They improved the overall performance of the forum with little tweaks I guess… like deactivating gifs at the user cards. etc.
Yay! Can’t wait to hangout with you!
Well I don’t think they’ve decided on what game yet. Do you perhaps have some in mind?
Something group oriented maybe?
Yeah, same here I’m excited too!
well, let me think… which games did you play together until now? I guess F2P games are prefered?
FPS, RPG, RTS or…? I’m bad at giving good examples without a little food for thought.
Edit or P.S.: I know you all played Trove together, in fact, I cant get to play this game, cause I never got the damn activation mail (tried a few mailaccounts…)
Any plans for tomorrow?
Check this out
Stat Calculator (Beta)
There’ll be an event this Saturday, I will announce it on the steam group later.
@Loztchild you should edit your post instead of posting three times. XD
Hey, to the new applicants!
Also, looking forward to this Saturday. Hopefully I can settle down and play with you guys~
Apparently any class can ride companions not only Cataphract and Schwarze Reiter
In this video a Wizard/Cryomancer/Psycokino/Alchemist is riding one and performing their skills
This was old CBT. They changed that already.
Hey guys, I just announced our 3rd Great Knight Summit event on our Steam group. Don’t forget to read it and please inform me if you are unable to attend. Oh, btw we also invite our applicants to participate as well if they are interested.
My predictions
I predict that the next CB will be for a month on early November because nobody reached to C5 and I believe that they would want us to test the end game content.After the second CB they have a OB for 1-2 months at the end of the winter holidays and the release will be on June or July 2016 may be possible to keep your character(s) progression for release.
Useful info read the entire thread
These are the screenshots I promised yesterday. Trove’s update logic (look at the right corner for the current time at that time) :
19.50, 126 MB updated
19.54, 80 MB updated
Anyway, these are our guild events screenshots taken by my cute @Shiro
Our activities were collecting materials and build a Crimson Knight’s castle town at Trove. It’s not completed yet, but we were making good progress thanks to everyone.
it’s the e-peen of power.
This a skill the Oracle uses to summon monsters “Call Of Deities”.Not sure if the CD will be changed because it’s looks really insane especially if you got more then 3 Oracles.Not to mention any class probably can use Call Of Deities via scrolls created by the Pardoners
Oh yeah, I’ve seen that before. That is exactle why we need “slave” oracles in guild. Now I’m confused whether I should choose Paladin circle 3 for its barrier or go Oracle. lol
I’m goin for oracle~XD
cleric c3>paladin>pardoner>oracle
Barbarian with no CON,all STR and DEX