Tree of Savior Forum

Anti-Bot Solution Suggestion

Im not sure how many people posted about a anti-bot solution but i figured i’d give my 2 cents.

Things we know about bots:

  1. Bot makers are smart
  2. Bots will always exists.
  3. Botting is efficient for the user to level and get items

I played an MMO called Wakfu, and in this game, there was a grinding section in which you would do “Harvesting” action to get materials to make other items and to lvl up that particular skill. for example, cutting down a tree would give you experience in the lumberjack skill and would give you lumber to make other items.

So naturally, this would attract bots as a bot can be set to harvest all day and then the user can then use the lumber or any other harvested item to get rich or to make items.

Wakfu had a elegant anti-bot solution called “Capt’n Atcha”. Randomly (like two or three times an hour ) after harvesting an item, you would be placed in a battle. In that battle you would have to match up numbers for you see on the screen. extremely easy. However, if you matched correctly you would get 40 extra item drops and if you failed you would get a debuff which made harvesting almost impossible for a period of time.

This made botting on harvesting effectively useless and actually made harvesting easier for the rule abiding user. I actually would be happy to see “Capt’n Atcha” as i would get more drops. I literally Never saw a bot harvesting in Wakfu.

So my suggestion would be that if your grinding on a map for some extended period of time, some sort of question or popup should appear which would ask a question about a picture it showed a user.( like what color is shown ) or (how many legs does this monster have? ). If the user answered correctly, they would get EXP or an EXP/Drop rate boost for a period of time. If they answered incorrectly, they would get an EXP/Drop rate Debuff for a period of time.

This would effectively make botting useless as the debuff would just make botting be a waste of time and the law abiding user would benefit from this system making it more productive to actually play the game.

It doesn’t have to be exactly this but something along those lines.

What do you guys think?


The best BOTs control i ever seen is RO PKServer.
You try chat for 30 sec to 1 mins with that guy. No reply then you PK.
If level too high for you. Call for help.

RO PKServer (official) back in the old days is 99.9% BOT free.
We love BOTs, they are FFA.

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haha, @shyangyuan there should definitely be some PK areas in TOS. That would be fun

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Your idea isn’t bad, but I’d prefer being teleported into a safe area before any question and also I’d like having an announcement above my character, like “You’ll encounter a short test in 1 minute. Please take a break from your current activity and answer the following questions for our security measures. Thank you for your cooperation! ToSteam (or whatever…)”. We would be able to read more about this system at the “Help” section of the game, or even the daily tips.
But I’m afraid even this would get taken down, because there will be a certain number of questions. They will be able to code them in a way or another. I just have a feeling…

The PK system seems brutal to me. Some people might not know English, and they could get bashed for no reason. But I vote “Yes” for certain PK areas or channels.

I get that would do a thing for botting maybe, but then I need to plan around a minigame that isn’t the game in order to be most efficient at the real game? I want to play the actual game not a minigame.

I would just prefer a captcha if lame stuff needs to be in the game for bots. I prefer typing something fast- 2-5 seconds tops.

They should enable the class “Bounty Hunter

Hunt down bots and bad guys. :dizzy:

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well not so fun when you pick a suporte class and everione can kill you =P

Properly setup bot in RO cannot be PKed unless he teleports under AoE skill. You just wont see him: he will use fly wing/creamy card as soon as he gets information that another player is near.

Another way is to report it as a bot then the person receives a random message to type on chat to confirm might be very exploitable but players will get minor punishment for report non botters

In RO PKServer(official)…teleportation were disabled.
Yup…Aco skill, fly wings and creamy card are useless.

Have never heard of such an official server.

PK w/o a reason will only invite massacre to oneself…
And nobody would PK a support class. Anyone with a right mind would only ask for Heal, Bless & Agi if they met one on field.
RO FSPriest are well known for being buffy. No one could kill them w/o special PK gears.

Come out from your well pls…

They were a thing only in JP and Taiwanese servers of which i know very little because of language barrier. But i do know that JP RO servers were heavily modified to the point of completely different mechanics that were not present on iRO for example.
Well has nothing to do with it.

Malaysia RO PKServer is an English server.
Mechanism are the same on monsters and PK on field same as inside PVP room.

A mini-game like encounter would probably be nice. For example, taking advantage of their “tile” system to make a maze of stacking silver and experience gain debuffs similar to the cleric heal squares.

I think the bigger problem at the moment in terms of preventing botting is that a lot of their data is client side(noticeable in the first few laggy days of icbt2), and there is no/inadequate data validation on the server side (as far as I can tell?).

those are called GMs and most ether don’t do their job and/or are easily corrupted


Just make so that if you right click a player you get the option to test him for AFK, when a players is tested a mosaic should appear and the players must click one button to close it on a timer ( That isn’t ZZZZZ or the controller attack button ), if he fails he’ll be TP back to city and disconected ( So the bot-user need to walk there all over again ) and the player that tested him gain HP/MP/STA regen bonus, if he manage to close it he gain a HP/STA/MP regen bonus and the player that tested him get a MS debuff.

Players can’t be tested very offten, perhaps 5 minutes cooldown.

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Worst suggestion against Z-Bots ever. Also, this thread is about actual Bots, not ppl who afk with a stone on the Z-key.

Works for both, everybody win. Except you’re one of those semi-manual Bots that goes AFK and leave a rock on your Z-key, if you are sorry.