Tree of Savior Forum

FalconerC3 thoughts

its just imc ways of not knowing their own game mechanic or nexon whatever but yall know what i meant lol

I dunno why IMC thought to lower the buff duration when they could have just left it and reduced the cd on the skill :bear:

I guess the use for falcons being able to eq an armor is that one day you will get low cap and he can help you with that. you can use pets to transfer weapons and armors to alts without team storage.

so I just hit falconer3 yesterday (YAY!) now I have a couple of questions.

Im having trouble consistently getting aiming on groups of enemies, is the aiming debuff placed on emenies within range of my hawk? Or is it anything within my hawks line of sight?

Also if im trying to get aiming on as many enemies as possible, does aiming continue to work while im using skills? For example if I use aiming then circleing will I still get the aiming debuff ion enemies? And what about other skills? Does it work//NOT work with certain skills?

Other than that preemptive strike is amazing for consistant damage and keeping your pet with you. Also spreading the sonic strike debuff more consistently is great for bulky monsters.

Aiming will spread to anything beneath your hawk, and you must not recast it constantly, just whenever it goes away because it doesn’t refresh. and yes it does work with other skills, if you use circling, anything beneath the hawk will be afflicted by aiming.

hmm ok I will have to get used to it Thanks for the advice.

I still hold on my class reset still debate between sap2>sc1 vs sap3
from the info from this thread

sap3 doesn’t seem to get much dps from latest buff

what do you guy think?
BTW how’s lv 5 flare shot dmg in lv300+?

Sap 3 is still a trash, sap2 400 dmg/ sap3 1000 dmg (include attribute 2 times buff)

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Dood go scout, stealth alone is worth a circle rank but then you get frost cloud and Flu flu as well, witch will really help you out in pve. Being able to walk back to the group in tinmeries is kinda nice to have…Did I mention frost cloud?

As a hunter 3 having only multishot as an aoe is killing my soul, also resetting to that hunter FROM sapper3, yes the broom trap lvl10 is nice but that’s literally all your getting out of it.

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Honestly the damage is kinda irrelevant, as long as your doing MISSLE damage in an aoe you can always augment it with things like decay or using a hackapell freindsgip , constant MISSLE stacks etc. I’m pretty sure it works with the circleing expand attribute as well (confirmation would be nice) .

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sapp 2 is 545 or around there. The attribute only effects skills so it pretty useless to go sapper 3 route

yeah but will sap 3 be worth it once they get the other buffs?

what other buffs. It already has all the buffs ktos has.

dang I thought they were gonna get one where they use more items for increased damage… did they already get that and it turned out to only buff the base damage? ewwwww

yeah that already came… its only skill damage increase not total or overall

sorry if this has been asked before, seeing as circling is like linker2.0, this combo circling lv15+feint+barrage, will it spread the damage of feint+barrage or barrage only?

Is feint+barrage damage increased?
Anyway the damage that is replicated is based off the damage you just did.

What does this mean? it just means that the damage can be on par or higher if it crits than its original. it also of course can be a bit lower.

so if
-my normal barrage hit for 5x9k dmg,
-any FEINTed enemy will receive 10x9k dmg,
-there is 10 enemies affected by circling lv15 and i feinted one enemy and then cast barrage to that enemy,the rest 9 unFEINTed enemies will still receive 10x9k dmg?

Let me clarify:

If you’ve just hit 40k to an enemy, the other one will receive 40k.
Also, only one enemy will receive that 40k.

Video 1 showing circling vs ground and flying

Video 2 showing circling dealing flying damage to ground

The way the game handles the new damage however is quite interesting. it will go through multipliers once more such as: 2H bow.

Also when I say that 40k here will be 40k there is sustained by snatching’s damage, you see. snatching enables to deal double damage with strike type attacks, snatching on itself is strike so that 30k you see there should be less if it wasn’t strike. But, you see circling dealing around 30k to that caro next to the leafnut.


By the way, this means that any aoe attack is greatly enhanced by circling. and a multihit AoE such as multishot is marvelous.

-Edit 2-

Also would like to add: the multipliers that are considered are not the falconer’s, unless, the falconer dealt that damage.

It considers whatever multipliers the one that dealt the damage has.

only one enemy? not the rest of circling-ed enemies? well, aborting my newest alts project then.

Yes it is only one enemy, however. all hits that are registered will spawn one extra hit. so there’s quite a lot of potential there. I cannot stop you there but atleast love us falconer 3 if you ever see one.


The potential I’m talking about: if you pay close atention to the second video, you’ll see that the hits often prefer only one target, so. if you hit 10 enemies with 40k, each with 400k hp. one of them will instantly explode from that initial attack since more than likely the recently spawned hits will only prefer that target, and so on. (This is only a possibility as there’s only 75% of that happening)