Insight from a PvPer (due to the variety of skills) would be nice.
But there is literally only a things that I remember breaking Swordie’s passive immunity to being flinched/launched:
- Winged Frogs push-back normal attacks (Pain Barrier mitigates)
- Black Colify’s push-back normal attacks (Pain Barrier mitigates)
- Cockatrice’s flames (Pain Barrier mitigates)
- Cerberus’ AoE ground smash
- Archon’s swings and explosions
- Seventune’s Lutopus with its tentacle slams.
- Molich’s punches and stuff (forgot about that one)
- Necroventer’s tombstones (forgot this one toooo)
I do wish I did try Pain Barrier during some bosses, but I did not… Otherwise, boss monsters just have innate superarmour breaking for Swordies.
Also I am slightly aware I’m not following what’s even going on, and may be saying frivolous things in hoping that I’m making a point. Sorry o-o;
@DiscKZee Pouncing should get cancelled the same way, no? That doesn’t have any (measly) stun chance like Rush , and you’re most definitely gonna get hit cause it’s so slow. Shield Charge would get cancelled too? I definitely don’t remember any of those being prone to hitstun during the end of iCBT2 ._.