Tree of Savior Forum

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those are the one that we can get in character selection message inbox right?

Yea, you are rightā€¦

Which option is Vakarine in the Event thingy? I clicked various options until i couldnt anymore and I received it, the gift from the first day.

If iā€™m not mistaken, itā€™s the one that start with a square with 2 lines up

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Yes thatā€™s vakarine

i put the other servers in an earlier comment

so were still unsure if priest c3 is a requirement or not then?

Unsure, yes. But itā€™s highly likely given the skills and the fact the Chaplain caption states that only a ā€˜senior level Priestā€™ can take the role of a Chaplain.

From patch note

  1. Skill related changes will be listed below.
    • If attempt to cast a skill used whilst riding on the companion that is not usable whilst mounted, you will now automatically use the skill after dismounting from the companion. ( It will be cast without additional keystrokes)

Current in game itā€™s look like this.
Very useful :smile:


need your help guys how work this quest

Thanks for fixing the link! :wink:

Thatā€™s a massive change! Mounted classes donā€™t seem to have the issue of having restricted skills now.

I hope they fine tune the animations somewhat though, but right now this is really good.

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Kill Glyphrollers until you get 20 of their quest items. Yes, it shows up in the Quest section of your inventory.

From the appearance of this im curious if this is a temporary fix until there are mounted animations for all the skills or if they plan to leave it like this, as its a little odd looking.

Thanks for this, was waiting for something to pop-up.

NP, Actually I wondering about that change too so I asked my friend he then send that link to me.

Do you know if this means all skills can be used whilst mounted then? The translation seems a bit off/incorrect if itā€™s working like it does in the video since it seems like they just changed animations to let all skills work with it.

True, i was under the impression you would auto-dismount and use the skill, but this doesnā€™t seem to be the case at all.

Well, the animations look like they just use the regular animation on top of the companion, it could just be a placeholder for now though.

I donā€™t know either my friend it is a sudden change no one plan to play Schwarzer Reiter from a beginning but right now all sapper skill can use while mounting.
Right now almost all of my friend stop and wait for a future update.

Is attendance reward still bug?