Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Chaplain - Hidden Class Rank 5

Dragoon has both the ‘‘Use One-Handed Spears’’ and ‘‘Use Two-Handed Spears’’ atributes, which much how like Doppelsoeldner has the ‘‘Use Two-Handed Swords’’ atribute is simply a way to give playes that take the class without taking any class that has said atributes beforehand to be able to use the class as intended regardless.
It was never mentioned that Dragoon would never be able to use skills mounted, it was also an event that happened in the KTest server, which in multiple ocasions including when the Rank7 classes where added recieved skills and classes that where still unfinished.

Hoplite is clearly made as a class for consistency as can be seen in Finestra offering a big boost to crit rate, to make up for it’s lack of spameable skills like most other Swordsman branches, and block rate which increases their durability as far as they are capable of blocking. It also counts with skills such as Sinchro Thusting which is meant to give you an incentive for you to keep using a shield on top of the block rate.
Hoplite pushes high burst damage in long cooldowns while being able to stay there and last for the duration of said cooldowns and it shows in it’s skill set.

Dragoon solely pushes damage, which has in common with Cataphract’s hability to enter the heat of battle to dish out high damage and get out to safety thanks to it’s mobility making for a good sinergy with Dragoon’s high damage and multi-hit.

And even then, what denies that Lancer is going to have the ‘‘Use Two.Handed Spears’’ attribute?
We simply don’t know.

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so priest c3 is a pre-req for Chaplain? can anyone confirm me with that?

My friend who is currently playing at Korean server shared this. I think this have something to do with Chaplain quest.

And based on this screenshot (might be the first Chaplain), looks like Priest c3 might be a requirement. I’m not sure.

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Whether C3 Priest is a requirement or not to advance to Chaplain isn’t what matters though. You pretty much have to be a C3 Priest in order to use Chaplain’s skills anyway.

You’re right, we don’t know.

My point is simply more logical, instead of fan based bias.

Chaplain has a pre-quest in order to make the Chaplain Master appear. Not sure if you are required to be a Priest C3 for it to advance once that pre-quest is unlocked, but you’ll need to make the Master appear first. Anyone can do this, similar to the Shinobi Master pre-quest.

It’s currently available in kToS as mentioned previously.

If it’s still unconfirmed about the priest 3 thing, i can try changing my character into one, only have priest 1.

It is required tho since both skills Magnus Exorcismus and Build Acapella need skills from Priest C3. I mean it’s common sense.

Well, Build Capella while it does run on your skill levels it doesn’t seem to require all of them, rather it just uses the ones you have.

o.o so anyone has videos of skill animations?

Several of my Cleric friends who are playing at Korean server have tried Chaplain Quest.
Those who didn’t take Priest c3 couldn’t take the quest at all. I conclude that Priest c3 is a requirement.

Steps to be a Chaplain :

  1. Go Priest c3
  2. Follow this guide to trigger the Chaplain quest

There are two grayed out stars on Chaplain, does that mean there are two more ranks or is that just how all classes work even if there is just one rank?

correct me if I am wrong, did this skill just say, it makes every normal attack of a Chaplain an Aspersio spam?

The grayed out stars just means she just took 1 circle of Chaplain. She should be able to take Chaplain again for higher ranks. However, at TOSBase skill simulator, Chaplain is only available for 1 circle. So I’m not sure about this.

She took Chaplain at rank 6 even though Chaplain is already available from rank 5.
Cleric - Cleric - Priest - Priest - Priest - Chaplain is her build.

Tosbase only has 1 circle because there is no other chaplain quests on the database, so it could possibly means that hidden classes can only have 1 circle

But it’s unknown until now

I think so. Your auto attack is basically imbued with Aspersion effect for certain duration.

HOLY SHEEP! Chaplain seems to best job for a physical auto-attack Cleric then.

wonder if it works with OOB

OOB counts as magical damage as far as I remember, so I’m not sure if that will work. But Monk is one of your best bet for Chaplain.

wait aspersio is considered a holy magic attack that scales on SPR, so it just adds a Holy splash attack to the normal attack then.

Either normal attack, or might be phsyical attack from skills too. We need someone to try this out.