Besides heal, cure, zaibas and basically all skills which works that way. Not cancelable by normal attacks. Ofc they are all cancelable if you get attacked twice (doubleattack) or get a knockback - the same way it canceled channeling skills back then as well.
Well and skills like possession are canceled now and go into cooldown immediately after pressing the key. Cure, Zaibas and co wont.
If thats intented, then why? Why should these skills be treated differently? Why are channelings canceled by DoT but not by magic attacks and some boss skills? Because they’re less hurting? o.O
A reasonable nerf of possession as skill I could totally deal with would be, if the skill was cancelable after creating the circle - not within the starting animation. Or the skill not going into cooldown already.
As bug fix I expect at least a notice in the patchnotes by IMC. And since there was nothing like that, there are only 2 possibilities.
IMC does care little about telling us or their GameMasters here all the changes they have made, especially these who change some skills in their basics. We may know some changes, some remain hidden nin-nin-nin #ninja
They’ve changed/fixed something they wrote into the notices, but didn’t expect (or negligently implemented) the outcome/side effects to be that devastating for certain skills.
If it really was the first one, I will lose all of my trust I had for this administration.