Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Musketeer Indept Thread

any dps class 1st requirement: high end weapon, are you ready for that?

Just trying out builds, I’m kind of a newer player so I don’t have any orange weapons yet.
Thanks for the video of a similar build though.

Man I don’t like the changes they are bringing about because its just even more Pro-Dex crap when my Poisons scale off of STR and I can get crit rate on Regular trash from Coursing.

Sorry dude but i dont get your idea. Which changes are you referring to? Because after Musk balance it seems they buff both DEX and STR build to me :thinking: just go full STR as you want and get some DEX from gear for block penetration, i dont see anything much of a matter here.

The only thing “new” is grooving muzzle favoring DEX because you want to fit more atks in the awkward duration 24/35 sec and it having a 30% chance to deal 4 crits. Everything else is STR leaning.

What’s an endgame musket now ?
does investing in emengard musket still worth it ?

nope. new 350 musket is better because of 5 slot and sniper serenity

Any build for casual player? Like AA musket ?

qs3rog2musket3 and always stay behind the boss

Can someone comfirm if the grooving muzzle is working only in musket or can use also in xbow and gun. Qs3 musket2 bm1 So godly if working in xbow or gun.

Stance requirement: Musket (rifle) equipped.

This is AA musket vs Unique Raid Kugheri Shaman boss:

They forgot to put lethargy debuff to help the murmillo shinobi. With chrono quicken and enchanter buffs, this build can compete nicely at bosses. Of course, if you have a crowded screen, you AA will suffer on iToS.

Guys what does this actually do?

Doubles amount of hits on penetration shot. Each hit will deal 2 hits. This translation is kind of unclear

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Hello @greyhiem ,

This is slightly off-topic so i apologize for the intrusion, but are there any more skill descriptions that are considered to be unclear/vague? A request for them to be altered further can be made.

Yes, I will pm you and staff about it

Muskets needs love guys…

Anyone else feeling that the planned changes to musketeer aren’t enough? Grooved Muzzle is very much an auto attack buff to go alongside a QS build, but as an auto attack buff it’s outclassed by c1 bullet marker. While musketeer does win out against bosses (c3 attribute for penetration shot is especially sexy here - even more so when you can reset it), there’s still other classes which do better (pretty much anything shinobi based). The thing that could have really made musketeer shine is the 50% damage boost to crits with Sniper’s Serenity, though it only applies while SS is at full charge, so the moment you get hit it’s gone. It would have been amazing for boosting skills like broom trap with its 50% crit chance attribute, though sadly it’s not to be.

I need some direction on this because right now my poor musket main has taken a complete back-seat to my damn wizard (w2>p1>thum3>rune>enchanter2 (double lightning hands thanks to giant jumps when AA animation cancelling)) which outclasses it in just about every situation :frowning:

To be honest im glad that they have finally made some changes to Musk cause you can see how pathetic archer in general is. Before r9 Musk has really bad skill rotation due to long cd, weapon restriction and delay between skill shot that sometimes put your character at risk when bossing/ET (im a skill caster Musk). To know its gonna work well or not, we have to actually play the char in game by ourselves.

I prefer waiting and seeing how we can do after intense balance, rather than looking at stuff online first and getting panic over how screwed we will be if we lack this and that. Musk is not the best class and it will never be, but if you ask i will say im content enough with the balance :smile:

I misread Sniper serenity description as “50% critical chance” at first and got over-excited. Anyway, now that everything has settled, lets see how far Musk will go in future patch :distinguished:

@purplebanana You’re right :slight_smile: . I love the job but it will never be the greatest. I think I’ll run it as a secondary alongside a different main as an off-meta fun character to see how far I can push the job. I’ve got my musketeer reset right now and it’ll stay that way until the intense balancing is out.

The problem with musketeer is it is competing with cannoneer. You can see this with the 1st iteration of [sniper’s serenity] where the buff is lost on movement then later with encumbered movement speed during the skill. What do you get for losing so much mobility: min atk = max atk and 50% more crit damage (should be crit chance). What do you get for going into [bazooka]: 100% cannon damage and 80 AA range.

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