Tree of Savior Forum

A possible solution to the influx of bots on F2P release


We all know hordes of bots generally destroy the quality of online games, and every MMO has them. However, once an MMO goes F2P, you often see a large influx of bots due to people only needing to spend 2 minutes making a new account for free, and they often run several gameclients botting at once. We’ve seen games being completely ruined by this, however!

By making a small mini-game that pops up every now and then when people have been grinding non-stop for longer than a couple of hours or so, you would make it significantly more difficult for people to run botted characters in the game. A minigame such as this, presented by a cute npc who gives a reward every time you succeed so that regular players would find it pleasant as well, would certainly give botters a real problem.

You could also make it so that the game client ‘flags’ a character who doesn’t respond when the minigame pops up, but rather just stands still not doing anything or failing the minigame repeatedly. This flag would of course be invisible to normal players, but would appear on a list for GM’s, so that they can investigate the person to see if it’s a live player or a bot, and then act accordingly.

Video example here.

We all know botting is a problem and makes a lot of people quit and look for different games where they can feel more secure that there aren’t too many cheaters, and I feel this suggestion will not only be beneficial for the players, but will also make your job a lot easier by bots being automatically reported to you by the minigame.

Thank you for taking the time to read this suggestion. =)


While i have a couple reservations about this system, if it keeps bot at bay i’m all for it.

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and what about AFKers ?

What’s wrong with people going afk? Will there be a problem with server load making players have to wait in a queue to get in or something?

I am a fan of afk auto-boot, unless you have a shop up. AFK people take up server bandwidth.

This antibot system is from Wakfu game.
I played this game since long time ago, so I can confirm is a really good system because all the little pics of every dice have their own animation who overlapped one over others because the smooth and particle effects are really wide. It appears randomly when you are farming (1 every 150 tries aprox) and teleports you to a special room, this way other monsters can’t kill you. And if you didn’t answer the minigame correctly you are penalized with a accumulative -30% exp reduction every time your answer is wrong, and also increase the probability of the minigame to appears again (1 every 5 tries aprox) this way if you answered wrong for a mistake you can correct it quickly, however if you answer it correctly the penalization will disappear and also you will get a little bonus of the farming items.

Im totally agree with this idea!

The reward for answer the minigame correctly is really important, in ToS since we are killing mobs and not farming plants, I think the best is give a movement speed bonus, damage bonus etc for a few minutes. And also would be a good idea if the minigame system can detect if are a boss near to you this way it will not appear when you’re killing a worldboss.

Bump. Expecting the bot problem to become a lot worse in 1 week.

Why not just capcha so it is easier?