Tree of Savior Forum

Forget this 15characters

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Wait…the game gets harder as you progress? MINDBLOWN.


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How about you play an MMO with other people as intended?

but muh experience!!

Deal with it, baby.

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Tree of Whining kek.

Perhaps you should stop trying to be like Kirito and get some party to help you out, even a single healer should be enough. Teamplay woooo! \O/

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Normally when you are in a party the xp for killing creatures is raised… not sure about this game but somes it raises to 200%

Before I answer you that, may I know your current build?

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Then I’ll get on the same level as your whining and answer you this:

You must be one of those players that go full damage and forget that crowd control is relevant to this game.

You don’t have CC? Party up or get wrecked.

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Okay, so i agree with you and i’m curious about your build. You mind sharing with us please?

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There is a lot of imbalance in the game. I don’t play yet so I don’t know the current situation but if it still like in icbts… it was quite messed up…

I could survive like that but that doesn’t mean it was right like that… also it will scare off a lot of players because the beginning of the game gives the wrong idea about the game…

That’s why I hate the quest system too. If it is like they said we still start with lots of quests then they will just disappear… this is rly wrong like this and just gives the wrong idea about the game too… but I don’t know what to say at this point because we gave enough feedback about the game back then so… whatever…

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whine whine whine, i can’t solo faceroll everything like i did 50 levels ago boohoo

meanwhile my level 40 cleric has half as much HP as you, wtf is going on there?


In RO there were mobs that would two-shot Knights in full VIT builds. OP is the kind of person who would quit playing Dark Souls because they got 2 shot by O&S…lol.

Just remember, when you die it is never your fault. Blame the game instead of finding ways to beat it.


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As I said I’m only talking about my icbt experience… but while in RO there were always other (good) options where to grind (at least in the pre-renewal one) in TOS it wasn’t that true…

You really only have yourself to blame for not getting CON in a melee build. 16k at your level is laughable.


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