Tree of Savior Forum

Infinite party members, unbreakable weapon upgrades, druid transform crashing channels, etc etc

they will reply with the generic google translated reply and soon itll be buried within the deeps of the forums

is this enough proof? +20 with only 1 potential lost (the other 3 are 1 awakening and 2 gem slots)


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It’s not that I don’t care people are exploiting, since I said they should be banned, I just don’t see this as a “If IMC doesn’t wipe the servers, only White Knights will be playing the game” do or die situation, and they should hopefully have the ability to remove most of the weapons without wiping. Even if they did wipe, they’d lose far more players than if they didn’t.

And at the upgrade part, even if it isn’t some huge boost, you should still upgrade gears if you have the money because it’s one of your end-game goals like most other MMO’s.

When people were running around with the over-leveled Attributes, IMC was able to detect people who did it and by how much:

So no need to give up hope this early on before they even address it.

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Okay, I have lost every bit of trust I have with IMC

Can someone please make a video of crashing the channel (just cover your time,name and server to avoid being banned) to see if this still persists after the maintenance?

Will quit after this maintenance if this is still not fixed

Every item over +12 with 40%+ potential left needs to be manually checked and past transactions of those items tracked back to the makers.
Quite unlikely to ever happen, but oh well…
@STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Max @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ines c’mon guys… don’t let this escape the maintenance window, now that it’s out in the wild, more people will try it and previous abusers will find ways to cover their backs.

Just wish that everyone that abused of all this exploits get perma ban, and itens get revised. Skills gotta get fixed too to not do lagspikes, and they need to redo this algorith, then also put random boss times to no one monopolize it, then…

OMG, it will never happen :disappointed_relieved:


That’s the reason why I asked for screenshots, at least props to this guy who has evidently shown a thing not just mere twisted words. If you’re planning to make a claim just at least prove it. And merely judging the silency of the Sea server to monopolozing world bosses through server crashing hasn’t been a thing or else people wouldn’t even shout world chat respawns just for sharing.

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Hopefully if we link them enough times in this thread they will just come and take a look. 3 more hours before maintenance is completed… ><

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PLEASE JUST KEEP ON LINKING/TAGGING GM/DEVS/STAFFS or WHOEVER that can help us, well if they wont respond this game wont last a year more,.

I will just sit here and laugh if you claim there’s no exploit in SEA server.


We all have to tag them, I think, that’s if we all WANT them to even look at this on time. I’m sure most people won’t care for a longer maintenance if that means having stuff fixed.

Once again just in case… ahem … @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Max @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ines !!!

Makes me wonder; I had a channel crash two days ago (iirc) on ToS INA. I was hunting with low lvl chara when suddenly I was forced to logout. When I logged in, my chara had been moved to the area around the portal, even though I was in the middle of the map completing quest. When I checked my quest, it was already completed, only my chara position was wrong. Maybe someone was exploiting this bug?

……well, even if it wasn’t, I won’t be surprised, considering all of those lag spikes, I bet the publisher is using potato servers :joy:

Shhhhh, he just want to believe that his country man are all pures :innocent:

Those bugs/exploits are in the game since the fockin beta, and people from ALL servers are abusing this.


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Come to think of it, one time while I was grinding dp we cleared the northeast room, then the northwest, then there was a huge lag spike and suddenly we were all back at the southeast room… maybe someone did the bug because of the world boss there or something…

Anyway, even if the devs see this post before maint ends, its not like they can do anything in a few hours, a bug like this will take days to fix, considering its IMC it may even take weeks.

BAN HAMMER! +25 with 3x gem`s 1234567*

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