Tree of Savior Forum

For everyone who feels entitled to get the packs at 50% less

Did you guys ever realize that IMC NEVER EVER mentioned any other prices then 50$, 30$ and 10$. never.

Thats the pricing they talked about when they let you vote for the packs, thats the price they talked about when announcing them after the vote. thats the only price they ever talked about.

Then the DLC went live and i remember the comments all so well “nice, it’s 50% cheaper then expected”, “must suck to life in eu/us since we now get it 50% less”, “huehueheu 50% off” (that one was a real one) and so on.

You guys felt so happy, lucky and smart back then, because you got the game cheaper then expected.

And now, 3 weeks later the price is back to what IMC intended all over the world from the get go. And now the drama is real.

it is beyond me why everyone can’t go back to that mentality when the 50% lower prices where a happy accident. a happy accident that will be corrected in time, since IMC always communicated a different worldwide pricing.
Sometimes amazon list stuff for a lower price then it is intended. this then gets corrected and sometimes you don’t even get the item for the low price in the end.

So be happy you got that low price initially.


Terms of Service are as ruthless as they can be.


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“Terms of service are as common as can be.”
That would be the correct sentence.

And quite frankly: if all those people whining now would leave the game, i would not miss them a second.


It was not an accident. They put prices to be regonalized by steam’s system, and now they removed it. That’s it.

“Less is more” -Gaben

If you saw the rant thread with almost 400 replies. Alot were discouraged to buy the pack 2 as an extra now. That’s how it works.

and maybe 1000 people now buy it for twice the money.

with your theory the dlc should cost 1$ or even less, so MUCH more people buy it. but thats not how economics work. there is a sweet spot. and none of us have the data to justify any price point. but IMC does.

and to be clear once and for all: It is their F***ing game, so they get to make the F***ing prices.

they always communicated the 50$, 30$ and 10$ pricing. so if they now made sure everyone pays the intended price it is their damn right to do so.

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Theory? LOL
Seems like you can’t even comprehend just abit of info from that post.

the thing is if the discount was universal and every player would get the discount, that would be true and fair, but since it’s only limited to certain countries (wich btw have a playerbase with questionable reputation -cough-boletobancario-cough-) then it just makes RMTers job a hell of a lot easier.

Again, quoting myself so people understand:


Oh jesus. Nevermind. I’ll stop replying.

that might be the best solution because you clear did not read the article properly yourself, let me cite:

“When they quietly lowered prices, they found it to be elastic (sales increase proportionally, so the overall revenue remains the same)”

This would mean changing the prices without announcements(like IMC did) would not change the overall revenue. But in an online game, where each player costs money for server traffic etc. going lower price & higher numbers of players is the worse deal for the company, if both scenarios produce the same sale revenue, because your costs to run the service go up.

And it is common human sense that you cannot go as low or high as you want. If you go too high there will be a certain point where nearly no one will buy. if you go too low you will at a certain point reach all of your potential users and going lower does not make any sense anymore. but the sweet spot in the middle is where it counts. you need to maximize the price vs the amount of people who are going to buy it for the price, so “price* people willing to buy it = revenue” needs to be maximized.

See, maybe now you even learned something.

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That’s not even the situation on DLC packs =)) Not to mention, the logic behind why I posted that article just flew over your head and you just quoted something not even relevant. I’m so done.


  • kappa

Really? Like neve ever ever mentioned it? Go open your eyes

america is not the only country in the world

us dollar is not the only currency in the world

if IMC want to make the game payment “accept only us dollars” rate

then they didn’t have bother to host Telsiai (SEA server) anymore , close it then

only rich and stupid people can pay for that

if you feel jealous about third world country can get dlc pack for cheaper , by comparing from your currency

then you need more education , because that’s not how the world works


if you can’t see why that part of the article is relevant for this discussion then it can’t be helped. just stop replying like you said twice already xD

and where does it say “Br gets it 50% cheaper” ?
There are regional prices. In EU we payed more than 50$ from day one and still do.

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I am always glad to see you, you are one of the few sane people out here on the forum who understands logic and facts.

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They never intended to open a SEA server to begin with. Go dig for the post by IMC stating that there wasn’t enough playerbase for them to do so. They had always been intending to host it in NA, so be glad they are willing to relocate the server to an actual SEA location.

You people seem to be taking things for granted and whine when things doesn’t go your way. [quote=“WeAreMad, post:15, topic:207051”]
you need more education , because that’s not how the world works



Tree of savior “international”…not tree of Savior " NA"

And American always thinks they are best ==