Tree of Savior Forum

PSA: Cryo3 Kino3 Is no longer Viable as a PvP Character

The list of nerfs to CryoKino are as follows.
Chance of Freeze Nerf (Arena)
Ice Wall Damage Nerf (Arena)

Gravity Pole reduced 50% Damage (Arena)
Gravity Pole reduced to the piece of ■■■■ above
Subzero shield only affects melees

What made CryoKino’s good in the first place?
-Subzero shield was OP, you could walk onto a frost cloud and the elementalists would probably die before you, if you got a PD to put on healing factor on you, you would deliberately walk on the ground aoe and kill their caster for free Lol. [NERFED]

-Ice bolt provided reliable freezes. [NERFED]

-Subzero shield provided excellent defense and survivability capabilities due to freezing people upon taking damage, even archers and wizards would be affected by their attacks and spells. Blood letting doesn’t stay forever so eventually you will be frozen unless super coordinated with your PD. [NERFED]

Ice wall + PP did decent damage. [NERFED]

-Kino’s gravity pole did a lot of damage. [NERFED]

-Kino’s gravity pole bypassed blood letting and other resist skills. [NERFED]

What the class has left.
-Unreliable damage post gravity pole chance as they can simply walk out or interrupt the caster, for a full damage combo you would have to catch them in raise and then pole (wasting 2 skills which previously you would raise, and then pole after they came down for a longer CC). You become a one trick pony with many counters such as Flip, Counter spell, Capture and Fade.

-No real defensive skills now that sub zero shield was nerfed, in most cases you will be fighting mages or archers or clerics, all of which can do ranged damage so your sub zero shield is now useless.

-A tree that can be faded out of, still good for ET though.

-Ice wall + PP that damage was already nerfed and easily interruptable anyway.

-BTW this is not a QQ thread, I’ve quit ToS for a little while now but I still come on the forums to answer my threads.

I will no longer be doing that because the class is not viable and I do not recommend people roll this class, it was THE BEST pvp build and now its as useless as an archer in pvp.

For those who rolled the class because they were inspired by my guide or videos, I am truly sorry, I recommend you bask in the glory of the class now, because you may not have long to do so. I sure had my fair share of fun with the class so no regrats.


What’s the best pvp class now?

I have no idea what the meta right now is since i’ve quit xD

ye,because the 25/50 top in ktos is this bd, it has to be nerf. Now this build is almost useless in PVP. Also, nerf the subzero shield = buff swordman!!!

it’s still strong in pvp just not as strong as before
no longer viable ? lol

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no damage, and no long time cc, how?

not viable because there is better builds that doesn’t utilize the uselessness that is the current cryo3, the build no longer has enough damage or survivability to be viable.

viable is different from the best
guys, then all sword man build except cata 3 > dragoon is not viable with you guys 's logic ?

look at rodelero it’s kind of cc type and almost no damage also, and it’s melee what is much more disadvantage than wiz = range

you guys just complain so much
being top tier and OP ? prepare to get nerf

cryokino is still gamebreakingly overpowered. Still permanently CC’s a whole pvp team until they are dead.

Needs a lot more nerfs tbh.

So… What is the best damage wiz build now? And please dont say wiz3-ele3

@batcat I’m inspired by your guide, video, the mechanics, etc - all about this combination. Actually, I’m waiting for this thread to see your opinion.
Can you recommend others as same as this? I prefer (offensive) CC/utility - such as Psycho/Cryo role.

Is there any choice out of those?

  • Cryo3/Chrono3: supportive/CC
  • Thaumaturge/ ?

Thanks, man!

I don’t think it is useless, I think it is balanced now since it used to be extremly broken. I play it as my main and honestly I agree with all those nerfs, it was a need to make PVP fun instead of 1 side masacre.

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I was one of those people that got inspired by your guide and rolled a crykino which had just reached rank 7 few days ago.

You dont have to apologize, It is of our own choice to follow since you are just providing us with a ‘guide’

The class is fun while it lasted tho.

I believe they nerf us too hard, they should have just mess around with the numbers

-subzero freezechance to 30% on AA, 10% on skill would seem more reasonable

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then all builds are viable by that logic.

cryo3 chrono3 is staple ET build, also really good in pvp and so is thaum, those 2 builds can be used anywhere (cryo 3 thaum 3)

I just had to test something as I read it …

Vubbe Fighter Mace applies stun to all actions, just like arde dagger and such apply its damage to all actions

VFM + icewall + psychic pressure -> stun paradise, not that this would be useful, but working.

I dont see how a stun paradise is any different from a freeze paradise xD Im pretty sure freeze in general lasts for longer than stuns anyway. They are both a level 1 debuff so they get resisted the same way by skills such as blood letting.

tbh…cant feel the 30% str …or maybe it’s just me

The combo was overpowered and got nerfed, never build characters that are extremely overpowered, it will get nerfed. Always make balanced chars to keep the fun up.

But anyway, rerolling a new char isn’t going to cost you much time if you got the money to support it. Leveling goes really fast.

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