Tree of Savior Forum

Two Communities, Two Server Rates, Happy Players

Hi IMC Team,

There is a very defined split in your player base. Those who love the game as it is, and those who want it very different.

There are people who like a fast casual game, and those who like a challenging game. Why not just run two servers? If there are concerns on geographic location etc, lots of games are hosted on international servers and latency is still great from the other side of the globe. So instead of seperating everyone by locale, why not have two servers?

  1. Normal Server
  • Rare drops not found in High Rate Server
  • Stable server, no rollbacks
  • Many server events with permanent rewards.
  • Permanent cash items.
  • No circle resets
  1. High Rate Experimental Server
  • Regular drops
  • Experimental (New patches tested here first)
  • High chance of rollback in case of any fixes.
  • Server events with timed rewards (mainly to test events)
  • Timed cash items only.
  • Cash shop circle resets

Rationale behind this should be very obvious.

  • Any features can be tested on the experimental server up to a month in advance. This gives you a chance to test the waters and see how players would respond to the changes.
  • Players like myself who want have very little time and not much patience can still enjoy the game, with a few drawbacks. While players who are able to dedicate more time, get rare rewards, and a stable game.
  • Double revenue stream, communities will form in both servers.

PS. Marketplace can be improved.

  • Every item dropped by regular mobs should have a fixed price.
  • Market Place acts as a merchant.
  • Player hunts mobs and supplies Market Place and is paid Fixed Price - 20%
  • Players will then buy item from Market Place at the fixed item price.
  • Players can also post requests on Market Place to be fulfilled. (Buyer pays 10% extra, Supplier gets 10% extra)
  • Bots would need to earn money by selling alot of items on the Market Place (Bot can be tracked)
  • Bots may attempt to give players alot of items to sell on the Market Place (Player who purchased from Bot can be tracked)
  • This sort of Market Place allows IMC to track if a certain drop is too frequent, or not frequent enough, or if no one in interested in the particular drop. Much can be done knowing this kind of information.
  • Also a Special Auction House GM hosted events for Player Crafted and Boss Rare Drops can held every few days for items which cannot be sold or would be a waste if sold to Market Place. (Items for auction can be placed with the auction house in advance - acts as temporary storage).

But maybe that would be a different topic altogether.

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This is a big challenge nowdays.

Offline game?

Or instead fix the memory reading :wink:


You shouldn’t always give the players what they want, it could reveal that your game is utter crap. Don’t forget you’re talking to a company who wants to draw in as many players as possible. How does this fit into the current state of the game? From my point of view, this would lead to a heavy loss in players, because the game just doesn’t have much to offer (Ping, Lag and CON stat accounts for 80% of a battle, there is no real content, bosses feel like copied and pasted).

I guess everybody would have said that same line. Even those who have much time complain about having no time.

What about THAT is an improvement? Are you trying to solve the bot problem by controlling item prices? Why do you want fixed prices, when all you have to do is concealing the seller (you will always buy the cheapest item on the market, so you don’t need to scroll through different sellers, market should only tell you about the cheapest price).
There would be no effective way to transfer silver, since personal trading is very restrictive.

I would quote and point things out in your post but would just like for you to re-read that first statement and look at everything IMC has done until now and tell me what you said is actually true or valid.

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Tree of savior does not have a casual fan base… To be frank I dont know how long a casual player will last, maybe leave when he sees his first lizard in tenet farm? or when he sees his first high hp mob? get 1 shotted by those racoons that use spiral arrow in nahash forest?

I do not think this game was designed for casual players, if devs are releasing new content its for hardcore people who are willing to do dailies after work, trancend gear and party up for quests etc.

If they don’t do any research, don’t read forum, or play alone with no buddies or guild and instant ragequit like that, they deserved the beating.
Buy 3 roxona plate and upgrade +5 + aspersion + shield that will prevent them from dying from 170 to 260+ should be enough if they don’t rambo.
Instead they will use remaining tp to cry or I quit posts and never communicate to understand what happened.

pretty much thats how a doom knight is born.


so much insight

i didnt know 1hit kill from monster is the reason people quit tos.

have u been reading the forum?


This post sums up you people pretty nicely. Dregs of the online MMO platform. You think that people are complaining because the game is hard? Or that it’s literally a cash grab with the most minimal amount of effort put into design and quality control so you spend more money?

Hahaha @haukinyau1 dont get offended la bro nobody said u quit cos u got killed. But my repair shop misses your business. Nowadays i open the log no more haukinyau since u quit. Cheapest lvl 16 in fedi c1 :confused:

As a side note nobody actually quits cos they got killed. Ppl quit cos of getting imced. Imc is a very macho man asian company who doesnt want to give in to their customers.

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ohya, i quit again, hahaha

well, im not offended

but he throw an easy bait, so, im hooked~


no worries~ as long u enjoy tos, anyone can play it~

i dont enjoy getting imc’ed thats why i quit~

congratz getting to squire3

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If this means combining all server into just two I support this

As long as telsiai and varena has players its fine for me. Need the queues lol. Btw why is there no server for aussie. What if i move out of this forsaken land and migrate to aussie. My aussie fren says theres high ping playing in varena.