Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

really the daily quest are soo dumb 39 amber to collect and they not even 100% drop >>

It doesn’t take too long to get them all.

lethargy attribute is not working again… probably lvl 1 still works like in the international beta

Released there are a lot more notices on the community TOS forum for KOBT. Can we get these translated too?

Is anyone level 100-110 interested in joining me to run missions in Fedimian’s Mercenary Post? I’d really love people to regularly run it with daily. I’m worried I won’t be able to find anyone in game. :pensive:

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For anyone who was unsure, Chaplain is indeed available in kToS now.

*Spoilers; Chrome users click here.*

There is a pre-quest similar to Shinobi's, but it's a lot less tedious. It's highly likely you'll need to be Priest C3 and Rank 5 (or higher) to be able to advance to Chaplain. However, anyone should be able to complete the pre-quest to make the Chaplain Master appear.

You’ll need to talk to a guard in Orsha until you’re told about the Chaplain Master (relevant dialog will contain ‘채플린’ which is ‘Chaplain’). The dialog will mention a guard in East Siauliai Woods, you’ll need to talk to the right one. They should be next to the entrance to Klaipeda, and not marked on the map.

Talking to them then leads to the Klaipeda Priest Master, talk to the Priest Master and they’ll inform you that the Chaplain Master is in Dvasia Peak. The Chaplain Master should then appear next to the Dvasia Peak Vakarine Statue.

All dialog can be found here.

Spoilers for non-Chrome users.


thanks for sharing!.. btw you see any shinobi around?

I haven’t seen any. :confused:

Theyre Ninja, thats why u dont see em anywhere…


What class is Shinobi?

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Swordsman rank 7. and it’s a hidden class.

did you guys getting this gift yesterday?

  • 5x +30% exp books
  • 3x dungeon reset scrolls

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those are the one that we can get in character selection message inbox right?

Yea, you are right…

Which option is Vakarine in the Event thingy? I clicked various options until i couldnt anymore and I received it, the gift from the first day.

If i’m not mistaken, it’s the one that start with a square with 2 lines up

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Yes that’s vakarine

i put the other servers in an earlier comment

so were still unsure if priest c3 is a requirement or not then?