Tree of Savior Forum

Here's what you could contribute to stop this stupid system

When do you guys get tired of repeating yourselves for the nth time :tired:


the only reason i do gacha is to get the medals to buy the costumes that was previously released.

bonus if i get current gacha costume that i like

i’m actually more worried if i got something i dont like but is popular in the market but not pricey enough to be worth 2-3 30medal gacha exchange items

Quick tip bro: Don’t waste your time with a Sexualy confused leftist social justice white attention whore knight. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Ignote it.


Never!!! O.O They never stop…

Any of you have the sensation of dejavù? It´s a failure in the Matrix! runs and hides

lol here we go again

the game sure feels alive with those 40kkkkkkkkkkkkkk players :upside_down_face:

so maaaaaaany players to play with.


And another trash discussion involving LunarRabbit with some random LUL


A mmo soap opera kek

Do you have any proof of it?

I join Nirimetus~
I usually like to spend in game, because it’s my way to support a game I’m enjoying, my way to tell them “good job, dudes !”.
In TOS I bought several founder’s packs without batting an eye because I had enjoyed the CBT, and truly loved the game. It was my way to encourage them.
My problem with the gachas are that there are filled with useless random trash.
My problem is that even if I do like one of the costumes inside it, the chances to get them are so low it’s not even worth it. When I spend my money, it’s not because I have a need to spend. I have a goal, one or several things in mind that I want. I’m never gonna spend 150-200€ to get one particular item only because they put it at a low dropping chance hoping they can take more of my money at once.
That’s just scammish, that’s not an honest way to sell things.
So IMC isn’t gonna get my money anymore while other games will. I don’t mind. Their loss or not, I don’t know, and don’t care.


I too will spend to support the game I like, but the recent ToS updates over the past few weeks is making me doubt whether I should or not.

It will be really great if they can offer some sort of trade in system for ToS on top of the coin exchange. Like trading 10~15 tier B rank items for a random Tier A item. This gives players more incentive to gacha since ultimately they can get the cosmetic item they like after like spending $70 (1k TP, which is the price of a game).


REMEMBER the days where buying cosmetics were simple. You get what you’ve paid for.

Exact representation of IMC gacha shitshow lately

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GGG made a 100% f2p game.
GGG made a balanced and fun game even if the pvp is almost non existant.
GGG release updates frequently, updates with tons of content, balanced content, quality content.
GGG actually care about his playerbase, deal with hack and rmt.

There is nothing to compare.

I’ll just leave this here:

It’s about gacha. The comparison is to show that ToS doesn’t absolutely need gacha to survive and be profitable. Unless… unless of course the company doesn’t believe their game can reach the popularity of some diablo clone created by literal who kiwis. PoE isn’t even that popular.


Then you can go back to my second post in this thread about this:

Before you actually went a little off-topic and were as responsible as me for the derail :woman_shrugging:

Like, I’m sure they have enough data that they currently sell more TP now than when we had only TP shop without gacha. That’s an assumption but most likely a fact, especially if you consider “cash grab” nature of gacha.

As much as we consider the “loyal players” thing that I agree (I heavily dislike gacha).

How is it actually if you look at it with business eye or from the big picture? They’re clearly more profitable, we know it, we call it “cash grab/miliking” stuff.

Gacha was implemented like, for around more than a year now? I’m not sure if I’m right but if it’s keeping “loyal whales” it’s highly unlikely they’re going to change it in short term.

Like, I do want them to give us the old TP shop but… company stuff. Sadly they just won’t change something that’s working really well to risk lower gains.

If they change back to TP shop or to something else and sales goes down, changing back to gacha causes an even worse backlash.

Our simple arguments/complains/boycotts just aren’t going to cut it. Like, I know we lost a huge amount of time and thread context discussing in vain. But for threads like this we need smart on-context discussion without subtle trolling or subtle negativity, even if you hide it under nice words it isn’t going to help to achieve your goals.

Instead of saying “this game lives without it”, “this game have more players without it”, “change it!”, “boycott it!”, “cash grab, change it!”. We need to think more.

ToS is ToS. Changing gacha to something else currently won’t do any magic nor steal players from other games. And realistically, IMC is small and they’re near Nexon, there’s too many reasons to use gacha.

Can we actually, together, bring out a smart idea/suggestion to change the system to be better for us and for IMC that would have really low or no chances of actually being worse or causing backlashes?

I think we should try to actually think and discuss something like this instead of repeating the same things over and over like a recorder machine. Like, honestly, no subtle trolling or playing smart with arguments.

It’s really hard to come out with a good idea like that and they’re not going to change gacha since that’s one of the most profitable business ideas for short-term, exactly what they need.

If we want them to change we need to discuss and find something even better that won’t hurt their business and will be good/better for us.

P.S.: Also, gacha complaints are good, like, really, we need to show that we’re unhappy. But, chaining it with something else unrelated isn’t going to help, you’re most likely to get ignored by who you want to aim, because being associated to troll behavior with your complaint.

Also steam charts for POE are very inaccurate, a massive majority of the population uses the regular client, I’ve also known quite a few people who switch from steam to regular for faster patching.

Also like mentioned, each league is on roughly a 3.5 month cycle (think of a ladder and a fresh start) and its nearing its last few weeks, watch numbers grow at the start of a league, its pretty crazy how big a jump it is.

Plus there’s people like me who RIP in hardcore on their lvl 97 character and quit until the next league :sob:


It does work better, since people tend to not think when they spend.
I’ve seen young people that get their first job wasting all their money on the gacha stuff. They don’t realize until it’s too late, like 6 months later, and then they’re all “… I spent so much, I never realized”. I even know some people who actually get into debts to keep playing/cashing in games.
So yes, I’m sure IMC is making a lot of money from it (which is why I don’t think they miss my money much o/)

On a different note, that’s also why people who claim “they don’t have the money to hire more staff” when we talk about game issues trigger me. There’s just no way IMC is lacking money. TOS is a beautiful herd of heavily milked cows.

To be fair, this isn’t our job.
Our job is to enjoy a game and spend in it if we want to. We’re the customers, so if something doesn’t satisfy us, we can just express how we dislike it, and if they care they come up with a solution.
But people did suggest a few things, like simply leaving the gacha system but also adding some special packages (with the costumes) like they do on kTOS. Even though it shouldn’t make IMC lose much money I don’t think the staff even reported the idea (since they didn’t reply/react).
But ultimately, players shouldn’t waste their free time thinking about the perfect solution for IMC. Especially since they don’t really know how IMC works, their goals, their restrictions, or whatever. They should voice their concerns and what they like/dislike, and IMC should work using that, finding a good middle ground.

And yes, gacha won’t magically solve every problems. But it’s not like TOS has one big problem. TOS has a lot of small problems. And you can’t just count on fixing one or two things and hoping everything will go perfectly fine. You need to address all the issues that bother people, even the smaller ones.
Now, imo, the gacha system isn’t a priority, but to each their own.


Totally agree. And that’s why I end up derailing threads when certain people start mixing stuff to troll and push players away or etc.

Trolling like that actually just shadows real complaints and makes them lose the actual feedback value ;-;

The big difference is in poe everyone get the patch the very same date. Here we have to wait for things that are already live on ktos for months. Really discourage some people. And “that’s how korean mmos” works isnt’ an excuse

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I’m just saying it’s soooooooo much fun playing with all those 40kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk players :upside_down_face: