Tree of Savior Forum

[Guild] Lolicons - Asylum of the Bonkers!

That is all it takes for a guild to be good in your opinion? Really now…? XD

It is true that there is a bunch of girls here, but they’re all here for the same reason as their male counterparts; to play the game and enjoy it.

Thanks for the compliments! :relieved:

You’re entitled to believe that every person you met in-game/online who claims to be a girl is actually a “g.i.r.l”. :joy:

That aside, I seriously have issues understanding the fraction of the community who needs affirmation of a person gender while playing games. Does it really matter that much that not knowing will somehow cause you to not being able to play the game?

I have had conversations with various such people before and 2 answers majorly overshadow the other answers. These 2 answers as follows “i play games to meet girls” and “i want a gamer girlfriend”. That is alright so long as the girl has the same objective as you, playing games to meet boys and wanting a gamer boyfriend. Otherwise, the effort seriously is so painful(and often annoying) to look at; the amount of attention, sugar coated words and “self-sacrifices” people offer to the opposite gender in-game. :scream:

Agree on that. Potatoes for those guys who have such intentions. Those kind of mindset will make guys easily fall prey to “G.I.R.L” who tried to milk them.

Normally lady gamers just want to enjoy the game casually and have a fun fellowship that offered by a guild. That’s all.

i just want to play my games already D:



'sup guys, any news besides that class advancement system update?

I haven’t been checking up on Korean ToS nor the forums, so I don’t have any news apart from what was shared in the group chat. (the class advancement). XDD blames laziness

well game’s on beta :v cant blame all the laziness XD

Hehehe meanwhile I’m not so lazy for playing Atlantica!

I’ve saw the JP thread regarding Templars, they seem to be a rank 8 class. That is the rumored class that is responsible for guild creation in this game! Apparently he isn’t a hidden class anymore… ;D

However, do note that it is just closed beta and therefore not finalized. Do keep a look out!

Meanwhile, I’ve also re-did my alchemist build so that I can help to awaken equipments, but as I am not sure how well this build is… I’ve decided to share the build with the community and hope they can give me some opinions XD

i guess you’re stuck doing a templar first then, and its rank 8 :v the grind is real

If that is how the guild feature will be, I am mentally prepared for it.

Except, I will have to forgo my plans for an alchemist and that’ll be realllly sad!

Seeing that there are quite a handful of guilds being prematurely created, if that feature is permanent, I am curious which guild can actually sustain. :stuck_out_tongue:

still no news :confused: guess i haz more study time Kappa

Best of luck with your studies!

When there are updates, I will share in the group. (Provided if no one has shared yet)

2nd iCBT hype :grin:

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TIME TO PREPAAAREEE, well I’m still in war against those books ~! KYAAHH D:

Rates of 3rd Korean CBT to boot! :laughing:

lolis :heart:

lolicons? …

finally a normal guild :3