Tree of Savior Forum

[Halloween Event ]Ninja PoV and how it works

I originally posted this in a comment in one of the Salt Threads, but i think this needs to have a thread on its own. Come forward, those with footages, feel free to post it here.

Firstly i would like to thank IMC for fixing the server’s rubber-banding state (No sarcasm), hence i can come to a conclusion the popping ninjas/invi man are not a result of server desync

I shall place this here.
Decide for yourselves

For those living in delusion that Halloween Dungeon is plagued with desync from teleporting and invisible players

A friend of mine who happens to have the cheat engine recorded this video for me. /god renders the user invisible and only appears on screen when attacking. The user goes back to invi mode after he stops attacking. This explains the "teleporting’ and ninja attacks legitimate players experience.




Victim PoV:

@Nekorin vs Ninjas


I saw this guy called Yussuk typing //godmod near the halloween event board, is this the invisible cheat command?

No , pretty sure he is memeing.

The actual command is /god if you use the “cheat engine “

They can’t customize the command name?

IMC are crazy keepin that solmiki reward with all those people using cheat, nobody has been punished till now, it’s like they are encouraging people to use cheat and get away with good rewards

it’s a very touchy subject to touch on as this can implicate addons which could cause quite a stir/debacle with consequences going against the player base.

I don’t have the expertise to deduce or proof that such devious methods can be used by malicious players. It can be possible or maybe not.

Thank you for posting this. I can’t say your friend is innocent or worthy of any gratitude for showing this off for everyone (even if he let himself be killed in the recording, he still obviously owns and uses this cheat engine), but it’s good to have proof of these kinds of things so everyone knows exactly whats going on. I’m certain now that I’ve run into one of these hackers before. I already got what I needed from the event, but it sucks that this is still going on for those who haven’t reached all their goals yet and have to keep slogging through this abuse-ridden event dungeon.

He got pissed fighting them so he went to purchase it … lol. Fight fire with Fire , end of the day the legitimate players suffer

Your ‘friend’ is quite an intelligent individual :smirk::joy::ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:

MOST members of Last Order from Varena using this kind of cheat, specially GH0ST and his alts

@staff remove all boxes and take back the solmiki prizes.

Watch the footage.

Are you implying the staff here are can actually handle this?

they are probably obligated to obey korea’s orders.

That’s why there is no hope.

At least… it’s, somehow, good to report stuff.

I actually PMed one of the staff about it but it probably got buried under the 10000 notifications that people spam tags/ignored.