Tree of Savior Forum

It TOS beyond redemption?

But they self-published and avoided uhh … “Greedy Nexon”. The differene is that Nexon has a long record of milking people and know how to do it right. And IMC just butchered iTOS. This isn’t even milking.

Nexon also has GM / localization / translation teams.

The only thing that soothes me is the fact that Nexon EU would kill the game just a little slower and Nexon NA would turn it into even more shameless cashgrab.



20 characters!

I’ll believe it when I see it. Though I honestly doubt there’ll be anything much come April, and it’ll be the same old tree. Unless you meant April 2020…


No, it can not be redeemed. The two regional demographics, SEA and BR, that IMC was hopeing to make large bank on; have lost faith in the service/product.

All they can do now is focus on the regions where the playerbases are less hostile.

dunno why people complain about demon prison and dina bee farm being walls. they did not stop or hinder me at all. there was still plenty of things to kill… even wrathful harpeia was there to greet a few of us.

Brutal, Savage, Rekt.

Well by April.
We should have numerous class changes.
Pet Equip will finally be a thing. Its been over a year since ICBT2 and that’s still not a thing here
Apparently Rank will give phys, magi def which should allow Cloth equip to shine more, as well as Leather.
The communities too small for dungeons as it is, so certain features will be lackluster, but after numerous ‘adjustments’ If the game had launcher this April it would probably fair better.

yes razer naga is going to have a lot of fun with that

Lol, this thread is: Wall of text vs Wall of text.

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Here is my honest opinion. I don’t think this game is salvageable without some extreme measures. A complete wipe and then legitimate tp refunds. Backtrack all money transfers and then refund the tp gained only through legal CASH means. (That huge tp fiasco with the founders packs and then doing refunds based on who currently had tokens in their inventory, wtf?) Remove tp reward from GvG and replace it with something else.

Yes, I am sure that people will reply with ‘blah blah, all the vets will leave’. And then I say GOOD. Because from what I can see right now that the majority of what is left are the dregs of the MMO community. There is no point painting over a wall infected by mildew, the mold will just eat it’s way back to the surface again. Need to scrape it clean before to truly get a clean start. And then for goodness sake, keep the damn thing clean. Routine GM patrols, checking GvG logs, the whole works.

I understand it sounds extreme, but that is just how it is. It is like allowing a bunch of easy to take care of, little infections alone for so long, it turns into a serious case of gangrene to the point where the only solution is amputation.

And that is the current majority of the people left playing this game. This majority seems to have adopted a ‘if you can’t beat em, join em’ frame of mind that is dangerous to the health of this game(Let’s be honest, it was critical months ago already). It’s kind of like that prison experiment with the lights in the guard tower. Except the inmates KNOW the guards are NOT watching.


And what is up with all these event items expiring after 14 days? Do the game’s problems magically disappear after 14 days?! It is like it is a race to see what runs out first, the event item or the playerbase’ patience.


I would give them the benefit of the doubt to say it was intentional to not let “sleeper” bot accounts collect free stuff, but I’m pretty sure they just don’t want actual players to get anything instead. Botters can just have all alts login to collect everything of value and be done. So them putting a time limit on something is pointless against automation. This made me really laugh because I thought the same exact thing.


This game has done nothing but lose people for months on end.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t play if you are having fun with the game though. Your time isn’t wasted as long as you are having fun. Play for a while and if it isn’t what you are looking for move on to something else.

All games come and go. Even if a game stays around for 20 years you will at some point move away from it. There is no sense in missing out on an experience because it falls within a certain time frame. It would be like choosing not to see a great movie because it is only 50 minutes long and not 2 hours.


6k today

rank reset got an extra 1k players back for now

iTOS is great again!

Probably people just peek to see/use rank reset and will be going out again once they saw how buggy IToS is :sparkles:

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even if tos 600k pop like wow


coz i declared tos is dead


tos no longer the game i thought it was

now its just a hello kitty online 2.0 with gvg/pvp minigame based on meta class n meta dex/con stat

inb4 tos start selling tp furniture to decorate guild hangout n character lobby

even great game like wow or ff14 online, 4k player ignore that big title n choose to slave themselves to TOS


Nah they are logging in for agni, miko, and reset and will quit again because of IMC’s incompetence. Trust me. kakakaka


If you believe that the numbers will rise, then you are destined to get IMC’ed!
