Tree of Savior Forum

Ice wall guide!

Shameless Promo Synapse Recruiting SEA players at


Nice Guide, now I know how to counter Ice-Wall!

xD pls senpai nuuuuuu

Very nice guide indeed!

Thanks ! I hope you enjoyed it.

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how are you liking Cryo3>Kino3? no regrets? would you ever forfeit a rank in kino to get an other rank7 class?
other than those questions; the guide was really informative in assisting newer players understand a cryo kino power and ice wall in general.

no regrets, Kino3 is the most overpowered class in PvP, Raise and Magnetic pole bypasses plague doctor’s blood letting AND his mask, nothing can counter those 2 spells.


Nice guide +1

For PvE only, if you had to drop Cryo or Kino to 1, which one would it be?

there are actually 2 ways to hit more icewalls

1 you hit 1 extra wall and the other you hit 2 extra icewalls, and since mine is only lv 10 i can’t know if i could possibly hit more, anyways i’m recording the video since it’ll say more than any text XD


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What happens if you throw magic missile at ice wall?

I wish I could increase my ice wall resistance, it last like 5s of my PP :expressionless:

also, 14 and max is 16 IWs

just uploaded the video, it may take 10 min or so for youtube to enhance the quality but there it is XD

Sorry for the 2nd icewall, it was terrible haha

it should be at good quality already now

how good is cryo 2 + kino by itself?_?

i’m pretty happy with it, i miss kino2 for more PP AoE attack ratio, and i could use magnetic force too

but even so, i’m planning on getting cryo3 at r7, because christmas tree and snowballing all day XD

nice guide, you should cover a do’s and dont’s for pve too

like cutting off the tank from the rest of the party to die a lonely death alone while heal tiles are on the other side… :sob:

as its ranged i dont think anything happens except damaging the wall x.x

just found this out. 16 walls PP


Id drop cryo, kino 3 is too good not to take, Raise + Magnetic pole totals 20 seconds of crowd control, not to mention the 30% physical defense reduction from the magnetic pole, while Christmas tree and snow rolling is very good, it doesnt match up the kino 3.

yeah, that’s what i meant by a 4x4 wall, i thought it would be possible ;p

I’ve been thinking of making a cryokino chrono. Think I can get by with level 5/6 ice wall in pvp/gvg?