Tree of Savior Forum

Why not a ''Captcha'' ingame? (To combat Bots)

I think something simple, like drag and slide, near to a smarthphone lock or Osu slider with timer(10~20 seconds) would be good. If someone is not going to be able to drag it and slide he is going to take a penalty on damage and movement who is stacking with the time until he completes the captcha, when it reach on 5~10 times he is going to take a disconnect.
A drag and slide who is ‘‘transparent’’ who occupies something like 1/5
1/6 of the screen and need to be variable and grant maybe a 5% XP bonus for 20~30 minutes when you complete this captcha.
Obviously it’s a initial idea, just to start with something.

Got this idea from ‘‘Wakfu’’ Captcha.
@Celestique was the one who suggest me to post my initial suggestion.

He posted another one with better overall explanation. A possible solution to the influx of bots on F2P release

*My photo editing aren’t even near to be bad, so please don’t blame for it being horrible. (Obviously with more improvement .-.)


Wasn’t the Grim Reaper boss sort of an “anti-bot” device?

I think grimm reaper is a world boss no? >_<

From my experience, he appears on just about any map(I’ve seen him at Red Kepa, the popular bot farming spot), does insane damage and drops nothing if you can somehow manage to kill him.

He also despawns after a certain amount of time.

‘‘He also despawns after a certain amount of time.’’ After killing everyone? ‘=’ wtf

The grim reaper summons on players that are grinding in one spot for an extended period of time.

As for botting, mobs don’t spawn in the same location, and usually spawn in a different location before respawning in a previous location.

This makes botting difficult.

Now let’s say you do bot. Silver can’t be traded, materials and recipes can only be traded once, so all your wealth is non-transferable and on your character. If you were to be banned, that wealth is gone, and it’s really obvious when there are botters. Unlike other games where you can trade your wealth over to a clean account, that can’t be done here.

kTOS has daily bans for this.

Games like Wakfu don’t really have bot/gold seller precautions in place, so they had to stick to a captcha, which doesn’t really work either as there are plenty of gold sellers in that game.

Similarly, more basic captchas, like in X-Legend games, don’t work either.

I don’t know how the game really works so i was just throwing some ideas. xD But anything that the ‘‘pros’’ do is better, so i will let then make their job.

Some bots know how to recognize image if you are good at botting, and sometimes it’d just be annoying…shrugs just my 2 cents

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There is also the problems with puzzles or mini-games that would confuse people with poor English… So you’d need a very clever captcha or mini-game.

That said… I think there is an elegant solution hiding away in the idea of mini-game/captcha tools as anti-bot mechanics… It’s just going to take a genius design.

I don’t think something that simple would be troublesome. ‘-’
But a ppl said it’s not going to work so i m just throwing the idea here. =/

The problem with anti-bot technology is that it gets in the way of fluid gameplay. Like for example, I had this grand idea of hooking my display to my TV and then sitting on the other side of the room on the couch playing with a controller. Anything that requires a mouse or specific keyboard input would require me to stop playing and tend to whatever I’m prompted to do. Now that’s a really edge case, but anyone who’s playing with a controller is going to have some inconvenience with that. There’s also the problem of the graphic getting in the way of gameplay. Even if it’s a transparent window, it’s still visible and could interrupt the flow of a battle. If they ever make a really difficult boss that requires really thought out control and attention or even in PvP where the prompt could possibly cover your opponent you’d be pretty badly handicapped.

But none of that matters. Because have you ever seen a bot in action? Not as an observer from another character, but like the actual program and how it works. Anything you do to submit inputs into the system, so can a bot. And they could probably do it better, faster, and with more accuracy. You want to have a slider to prove you’re not a bot? Botters can program it to signal a button press onto a detected captcha image and then slide it over to where it’s been programmed to slide it. Update the image to confuse the bots? Bot gets updated and now has a wider library to work with, as well as the botters being kept on their toes because they know the developer is actively trying to stop them. Want to have a thousand piece puzzle that you have to solve? Bot can scan the image and just shuffle the pieces around until it gets it right. Is the bot getting banned because it’s solving really hard puzzles too fast? Just program it to randomly slow down. Etc etc… As an actual example, I used to run a bot in Runescape just to see how it worked. If you’ll recall, they had these random encounters that I believe were supposed to stop botters(and serial grinders). In particular, there was an old man that come up and show you a 3d rotating image of a box with different shapes on each side with different colors and you had to answer his question on what shape matched which color. Bot solved it so fast I didn’t even really register it happening at first. I know some actual people who would have a little trouble with that.
-End pointless Bot shouting-

The point is, there’s really nothing you can do to hamper the bots that wouldn’t terribly hamper the playerbase and at that point there’s really not too much point in it. As an alternative I would rather they put effort into making some sort of activity in the game that’s really fun and rewarding enough so that it supplements quests and grinding so that it’s fun and profitable to actually play your character yourself. Bots exist because people are too lazy to grind levels and money and if you make doing that fun and exciting, then you eliminate the need for bots. And after that, you know what? If you want to bot, go ahead and bot. I had an incredible time playing my character up all these levels, I feel an attachment to all the money and equipment I’ve earned, I know exactly how all my skills work in tandem with one another after practicing and using them in so many different situations… And you’ll be max level with more money than you can handle on a character you didn’t even care about enough to play. Have fun.