Tree of Savior Forum

Founder's Server open to F2P players? Bot-flood after 1month?

ರ 益•́)/ NOW WE RUCKUS (╭ರ 益•́)

Why not a ‘‘Captcha’’ ingame? (To combat Bots) posted it here ‘=’

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Me too. =P Maybe it’ll take both of us for them to take it seriously. =D


The token system is actually a counter measure against gold farmers. Doesn’t really help with bots. But it definitely helps against gold sellers. It worked out really well in Tera online as well.

If someone wants to buy gold they will always go with the most secure method. And that method will always be buying cash shop items that they know will sell in game. People will buy 30 day tokens and then turn around and sell those for the money they want. Gold farmers once they realize there is no market in a certain game stop bothering with that game.

Bots on the other hand will be used by legitimate players who just don’t want to put in the time themselves. I know quite a few people who would sit at their computer just so they could answer any messages they get. I don’t know any game that bans you without messaging you first in game just to make sure you aren’t a bot.

archefayte : Doesn’t work. X-Legend games do this, and botters can still find a way to bypass it.That and the current precautions are fine.
Well atleast we tried. >_<

I think the reason why they turned off trading on non vip account was to hinder bots.

Also, i made the same wakfu suggestion in december:


Good! But what happened for you to give up?

give up? as in give up promoting the suggestion?

Srry, it’s because the last post was on 15dec, so i missunderstand it.
Good night, bb!

welcome to TOS where they don’t ask you anything before you are banned for botting =]
if you want to talk to them you message them and wait and wait forever because it takes them 1month to reply to you
during that 1month time frame if you decide to go to meet them in person they call security on you

^ happened in korea

Wow, i have a sudden nostalgia for it now. :smirk:

FYI, Wakfu is a turn-based game.

If imcgames may open China server early and prevent fan-translation patch in iTOS server, maybe it will ease some more or less.

WoW has a $15 sub and has bots, TERA had bots when it launched, EvE has bots, FF prob has bots, whatever price tag u slap on it there will always be bots/gold sellers

Yes, of course. But F2P has more.

I really dont expect good things to come in ToS and it really depends on IMC’s dedication and effort when it comes to this kind of thing.

But if WE (the community) help too at least keep the bots to minimum (not buying their gold etc) it will be much better and less toxic for whole of us playing ToS.

B2P, P2P, anything that makes a game have a paywall before you can play NEVER solved any bot issues. FFXIV has tons of bots but the game is a mix of B2P + P2P. You see? Again, MIXED B2P and P2P(subscrition based) but still had bots. No matter how many paywall you put, gold sellers will find a way.

and there were a lot of them. no matter how many times i blocked them there was like ten more to replace them.

thats because they are using the “7 days free to play” trial thing

they basically split their gold among a zillion accounts - as soon as a trade is going on they grab and gather all the gold together

all serious gold seller wont advertise in game - if you want gold in game youll find them via google - any suspecious money making thing are mostly scammer who dont care what happens after nor their “customer” and simply spam all day with super low price etc to get attention and possible people to scam

also a reason why you rarely encounter bots in the expansion of FFXIV - cause you cant access it during the 7 days trial

now FFXIV is “big business” lotsa server to handle - hard for them to keep track of all the reports etc also hard to track those said “none spaming gold seller” cause theyre smarter than them and running such business for many years

EURO had few bots in the old days - (at least on loki) they had a special bot hunting GM guild (gotta catchem all) with a pikachu picture - i talked to them zillion of times and all they do is destroying bots - they teleport those into the “prison” and decide further action on those characters

tho their also exist “1 man companies” and what not who sell their cards and zeny and make easy trades wich cannot be tracked - no bots involved tho just pure gameplay and selling their “work” aka high level accounts weapons cards and all that

The ode to botting

Lets go at it head on: I dont understand why anybody cares about bots on the player’s side beyond reporting them.
In fact, lets go a rundown on the issue.
There are two type of botters:
a.) The lazy
b.) The Insidious

Botter a.) is a simple player who does not care about larger gains, making money or impacting the economy. S/he is botting for one single reason, which is to progress her own character.
Worst case scenario, botting for progression is expanded onto guild leveling and such, but thats where it reaches its limit.
Botter b.) is the larger issue because these chumps do it for real money, trying to gather up credit and rare items which will ultimately end up as being sold off site for money.

Now. From the player’s perspective, unless you make some sort of ideological problem or a matter of principle, botters hardly are anything more than an inconvenience.
They dont impact you.
The only way they can, is by spamming your chat with buy this and that messages, or by getting ahead of you, which (lets be honest) is not really a factor in an mmo, because there will be always a “bigger fish”.

The only people botters actually hurt are the developers, because they take money away from them, so i literally do not understand topic like OP’s saying that i would spend 50$ on this, but im afraid that after a months time of “quality gameplay”, botters will ruin it.
Will they block your account so you wont be able to play? Will they take away your chars? Will they block your progression? Just what in the world are they going to do that will make you unable to play?

To begin with: The a.) archetype of botters are vulnerable as hell to banning, especially because they are doing it for the sake of progression. If they get banned their progression is all goan, so its absolutely not worth it for them in the end. Its a paradox of risk. Progressing while risking your entire progression to be taken away is a bad idea.
So most the server is going to have to put up with are the goldselling twats, but honestly: If you buy from them you deserve a ban too, which might be coming shortly from a non dev/gm source, because there is literally no end to stories about how gold sellers are stealing accounts given the chance.


Botting is disheartening and annoying, but thats the whole extent of it.
See it? Report it. And thats all there is.
Its on the company to protect its own bottom line, not you. You are at best a spectator to the entire thing, so pimped posts like these claiming to be afraid of bots, make no sense whatsoever.

If you want to fear something, fear the **** connection issues you are going to have if you play from the EU, SEA, Australian region or south america.
The notion that north america got 4 servers and the eu got ZERO FOR AN INTERNATIONAL RELEASE, baffles me to no end.
Its almost as funny as the paywalled “open” beta we have gotten ourselves.

If there is a profit to be made from botting then bots will exist in the game regardless of whether they have to buy an account.

WoW is filled with bots and that has both a game purchase cost + a monthly sub fee.