Tree of Savior Forum

Here's what you could contribute to stop this stupid system

I have never and will never buy a gacha cube.

Good luck to those that do though and thanks for sponsoring my free play.



  1. feedback value ;-;

  2. IMC

pick one, quite simple.

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The issue with the game is no more people supporting it financially than it is people supporting it temporally. After all, time is money and money is time. Sometimes I invest my time, sometimes I invest my money.

Imagine if I told the forum goers to boycott weekly events for experience or items or to stop playing all together? How would that be conducive to improving the game?

I could argue that if fewer people play the game the developers have to meet our demands, release more content or do whatever it is sounds most desirable. The more likely reality is that the game becomes less active, and inactive games don’t last very long…

I think our time on the forums would be better spent coming up with more positive/constructive solutions. Negativity is rarely productive. There are probably dozens of ideas we can come up with as a community!

I believe that IMC means well. I don’t think they’re much different than when they launched their first open beta They still have wonderful ideas as we’ve been seeing in the Intense Balancing series. I think they’ve been dealt an unfortunate hand and are trying their best to make things right or at least better.

Also, I believe that we, as a community, have changed. We aren’t nearly as supportive as we started! A lot of us have become bitter and not without adequate reasoning, however let’s ask ourselves this, “how often does negative process lead to a positive outcome?”


Thanks for the read, folks.

What does this even mean? What is this entire post trying to say?
Negative views are bad because they don’t lead to anything positive? Negative steam reviews are bad because they don’t lead to anything positive?
You talk about constructive feedback when you have game breaking bugs stay unresolved for months or even years. When was the last time IMC listened to anything posted on the forums?
Reading your post it seems like IMC did nothing wrong because they mean well and they are just being unlucky.

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I absolutely agree with this but the matter is not as simple as having enough money to hire more staff.

You also need to take into account that gaming industry is huge. There’s most likely more jobs available than what can be filled.
Need to also take into consideration that IMC most likely is not very ideal company to choose to work in. (There can be problems with further progression in career due to the small company/niche game.) IMC reputation could be bad or there’s a lack of it. Niche game reasoning again cause devs want to work in something more interesting to their own ideals.
Then there’s also the fact that not all applicants are possibly well suited for whatever job.

So many things to consider other than having money to employ more staff. (A lot of them I didn’t mention at all but I can continue if needed.) I want to give IMC slack on this particular issue cause there’s a lot of factors they won’t be able to do much about. Not saying they can’t do anything but most beneficial ways probably require expertise their company doesn’t have. I’m actually much more concerned of IMC not having a proper business management instead of the lack of devs or other game staff. A lot of the issues we have reflect heavily on the former issue than the latter in my opinion.

I just have to touch on this cause I personally don’t like it when people say this.
I think everyone knows its not our job and everything is voluntary. When a player asks for suggestions/ideas from someone else to help the devs they do it because they want to and they don’t really expect any player to participate.
Kinda the same with translations etc. It’s not the players job but where’s the harm in doing that if it’s fine for the player him-/herself. (And it potentially makes the game better even.)

I also agree that a player shouldn’t waste their time on these things but at the same time they are very much allowed if it makes them happier.

I agree but I also understand why people tend to talk about it a lot lately as it’s the only “content” that gets updated regularly for iToS. :frowning:

Truly sorry for the derail everyone but I felt like commenting on these things.

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Because of the business model in south korea, there are very FEW video companies that made it outside of korea.
In the case of IMC games, they don’t have any interests about the trends of westerners and don’t even take the ideas that work from their successful korean concurrents either.


NOPS !!!.. runs toward my doge collection

He he he, let me give you a run down forum child. Don’t get your hopes up.

2016 - 2017

3 Month Paid Early Access

  • Forum fought against it vehemently.
  • IMC did it anyway
  • Just made it 1 month.
  • Added a bunch of useless stuff to it.
  • Tons of TP and swept it under the rug.

Hat enchant scrolls

  • Forum fought against it.
  • IMC did it anyway.
  • Added enchant scrolls as 0.001% drop chance to dungeon cubes.
  • Forum bend backwards on it because “it’s gambling, who cares if it’s p2w”

Weapon transcendence

  • Forum fought against it after realizing the grind it takes.
  • IMC did it anyway.
  • People started farming Saalus forever.
  • Shards became part of economy and RMT.
  • Swept under the rug by rabid defenders.

Cash shop outfits put into RNG Gacha cubes

  • Forum fought against it.
  • IMC did it anyway.
  • Swept under the rug.

Class C3 costumes taken from game and put into cash shop

  • Forum fought against it.
  • IMC did it anyway.
  • Swept under the rug.

Pay to win Leticia cubes in kTOS

  • Forum fought against it for iTOS.
  • IMC did it anyway.
  • Swept under the rug.

Pay to win loan gear usable in PvP in Cash Shop

  • Forum fought against it.
  • IMC did it anyway.
  • Swept under the rug.

More and more items in Gacha cubes (blessed gems, instance resets, end game recipes etc.)

  • Forum fought against it.
  • IMC did it anyway.
  • Swept under the rug.

Anvil update

  • Forum fought against it realizing it’s even more gambling.
  • IMC did it anyway.
  • Swept under the rug.

Cash shop class resets

  • Forum fought against it. Hoped for in game “free” methods.
  • IMC did it anyway.
  • Swept under the rug.


Don’t get your hopes up kid.


I generally never buy RNG boxes/cubes/chests/severeddicks in any game so I guess I already have been manboycotting them.

I myself is a spender in previous games i played. I really dont mind buying in-game stuff with real money as long as its legit, its a way to say “thank you” to the team when they do a good job managing the game. However, ToS simply is not worth to do that. Looking at several cases where people spent 1000TP or even more to gacha, and in the end still cant get what they want, and have to settle by using silver to buy the desired item in market with a ridiculous price.

This sentence hits the spot, “scammish” and “unhonest” are indeed the 2 adjectives to correctly describe what they are doing right now.

I feel like a lot of things in ToS are purely based on luck, which is completely random (or not?) in the database. While with common sense, we always expect something in return when we decided to work hard for it. Its not fun and game anymore, its silly and ridiculous.


Hiring more staff won’t solve everything.
I was speaking specifically about people who clearly say “They need more money, they don’t have much” (last time there was this guy saying how they should advertize their game more because they need more money if they want to fix things…).
It wasn’t even about whether they need to hire more staff or not, it was more about the fact a lot of people claim they have no money. Which makes no sense.

Not our job doesn’t only mean “we’re not paid for it”, but also it isn’t what we came here for and we don’t even have the means to make it perfect for everybody, since we don’t know how it is done in IMC’s office.
I’m all for suggestions and saying what we like/dislike, but it’d be impossible for us to find the perfect one.
This was what Lunar and I were talking about, it wasn’t a talk about anti and pro suggestions.

If some toasters want to help translating and ask for it, I’m fine with it (although I disapprove). But IMC coming and asking them to translate for them ? No, just no. Because it is an actual job. Don’t expect them to do it for free. If you want them to specifically do some work for you, then there’s a thing called “hiring”.

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Since we are talking about buying in-game items with real money, I have a stupid question…

I’ve never bought any cubes before, and I don’t really plan to atm. What is the difference between letitia cubes and goddess’ blessed cubes?
Also, for the goddess’ blessed cube this week, (or this month? Or this season?) can the rank A and B items be exchanged for medals in the TP shop?

leticia cubes have different sets of items, and is much cheaper. goddess cubes are more on costumes, hats, and less pots and what nots

usually it’s the main event costume (golden dog warrior) that will eventually get to be exchanged for medals (usually the headgear is not included).

What I meant is you don’t get people to do what you’d like by telling them they’re bad. It’s more beneficial for everyone involved if you communicate your perspective and/or try to compromise.

Persuasion requires communication, understanding, patience and often compromise.

It was me attempting to reply to the original post and the general tone of the thread while trying not to be dismissive. I should’ve been more concise and less wordy.

Despite ToS’s seemingly forced “release” years ago the game is still heavily in development. Systems are consistently being reworked, adjusted or discarded. Considering the aforementioned and limited resources/funding I don’t believe prioritizing tasks and feedback is surprising.

All that said, I think I understand your perspective. I had a similar one in the past

What what? #1.

IMC actually made a poll about it. Players voted for the 1 month thing as far as I can remember.


10160 votes. Is 10k votes a vehemently fight against the thing you actually voted for as if you wanted it?

Wait what? #2

C3 costumes always were sold on Cash Shop. They were never taken away from the base game lol

We don’t have cube drop rates though. It’s higher than 0.001%. I’d say either 0.01 or 0.02%.

Which Anvil update? The bonuses on +11/+16 and price reduction?

Forum didn’t actually fight against it. lol

Can you post any source?

There’s no rank reset in cash shop.

You can buy 1 via DLC (unique per account) which actually matches with A LOT of other forum users asking for rank reset to be in cash shop.

They actually listened to BOTH sides in a actually okay-ish way.


I won’t comment about each one of the items because for some you’re mixing overestimation of issues with other actual valid complaints.

It requires more quoting from older posts and I’m too lazy to do it right now for those.

Don’t get your hopes up kid, if you try troll, someone’s going to call you out, just like I did now o wo


Strange how there’s no “No Early Access at all” option.
Also strange how the 1 month option had much, much more appealing rewards.

Basically, yet another trickery / mind game / scam.

Yet you wanted it, voted for it and was happy about it. :woman_shrugging:

I voted for it because it was the least worst option. Very nice mind game.

Also, EA was hilarious. I had to buy a second pack because I created my character on the wrong server and the support of course said they couldn’t do anything about it. Then like 2 days later they announce a free renaming program. So yeah, I was more bitter than happy back then.

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IMC has broken promises time and time again. The people who defend IMC bullsh!t will say this is what every MMO does. Then they will compare it to to game made Almost 20 years ago that is absolute trash.

Then to top it off they derail posts then say they do it to piss off “trolls”. Only people who ever call others trolls are the people who are deepthroating IMC.

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