Tree of Savior Forum

Infinite party members, unbreakable weapon upgrades, druid transform crashing channels, etc etc

Absolutely disgusting. This just makes legit player lose the will to play.


Let’s spam this thread guys, if we’re lucky devs maybe take a look at this.

Make me very sad also :weary:

Lets create a lot of topics, share this event in all social medias,etc. They have to do something

These groups of vandals, dirtier the scrotum of a beggar. They are ending our little game !!!:-1::skull_crossbones::poop::point_right::ok_hand::urn::pray:

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different 20% from base dmg and like 25-50% from attribute and it’s not a huge advantage on pvp ?

nekorin compare before, +10 and 25 different about 180 base atk and so far in telsial the common upgrade is about +8 not even reach +10

and it’s sure it’s dooms day of ToS
wonder if someone post this on KrToS, many scandal will begin at Kr forum like the old ones such as roxona event, hair costume price and pt leech system :joy_cat:

This is sad. I love the gameplay of this game but as I take notice of the cancerous exploiters and cheaters rampaging through this game like some sort of fuckin plague it makes me really not want to play anymore. I do not feel very good watching myself work hard to play the game “legitimately” while watching others prance around exploiting and cheating.

Uncontrolled cheating and exploitation will cause the game to become nothing but cheaters and exploiters over time. Who actually, at this point in time, has any faith in the competency of IMC to deal with these complicated problems? I don’t. I think they are just cash grabbing at this point. They will merge kToS with iToS and cash grab until the game is dead.


I expect a bot like response and a goggle translate english from Amy,

@STAFF_John we’re waiting for your “this week’s list of bugs with your creative titles with it:joy:

dammit, at least this dude is fluent in english as af :heart:



Did I get it right bruh??!! :joy:

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I’m not only talking about the advantage of them being stronger but the fact that i can’t stand that they get away with it exploiting the game, leaving them with supreme gear…
It’s also weird to see that you care less that they do it, because if you look at it like that, why even bother having good gear in the first place? if no upgrade makes ‘‘a big game breaking difference’’… 400 Matk is sick! and more then double the power of a level 220 weapon.

Bottom line is, if exploits like these are possible what more can they do later on? I don’t have to be with the top dogs gear wise but imo this is far far worse then pay2win… I can’t just ignore things like this because the game leaves a dirty taste in my mouth knowing shiet like this is going on…


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As a game art & design major, I feel such empathy for the game’s art and design team. Helpless as they watch disappointment after disappointment while all they can do is make more art and hope the game gets gud.



Ban those abusers as fast as possible.

To players who wants to simply have fun, there are many things more important thant this to be honest. Even if there aren’t such exploits people will still use BOTs to farm infinite silver.

What we can hope is that they fix this before we get Gear from floors 20~40 of ET so at least they don’t do it on high-end gear.


Classic BR you got there. No wonder Silute server is having connection problem all this time, everyone and their mom abusing this Siete(shi t).


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Saved lol, thats a good meme to use whenever i see Seite dangling around.

Alright, give a proof and qualify your claims about sea servers exploiting this bug. :V Give me any screenshot, compilation, or anything else that would prove the exploitation done by the said server; you see your prattles are ad hominem circumstancial and you are simply making assumptions.

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