Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Musketeer Indept Thread

I like gun-based archer (or marksman) too and prefer auto-attack play style with occasional skill use. Personally I prefer rifle to pistol but at the moment auto-attack rifleman is not viable (only auto attack pistoler through SR’s limacon). Hopefully with the new patch on musketeer and change in running shot, I can finally play the rifleman I want to be.

so penetration shot lv 15 Attack [1071]% x 5 (x2 with this attribute resulting in 10710%?)

Yes, if you can land all 5 hits,
on normal boss usually it’s 2-3 hits only. so around 6000%

really? i thought if you hit from melee range it will guarantee all 5 shot hit the target?

nope, since bosses doesnt get knocked back by penetration shot, the shots itself bypass through them.
with aiming you can hit all 5 though

what do you think is the best musket 3 skill distribution?

well mine looks like this

if you want a pure caster, just drop groove alltogether, and put another 6 in snipe/headshot/volley to your likings.

still waiting on 5min running shot, no charging covering fire, moveable sniper serenity and new skills though

Musketeer skill has high SP cost and musketeer rarely do full SPR. I tried to do dmg/SP ratio calculation and find surprising result.
all these skill are at max level, vanilla version (without attribute and overheat)

15covering fire: 4147%/300SP = 13.8% (meaning every 1SP you spent for this skill is equivalent to 13.8% dmg)
15headshot: 3009%/276SP= 10,9%
15penetration: 5355%/311SP= 17.2%
10snipe: 4235%/264SP= 16%
10volleyfire: 2176%/318SP=6.8%
10birdfall: 1963%/303SP= 6.5%

@greyhiem is this computation acceptable for SP consumption efficiency?

Yes. You could also divide it by cooldown to get SP consumption efficiency per second.

that… is too hard, especially with prime and load which obliterate all musketeer CD

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Hey guys, my musket is currently A2 Sap2 Wu2 Musk3 but I went for a crit build so I plan to remove Wu2.

I want to make a skill type musketeer that can do AA as well when I’m feeling lazy. Current stats are Str: 600, Dex: 108, Patk 5799-7724, Crit rate w/o buff at 412. No gems in my weapon yet (5 slots).

Here’s what I’m planning to do for the stats:

Str: 308
Dex: 400

No plans to change any of my equips but I’m still thinking wether I’ll use green or red gems for my weapon.

The builds that I’m planning are:

A3 > Sap3 > Musk3
A3 for higher swift step and kneeling shot

A2 > Sap3 > Ro1 > Musk3
Ro1 for sneak hit and capture

A2 > Sap2 > Ro2 > Musk3
Higher sneak hit and capture

A3 > Sap 2 > Ro1 > Musk3
A3 for higher swift step and kneeling shot, less crit and damage for Broom but you get 2 broom traps with Ro1

Need your help with figuring these out:

  1. Which one will give a higher crit chance, AR3 or Ro1?
  2. Is there a noticeable difference between the attack speed of Dex 200 vs 300, and Dex 300 vs 400?
  3. How much crit rate do I need? I’m already wearing 3 Fietas parts, 1 Solmi glove (leather), 2 Sissel, and even my musket has crit rate but I hardly see my musketeer do critical hits right now.
  4. Will Werewolf card still be effective for Ro1 and Ro2 build? Never tried using those before.
  5. How much patk will I love because of the str reduction?

Thanks in advance :smiley:

  1. yes, rog1 give more crit rate.
  2. my rog1musk3 can crit a lot if i positioned myself behind enemies, without werewolf
  1. Ro1 = +40% crit chance. Stacks additively with whatever crit % you have before buff. A3 only adds 25 crit rate compared to a2, I don’t think that’s even a 1% increase in crit chance…
  2. This thread might help you.
  3. Crit chance % = (max(0, crit rate - crit res))^0.6. according to this.. Base crit res = level/2. Assuming target is level 360, crit rate value needed to hit 50% crit chance would be ~858. Of course you probably can get healthy amounts of critical hits by keeping in the mid-750s range since most mobs are at the 34x level range.
  4. This is rough, but Ro1 = 40% crit chance. 3x werewolf lv10 = 30% chance of back attack when hitting from the front. Crit chance added when hitting from the front should be 0.4 * 0.3 = 0.12 = extra 12% crit chance. Ro2 would add 50% crit chance, so that would be 15% chance added when attacking from the front.
  5. STR adds 2 PATK per point, with an additional 5 PATK every 10th point. You’d lose 292 STR, which means you’d lose 792 PATK.


Hi guys,

I was reading this thread and got in doubt between these similar builds:

1 ) archer3-QS3-musk3
2) archer2-QS3-roque1-musk3 or 3) archer1-QS3-rogue2-musk3

The focus would be a PVE build to kill bosses/single target DPS. I heard 1) is the most popular in ktos but i don’t understand why kneeling shot lv10 could be better than 40% crit rate even on good ping scenarios.

Do you think it is worth to get build 3) instead of 2) just for an aditional 10% crit? Does crit chance from sneak hit staks with my normal crit chance?

yes, build 3 is recommended. Many archer generously share swift step’s crit rate nowadays. You must always attack from the back to use sneak hit efficiently.
Yes, it stacks.
qs3 running shot is for when all your musket skill on CD, dont use running shot as your main skill, that is the playstyle of zombie.
kneeling shot lv 10 for +200 crit rate and +300 atk speed, but kneeling contradict with sneakhit which require you to actively go behind enemy’s back.
I prefer STR musket for sniper serenity. use rifle as machine gun is …weird

Yes i’m going for mostly STR too since we can get 200 dex from equips and i personally think that there is no difference in atk speed beyond 250 dex.
kneeling shot gives +200 crit? I think kneeling + sneak are not bad because you will mostly use kneeling when skills are on CD
And omg sneakhit stacking with my own crit chance seems so OP.

In a rogue variant, what would be more effective between Glass mole and Deadborn?

kneeling +200 crit rate is from this attribute
based from my experience, boss always turn around, render your sneakhit useless, so you must constantly move around the back before attacking, thats why if you go kneeling, you cant hardly move.
kneeling also make your penetration shot hit shorter and slower

glassmole of course.
deadborn only add FLAT +600 crit atk, glassmole +30% patk. if you have 5000patk, it add 1500patk

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i don’t understand why kneeling shot lv10 could be better than 40% crit rate even on good ping scenarios

Mainly because kToS players tend to go full DEX and they pretty much got their crit rate to a comfortable level already even without Sneak Hit, so they prefer the increased DEX to bonus physical attack scaling.