kill some tough monster there more faster, and the best part is that any monster have their design of lower level not made, so Reduce Level reduces their stats more then it should reduce. Another useful thing on Kabbalist to help in Belcoper are the skills “Gevura” and “Double Chance”, it really help.

What do you think about the Murm1-Reti1 build? Okay, or is it better to go Murm2?


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No, cannot.

@forestdragon2012 both physical and magical. Physical is more annoying (swipe knockdown), and magical is more dangerous. Magic puddle skill kills players very fast.

@Nalu1 please give me full build. Pelt1 - hop2 - rode3 - murmillo1 - reitiari1?

Resource Rumble

More vids
A resource rumble
B resource rumble

Other vids
Fencer +27 solmiki rapier challenge stage 5 video
New dance at klaipeda city here
Exchanging blessed gems for silverbox, opening it here

New item-bag UI

Some of that is an addon. Or at least there is an addon that already does this that I already use.

wow, 400-750k only for 1 blessed gem.
I guess there’s no fear of underpricing gems as well as inflation because people won’t trade their gems for silver if that’s about as much as they can expect from these boxes…

That the build other players tried? I was thinking something like this: as a tank/dps build, pvp/pve. Guess I lose too much not having rode3? Pelt2 seems so good for guardian.

Will we receive rank resets after the update of Reitiari/onmyoji? i want to know so i can just wait until it comes or start a new char.

not works, retiari need rank 2 for desarm shield

Yeah it would be more for the net and the burst skill. I realize it may not be the most optimal build for both pve and pvp.

Hello Grey, this might seem out of topic, I apologies, however, do you know if on KTOS, is there any patch that fixed the Matador costume quest bugged at 24 points max?
I recently saw a KTOS video showing a matador soloing stuffs with his cape on, so I assume it is now possible to get pass stage 3 for Matador now?

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I was cheking out ktos site and noticed they’ve taken down their class pages, seems to be closed to update the info. Think that it has something to do with the reworks?

I’m on a hiatus just waiting for cleric rework and new rank8 announcement to return. Had a chap krivis zealot1 that i recently reseted, torn into cl2kr3monk1oracle1zealot2 or the build that i have been theorycrafting cl1kri3sadhu3zeal2 ( sadly t.prana wont work with illusion, but with perma t.prana and fanatism possession will hit like a truck), the “lack” of sinnergy makes me hold this build for a while, to see if anything better comes for mage clerics.

Maybe they will bring back that miko clap atribute to bump m.atak dealers a little.

Personally i hope for a magic dmg dealer on rank 8, and maybe Sheppard could be able to equip staffs.

I might be wrong, but the TP costume came with the cape

It is from the dev blog in Korean here, seems they implemented several add-ons as game features. My onmyoji skills broke, and teleport warp UI broke. Game crashed often too. Had to uninstall most add-ons. Recently a notice was posted and urged players to stop using toukibi add-ons (tooltip helpers) (causes game crashes) on ktos.

There are several more bugs at the moment, such as hackapel dash not working again.

Rangee Po uses this build: skill planner here for PvP reitiari. I think picking either reitiari2(armour break, revive) or murmillo2(haste buff, shield train) will be better. I have not seen a lot of mur1-reitiari1 at PvP yet.

KTOS did receive 1 rank reset when new classes were released. It was an event. I cannot know about this event on itos.

@flyawaychen yes, a ktos patch turned matador costume quest into easy quest. Most have a cape now. Another patch added special costumes in TP shop for all new rank 8 classes (white bulletmarket costume, dark matador costume, special reitiari, onmyoji, zealot, shadowmancer costumes). Refer to ktos thread post by qq to view the costumes here

@leonardo.lmfl yes, class pages are down, that’s right. :wink: I have seen krivis3 sadhu3 inquis1 (flame attribute) based builds do well. example video at challenge mode solo
Melstis to extend transmit prana on yourself and on ally. Daino buffed attacks apply transmit prana damage boost. Inquis flames apply daino buffed prana attacks. This build is similar to the meta aa cleric build, but includes crowd control for party play (sadhu possession). AA damage of this build is lower than the meta aa cleric build (priest3 chaplain krivis3 inquis1). Even if you dislike auto-attacks, you could use possession to kill mobs. It will still spawn inquis flames, and flames still use daino-prana buffed damage. Krivis3 - sadhu3 - inquis1 - free rank (cleric2 for support, pd for healing factor solo are examples). On ktos parties bring kabba3 full support as healer. It is not necessary to have 2 clerics with high healing ability. This is why krivis3 monk3 zealot2 is also a popular build on ktos, but I rarely see this build on itos.
Note: this is an old vid, and malleus maleficarum no longer debuffs on bosses, so boss performance will be a bit lower nowadays (on ktos).


Currently the KTOS is up-to-date with ktest, so no differences. Latest patch introduced the resource rumble RvR mode mentioned in this earlier post, with vids

04/19 KTOS patch (already implemented)
New trans values applied to ktos live server. 50% less blessed gems needed for each trans stage, each trans stage nerfed by 50%.
Blessed shard and item extraction system deleted, and all magic rod and hammer items deleted. No longer possible to extract shards or item. Trans items may be marketed or put into team storage now (no longer character bound).
Saalus convent nerf applied for 3+ characters. Below 3 characters you still receive full shards. (Refer to it on itos dev blog).
Hunting grounds chance for blessed shard drops increases x3.
Elite mobs have a 10% chance to drop 2 blessed shards. They won’t drop if you are 31 levels below or higher than the mob level.

Trans investments reimbursed to players
Payment in Goddess Blessed Gems.
Check market retrieve tab.
All equipment potential is increased by +1 (when possible, it is not possible to increase +1 potential if your equip was already at full potential).
Dragon raid equipment is excluded from the potential boost.

Alchemist briquetting skills and attribute deleted. Will be added to NPC.

Token benefits changed:
+2 dance emotes for token users.
+50% exp gain for token users.
+30 team storage slots for token users.
The ’ +1 additional entry’ effect of tokens is removed. It is now free for all players. (applies to: earthtower entry, raid entry, instanced dungeons)
The -2 cost of raid stones to enter First Raid is removed from tokens, now free for all players

Market tax changes for sellers:
1 day tax = 0.5%
3 days tax = 0.75%
5 days tax = 1.0%
(NEW option)14 days tax = 1.25%

Silver limit increased
Market and character inventory new limit: 10 billion (10’000’000’000) edit: should be 1 bil
Team storage limit: 20 billion (20’000’000’000) edit: should be 2 bil
Market registration limit: 10 billion edit: 1 bil
Note: This is 10 billion right? Or 10 thousand million?

Some guild advertisement changes (did not read it since I am without a guild)

Start of Anvil/Trans/Looting events
Trans event:
TP rewarded to your character if you successfully trans equipment of level 350.
50% less needed to trans.

Anvil event:
Receive special anvil boxes from mail, use it to anvil.
50% less silver cost when using anvils.

Looting event:
+1000 looting chance during weekends for all characters.

Goddess Blessed Gem exchange shop event
Shop opened to exchange your blessed gems for items:
-silver box video here
-diamond anvils
-stat reset potion
-rank reset voucher
-some more items (hair costume boxes, attribute vouchers, and such items)

Mysterious Thief event started
BONG video here
Basically an event to dodge mobs and get to a treasure chest.


edit: added pastebin link with this patch info on first post.


Okay, guess I’ll go with the Reti2 build first then and maybe make another character for a tank, thanks.

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2 Months till ITOS is made great again

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