Ok, thank you for your reaction.
And here’s to hoping that they won’t actually make Klaipeda an NA-only server (with IP locks or some such thing), otherwise I’ll be stuck on a server I can’t play on anymore. 
I really don’t want to transfer right now and I don’t know if I’ll ever want to, but it would be nice to actually have the option instead of being stuck here. Now I have to rethink everything. Some of my friends (I’m from the EU) have said they will probably try the game in the future, but I have to make the decision NOW.
Currently I have ingame friends in the Klaipeda server, so I don’t want to transfer, but if some of my other friends ever start on EU, I might want to then. This is really annoying. 
EDIT: To be completely honest, I would be really surprised if they weren’t going to make server transfers an option in the future. What about people who have to move? I’ve moved to several different countries in the past decade. I’m sure I’m not the only one. I can’t imagine they wouldn’t offer people the chance to transfer when it’s needed.